
Monday, 24 October 2022

Talking to Jack O'Radio & Co with Carol of California about how social conservatives should unite

3:00  Hatun Tash
4:00  How to make Christianity work again
5:00  Christian on Christian persecution
6:00  Wars of the Reformation
7:00  Christianity was used to support the divine right of kings.
8:00  Republic v Monarchy
9:00  Bloody of Mary
10:00  Charles has to be Anglican to remain monarch.
11:00  Why Catholicism failed
12:00  Christmas is just a winter festival.  
14:00  American Republic
16:00  Christianity was imposed on Europeans. 
17:00  Christian history
19:00  Laws are always forced on people.
22:00  ISIS and Crusaders
24:00  Islamophobia
26:00  Sodomy
27:00  Extramarital sex disapproved of by world religions.
29:00  Talmud and Torah
31:00  Christian
35:00  Modernising Islam
36:00  Different interpretations
37:00  Stoning
38:00  The Reformation
40:00  Koranic principles with the national characteristics of the country adopting it
41:00  Laws
45:00  Lord Haw Haw was executed for treason.
46:00  Christian principles
47:00  Ten Commandments
48:00  Confirmed Catholic
50:00  3% gay
51:00  Sexual morality
52:00  Sodom and Gomorrah and its relevance to stoning
53:00  Talmud
55:00  Muhammad as Gandalf
56:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.
57:00  Secular Koranism
59:00  Big Bang
1:00:00  Muhammad was a successful military and political leader who performed no miracles.
1:01:00  50 x prayer
1:02:00  Direction of prayer changed from Jerusalem to Mecca
1:04:00  Stefan Molyneux on theocracy
1:05:00  Representative democracy
1:06:00  One party theocracy
1:08:00  Iran
1:12:00  Marriage and family values
1:13:00  My interpretation of that wife beating verse 
1:24:00  Milo
1:25:00  Jannah
1:27:00  Christian heaven

1:28:00  CAROL joins.
1:30:00  Tier 7 trolling
1:32:00  Second Coming 
1:33:00  Secular Koranism
1:34:00  Social conservatism
1:35:00  Islam coming or going?
1:37:00  Muslims in America
1:39:00  Iraq War
1:41:00  Social conservatives v sexually liberated liberals
1:53:00  Propagandist
1:57:00  Lee Rigby
1:58:00  Nihilism
2:00:00  Christian culture and Islamic values
2:01:00  Marriage and family values
2:02:00  Social conservatives
2:03:00  California
2:04:00  Muslims are social conservatives.
2:05:00  The forces of chaos and criminality
2:06:00  Widespread illegitimacy
2:07:00  Infiltrating the media
2:09:00  Social conservatives in America
2:10:00  Iraq invasion
2:11:00  Dearborn
2:14:00  Social conservatives
2:15:00  Roe v Wade
2:18:00  Ukraine

2:20:00  KAMETH joins.
2:23:00  Idolatry and the Trinity
2:26:00  CAROL speaks.
2:28:00  Social conservatives unite!
2:31:00  Religion and politics cannot be separated.
2:32:00  The moral principles of our religion make us. 
2:34:00  Dominant culture and making alliances
2:35:00  Cultural differences
2:36:00  Brexit
2:38:00  American but not liberal
Alliance of Muslims and the left
2:40:00  Sharia for the UK
2:42:00  Globohomo is from the US.
2:43:00  Secular Koranism with American Characteristics should be first. 
2:45:00  BLM in Taiwan and Japan
2:46:00  Culture War
2:47:00  Down on one knee
2:48:00  WW3
2:49:00  Energy hubs
2:51:00  Not Europeans
2:54:00  Western governments don't care about their own people.
2:55:00  Is Secular Koranism sharia?
2:57:00  Usury
2:58:00  Not Europeans
"Ralph is a mad thing."
3:00:00  Offshore European islanders
3:01:00  Solutions to illegal immigration
3:12:00  Foreign aid
3:16:00  Nationalism is government in the national interest.
3:18:00  The difference between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference.
3:20:00  Secular Koranism
3:22:00  Patriarchy
3:23:00  Pyramid and inverted pyramid
3:24:00  No accountability
3:25:00  Fuck freedom
3:26:00  Not European
3:27:00  The same monoculture
3:28:00  White Christian Catholic Ireland first fell to gay marriage. 
3:30:00  Social pressure
3:31:00  More snowflakes in Ireland than rational people.
3:32:00  Strengthening the Catholic Church in Ireland
3:33:00  83% Catholics in Ireland
3:35:00  Paedophile priests
3:36:00  Vatican 2
3:39:00  Sharing places of worship
3:40:00  Muslim prayers in the Vatican
3:42:00  Liberals dividing Christians and Muslims.
3:44:00  Saudi Arabia
3:45:00  Coptic Christians
3:46:00  Attitude of immigrant Muslims
3:48:00  Theology
3:49:00  Idolatry
3:50:00  Mohammed Hijab and Ali Dawah
3:52:00  A Jewish, Christian and Islamic alliance of social conservatives
3:55:00  Paganism
3:56:00  Liberalism
3:57:00  The leftist Islamic alliance
3:58:00  The EU
4:00:00  A deplorable situation
4:01:00  Social conservatives unite!
4:02:00  Pope Francis
4:03:00  Social conservatism > Trinity
4:04:00  Muslim scholars don't understand the West.
4:05:00  Social conservatives unite!
4:06:00  The Trinity
4:07:00  Media manipulation duping Muslims and everyone else
4:08:00  Catholic Ireland fell to gay marriage first and was the first to have a gay foreign PM.
4:09:00  Catholic catamite priests
4:10:00  Pope Francis
4:15:00  Banning usury
4:17:00  Organise now!
4:18:00  UN
4:19:00  Just say no to globohomo. 
4:21:00  Banned from Twitter

4:22:00  CHRISTIANITY is a spent force.
4:25:00  Scriptural problem of Christianity
4:26:00  Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy
4:28:00  Residential qualification for MPs and accountability to constituents
4:29:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.
4:31:00  The stories of Muhammad
4:32:00  Salman Rushdie and the Old Testament
4:33:00  The New Testament
4:34:00  No hanging drawing and quartering and sticking of heads on spikes under Secular Koranism.
4:35:00  Manual amputation
4:26:00  "Barbaric"
4:37:00  Nigeria
4:38:00  Secular Koranism is my interpretation of the Koran.
4:39:00  Iranians got their country back after their Islamic Revolution. 
4:41:00  Globohomo
4:42:00  Atheists and nihilists are easy to control. 
4:44:00  Patriarchy must be asserted to challenge and defeat matriarchy. 
4:45:00  Secular Koranism is Western interpretation of the Koran. 
4:46:00  Hatun Tash
4:47:00  Diversity courses
Snowball to tornado
4:48:00  Hatun 
4:49:00  Confirmation at 18
4:50:00  The Book of Matthew on the right and left hand
4:51:00  Western governments do not support any Christian principles. 

4:52:00  WILLIAM BREIANNIS joins. 
4:53:00  Jesus
4:54:00  "We"
4:55:00  The example of Jesus
4:56:00  The Abrahamic God
4:58:00  Muslims accept Jesus as a prophet of God.
5:00:00  Replacement theory of religion
5:01:00  Every Muslim country to have its own school of sharia.
5:03:00  Power is in the hands of the very few.
5:04:00  Islam not as confusing as Christianity. 
5:05:00  Banning dawah
5:06:00  The American Republic was founded on Islamic principles. 
5:07:00  Why Muslims are reluctant to support Secular Koranism
5:08:00  Social conservatives unite!
5:09:00  Iraq invasion
5:10:00  Social conservatives unite! 
5:11:00  Roe v Wade
5:12:00  Age of Aisha
5:13:00  Why Muslims suffer
5:14:00  People who ignore their own rules or are too afraid to assert their rights
5:16:00  NRX or Black Rock
5:18:00  The concept of God is simple and seductive.
5:19:00  Noahide laws
5:20:00  Social conservatives of all races and religions in the West
5:21:00  Christianity is now a spent force.
5:22:00  Christianity is now indistinguishable from liberalism. 
Nationalism is government in the national interest.
5:24:00  Book of rule
5:25:00  Free will
5:26:00  Apostasy and cultural Christians
5:27:00  English, American, French and Russian Revolutions
5:28:00  Islamophobia
5:29:00  Supremacy
5:30:00  Dominant culture
5:31:00  What is the problem?
5:32:00  Christians enjoy no protection under the law. 
5:33:00  Bums on pew
5:34:00  Virtual church
5:35:00  Love thy neighbour.
5:36:00  Blasphemy
5:37:00  The First Amendment is based on
5:38:00  America
5:39:00  Blasphemy laws in Ireland
5:41:00  Sharing our dreams with each other
5:42:00  Islam is a bigger religion than Hinduism and Sikhism.
5:43:00  Sweden and Italy
5:44:00  Ukraine
5:45:00  Taiwan, China and Tik Tok
5:46:00  Ecowarriors
5:47:00  Discrediting fracking protestors by accusing them of taking money from Russia, China etc.
5:48:00  Why can't different empires live together peacefully?
5:49:00  Eastern bloc and Warsaw Pact
5:50:00  Buffer states
5:51:00  WW3
5:52:00  European exodus from NATO
5:53:00  Fracking and the EU
5:54:00  Merkel
5:55:00  Orthodox Christianity
5:56:00  Putin
5:57:00  Russians leaving Russia to avoid the draft. 
5:58:00  Chinese or American domination of Russia?
6:02:00  Atheist China
6:03:00  Why is Turkey in NATO?
6:04:00  Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson
6:07:00  Ralph and Jihadi Claire
Rewriting Islam
6:09:00  Luke of Yorkshire
6:10:00  Offspring of Ralph and Claire
6:11:00  Dave is from the East Midlands.
6:12:00  Black accent
6:14:00  Class divisions
6:15:00  Christopher Morris of the BNP
6:16:00  Expelled from the BNP
6:17:00  Riven Vincent
6:18:00  Joined Labour, Conservative and UKIP.
6:19:00  Jeremy Corbyn
Ralph is fake and got all he knew from me! 
6:20:00  Ralph didn't get into PA.
6:34:00  Top tier of trolls
Southern Baptist Church
BNP members on disability benefit
6:43:00  Reintroduction of slavery
6:49:00  Slave Visitors
6:50:00  Indentured servitude
Modern Slavery Act 2014
6:51:00  Workfare

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What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...