
Saturday, 9 July 2011

Transcript of what I said on the Victoria Derbyshire Show in 2 March 2011

Victoria Derbyshire:

"Celyn has quadriplegic cerebral palsy and epilepsy and cannot walk, talk or sit up, and she is also blind."

From 26th minute onwards.


I have three questions for her ...


Why don't we start with one and see how we get on?


All right then.  I was wondering if Riven knew before Celyn was born that she should be severely disabled?


No, I didn't.  She was brain-damaged at birth.


At birth: I am sorry to hear that.  I suppose the question that is probably on everyone's mind is this: what are the benefits for the taxpayer in continuing to support the burdensome and unproductive existence of Celyn who will never lead a normal productive life, who is also ruining the childhoods of her healthy and normal brothers and sisters?


Well, I kind of hope we live in a civilised society where we take care of our vulnerable members whether elderly or disabled people.  Celyn is actually quite bright so she is one of those disabled people who should she live to 18 there is no reason why she shouldn't get a job ...


[Spluttering at the thought of some unfortunate employer being compelled to take Celyn on as an employee who is blind and cannot walk, talk or sit up]  But, but you said she can't even move!


[Patronisingly]  No ... Stephen Hawkings [sic] can't move either.  He's doing quite well ...


[Incredulous at the idea of a child who is blind, who cannot walk, talk or sit up being the next theoretical physicist and cosmologist and how no one even thought of contradicting this mother's delusion]  Does she go to school?


She goes to school.  She goes to a mainstream school ...


[Horrified at the idea of what Celyn's classmates must have to endure]  And she can talk?


She talks, she uses a computer just like Stephen Hawkings [sic] does.


It seems unlikely that she will ... [trails off]  The trouble with these things is that the more you support these things there more it happens and the more people will be asking for money and the more burdened the taxpayer be and we know the coffers are empty.  The country's in debt and people will always want money for their stuff and it's other people's money.


Do you not want your taxes to help pay for Riven Vincent to look after her little girl at home?


Well, it's just that there are so many of these demands from mothers wanting this and wanting that and there needs seem to be unlimited and what there is actually in the kitty is very limited and we must now prioritise how we spend our money and think about the future.

Jack Lopresti MP:

Can I come in there?  Is Claire for real?  Claire do you actually have any children?




You do?  Well, I find what you have to say absolutely staggering, I have to say.


I can't believe ... I almost can't speak I'm so angry.  Does this lady think maybe disabled people should be put down?


It depends on the degree of disability.


Oh my God.  So you think that someone who is really disabled should be put down?  Are we talking Nazi [inaudible]?


If I had a severely disabled child or knew I was about to have one I wouldn't impose it on the taxpayer and expect other people to pay for all the expensive equipment that it needs ...


So what would you do, Claire, out of interest?  If you gave birth and the child ...


I would have an abortion.


No, no, if you gave birth and the child as in Riven's case was severely brain damaged during the birthing process.  What would you do once the child was born?


I would ... [dramatic pause] ... reject it.

[Gasps of horror]


Are you related to Adolf Hitler?


I've heard that one before.


I believe we live in a civilised society ....


What is a civilised society?  What does it mean?  Surely we want to live in a rational society where our taxes  are not wasted?


When you're old and frail ....


Claire!  I'd like to ask a question, Claire.  So in that situation the child would be given for adoption, yes?


Well, I wouldn't ... [trails off]  I think it is unfair to pass it on like a parcel because I don't want to deal with it ...


What would happen?


I believe in the old days midwives would [interrupted by VD, but CK would have gone on to say "disposed of it for me".]


We are in 2011 now.  What would happen to the child you rejected?


I don't know what the procedure is ...


Well, it would be adoption, so in your world, it would be a burden on the taxpayer.


Well, yes, yes ... [bottling out of saying that she would reluctantly have to commit infanticide]


Would you have put Stephen Hawkings [sic] down?  He cost the taxpayer a great deal of money with his 24 hour care.


Well, I don't see that any of his theories actually help humanity much.  I mean, what is the Superstring theory about?


What do you do? What do you do to help humanity?


I'd like to point out these anomalies in these situations were taxpayers' money is being wasted, day after day ...


[Shouting over CK even as she is answering the question] WHAT DO YOU DO TO JUSTIFY YOUR EXISTENCE ON THIS EARTH?

CK continues:

and you have cowardly politicians saying "Yes, yes, I'll give you anything just give me your vote and I'll continue to waste of taxpayers' money."




I write and I point out these things that are wrong

VD [in an aside, with just a hint of pleasure and pride to have Claire Khaw on her show]:

It's Claire Khaw!

CK continues:

... and speak up for the taxpayer, that's what I'm on about.


Let's bring Liz in here.


Celyn's disability is not in her mind, like yours clearly is.  Claire, I can't believe your attitude.  I think it is totally uncivilised and totally disgusting.




Me too!


Go ahead, Liz.


I'm apoplectic.  I cannot believe that in the 21st century we have people with those sorts of views.  The reason I got in contact with the programme is that a lot of people are missing the point in that Riven herself is disabled, so not only are we talking her having to look after her a disabled child, but she is disabled herself. I must say Jack Lopresti sounds like a waste of space.  He's just toeing the party line.  You can go on at the local authority until you are blue in the face, but you need to put your head above the parapet and actually make a name for yourself as an MP, I think.  [Angry giggle]  I'm still so angry about the previous lady.  I am a compassionate person and appreciate that there are lots of starving children throughout the world, but it does concern me that we are sending all this foreign aid and yet somebody in Riven's situation can't get a couple hour's respite a week ... "

There was a discussion about how many nappies Riven Vinent gets a day.  Victoria Derbyshire thought it will soon be 6, but Riven says NO, it is only four.  Jack Lopresti MP says he will help Riven get her the nappies she needs.  (Did he know when he entered politics that he would be falling over himself on some tabloid radio show to get nappies for the likes of Riven Vincent?  I doubt it.  Another effeminate modern politician with no concept of masculine pride.)

Show ends.

A woman did call in and agree with me on the day, I seem to remember, but this was left out on this link, no doubt due to deliberate PC BBC censorship to make me look bad and mad and alone in my views.

Lots of people got in touch with me later to say they agreed with me.   Some of them were even ex-Labour supporters.


Jo said...

Clare .. I don't always agree with your (often) outrageous views .. but i've always respected your right to speak them. This one, however, goes way way way too far.

You're placing yourself beyond the pale. And that's not a good place to be when you're trying to convince people you have intellectual credibility.

Claire Khaw said...

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.

If intellectual credibility means staying within the narrow confines of what is allowed in a totalitarian state, then I want none of it.

Ian D Edwards said...

I don't have any kids but so that may influence my thoughts but if I did I would want normal healthy children that did not have to be kept alive by machines and carers.

When I am old and approaching death I personally do not think I will want to go on living if I am kept alive by machines and carers. I will take the one way journey to Switzerland.

I think the question: What is civilization? is right. The Aztecs were civilized - but I wouldn't want to live amongst them while they were around. According to some, Chairman Mao, even Joe Stalin were civil - but I wouldn't want to live under their notions of civilization either.

Though deemed "civilized" in 2011 I am not sure that keeping children and adults alive who have no prospect of recovery via artificial means indefinitely will be deemed civilized by different societies or future generations even.

The resources consumed but are doomed to achieve little but make us feel good about ourselves and could have been put to use helping children and adults who genuinely have the chance to recover - but who won't get it - because they are not high enough up on the priority list.

The caption at the foot of the blog (I don't know who put it there) is quite apt ...ERIC AMBLER

"In a dying civilisation, political prestige is the reward not of the shrewdest diagnostician but of the man with the best bedside manner."

I think the world divides into two viewpoints - realists and idealists. Claire (and me) are realists; idealists would have realists outlawed if they could because they (we) inconveniently point out that some things are just not practical and you might as well face up to them.

Claire Khaw said...

Thank you, Ian, for adding to the Voice of Reason! I put the Eric Ambler quote there.

someone unknown to you said...

The word "cunt" is too kindly a description for people like you.

Claire Khaw said...

@Someone Unknown To You:

While I disagree with you, I would defend to the death your right to say it.

my life and other crap said...

so it seems that people defend your right to free speech up to a point?I am the full time carer for a mentally disabled adult, and am physically disabled my self,what is your view about me, am i a benefit scrounger? I thought i was saving the tax payer money by looking after my son myself instead of him going into care?

Claire Khaw said...

How come a physically disabled person is allowed to have look after a mentally disabled adult? I don't understand.

It seems you revel in your disability, which is perverse and disgusting.

David Ross Mann said...

I'm really looking forward to a rational explanation of why you (Clare) deserve to be vilified. I think these are arguments worth making. I would prefer to read an argument that nothing to do with finances: Is it actually humane to keep a human being who is born severely disabled alive? Could anyone codify some rules to determine when euthanasia is a moral choice? I think it was a mistake to get sucked in commenting of Stephen Hawking. He was an adult when he was diagnosed and had plenty of time to determine his own fate. Whether you understand his theories or not I think it is fair to argue that he could make an excellent living selling his theories - whether they are true or not and therefore has not been a financial burden on anyone.

Philip Arbon said...

100% agree, its insane how "selfless" these sort of people promote themselves when nothing could be more selfish than forcing the public to support you.

Nothing could be more selfish than forcing someone who can barely live a life at all, to continue on.

Nothing could be more selfish than acting like this entitles you to more, because you have selfishly chosen pity over THE ENTIRE COUNTRY.

If taken from an objective standpoint, its pretty simple really.

Claire Khaw said...

I have heard recently that the BNP have sold their soul to the disabled rights lobby.

For some reason even the most senior members of the BNP cannot see that selling out the principles of free speech to the disabled rights lobby is somehow inconsistent with racial pride, which I had imagined a party promoting the interests of the white race would wish to promote.

Perhaps this is because the BNP are not really about racial pride at all, but about getting as many racial privileges for yourself as you can by being seen to be more pathetic and more needy than all the other races, a policy that a professional beggar would understand perfectly well.

Anonymous said...

Most people don't hate or fear you. They ignore or at best mock you. You claim to like inconvenient 'truths'. Well there's one for you...

Anonymous said...

You are a disgusting human being. I pity you.

leo jack said...

if we had this 22 years ago i would be dead i am a human the same as you i was on lifesuport my mother and farther wheir told was going to be a vegetable i do not fear you or any nutter spouting this tripe i resepct the right for you to spout this tripe but it still makes me sick why cant we have a world wheir we resepct the right to life any live these pepole still have a mind a sole just like you do why should the state let a liveing being die because its inconvenient for the state so are the armd forces who come back mently scard we dont kill them befor you get on your high horse about the forces my farther is a falklands vet you make me sick

Anonymous said...

I'd love to point out the idiotic fallacy of each and every single one of your arguments, but you're quite obviously a waste of food and resources and very unlikely to get it, so why waste my time on you? Its quite obvious you are the one who should've been disposed off at birth. What do you even do in life except proclaim your so called 'reason' (eg type away about your unsolicited opinions for people to laugh about. What money do you generate for the world? Do you even PAY tax?I guess I could point out to you that it's nothing less than your opinion and not a fact, as your headline wants to indicate, but again, waste of time. Go get a life, you absolute moron.

Anonymous said...

Really looking forward to when they put YOU down for the incredible waste of space you are. You never answered the question btw, what do YOU do except sprout your very ridiculous views on the Internet? Do you even PAY taxes? Not a single of your opinions is a fact btw, and all of them are rebuttable nonsense, so kindly don't be so embarrassingly full of yourself. Maybe you need to get laid.

Anonymous said...

I think you ought to be put down.

Molochius said...

People like you thankfully are in the minority claire, you are a complete nutjob with no sense of human decency what so ever. Just when I thought Ive found the bottom of the put of human pondscum along comes someone of now, you are that someone else. I just hope you dont have kids people like you should be banned from passing on your genes!

Nick Sheppard said...

She must be taking the piss I think. Aren't you Claire? Taking the piss to get a rise out of the liberals eh? Ha ha! Good one.

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