
Wednesday, 18 October 2023

"Hookers in hijabs with Slaves in Chains"

1:00  The Commandments of Vincent Brunoism

4:00  Creative homosexuality

6:00  Polytheism and moral relativsm

7:00  Beyondism and ethnostates

Artificial wombs and artificial eggs

8:00  Cloning and two men having offspring with their DNA

9:00  Incest and inbreeding

10:00  Incest and clans

11:00  Hereditary diseases

12:00  Designer babies

13:00  Dumb liberals

14:00  Artificial wombs

15:00  Control group

16:00  Artificial organs

17:00  "Don't have daughters."

18:00  Making the female extinct

Creating a culture of hedonism

19:00  Isolating heterosexuals geographically and sterilising them through the water supply

20:00  Discriminating against poor people who cannot afford artificial wombs

24:00  Reproductive rights

25:00  Parenting

26:00  DNA splicing

28:00  Marriageability is a desirable heritable trait.

29:00  Degeneracy

30:00  Patriarchy

31:00  Who will be allowed reproductive rights?

33:00  Monotheism forbidden in the Kingdom of Vincent.

34:00  Objective: make females and the five world religions extinct

35:00  Hookers in Hijabs with Slaves in Chains

36:00  Noahide laws

37:00  Vincent is offering the equivalent of lab-grown meat while I am offering slow-cooked wholesome moral fare.  

39:00  AI disapproves of Vincent and SK

42:00  A morally neutral AI instead of the judgmental AI judging Vincent

43:00  "Secular ethics"

44:00  Vincent's pretend persona

45:00  Vincent pretending to be an overweight and promiscuous actress promoting slavery

46:00  Tricking AI

48:00  Obesity and bestiality "completely unacceptable"

53:00  Weird religion

54:00  Gender of AI and Secular Koranism

56:00  Vincent pretends to be Muslim on top of everything else.

57:00  Vincent accuses AI of Islamophobia.

58:00  Slavery

1:01:00  Who is the ultimate arbiter of morality?

1:02:00  Islam does not forbid slavery.

1:03:00  Without God, isn't there no ultimate morality?

1:04:00  Plus size queens not obese

1:05:00  Converting to Islam to heal

1:11:00  Muhammad

1:15:00  AI bias

1:18:00  Slavery allowed under the Noahide laws and sharia.

1:20:00  Social purpose of slavery

1:21:00  AI for sharia law

1:25:00  Universal human rights

1:28:00  Slavery made America great.

1:29:00  Antarctica and America

1:30:00  Institutions are bargains that are naturally occurring in any human society.

1:33:00  Social contract

1:34:00  Anti-Muslim bias in AI

1:35:00  13th Amendment

1:41:00  Are we the slaves of our government or God?

1:44:00  Sharia

1:46:00  There is no real answer. 

Doooovid's Multiple Truth Hypothesis

1:47:00  Indefinable concepts

1:50:00  Doooovid

1:51:00  Plausible deniability

Binary system

1:52:00  We give up asking questions when every question is answered with a maybe. 

Calling a spade a spade.

1:53:00  The ultimate question is whether God exists.

1:55:00  Aren't Jews supposed to teach the Noahide laws?

1:56:00  You can't have your cake and eat it too. 

1:57:00  The law of the excluded middle

1:58:00  You're not supposed to be doing that. 

1:59:00  Do Westerners enjoy more freedom than non-Westerners?

2:00:00  WW3 will be started on the basis of a lie. 

2:01:00  Is God a Zionist?

2:02:00  Ken Livingstone

2:03:00  The sacred narrative of the American Empire is that Hitler was not a Zionist. The narrative of the American Empire is that Zionism is virtuous and anti-Zionism evil. However, the narrative is spoilt by Neturei Karta who are Orthodox Jews being anti-Zionist while the Nazis are on record for being  Zionists. In order to facilitate the expulsion of their unwanted Jews, the Nazis had to support Zionism so there would be somewhere for the expelled Jews to go to. Actually, even Hamas are conditional Zionists because they say Jews can live in Israel but under sharia.  

2:04:00  The most significant product of WW2 was the founding of the modern State of Israel.  

2:05:00  Israel is important to the US for geopolitical reasons in serving as an American colonial outpost for the imposition of American power in the Middle East whose most important product is oil sold in US dollars.

2:05:00  Soft polytheism

2:06:00  Infinity is also one, trinity is also one.

2:08:00  Doublethink and neurosis

2:09:00  Freud thought we are all neurotic.

2:10:00  Certainty and predictability is important.

2:11:00  Being prepared to die for your country

2:12:00  Fighting defensive wars only.

2:13:00  Our gender identity

2:14:00  Encouraging our enemies with our weakness and stupidity

Islam has a 1400 year track record.

2:15:00  Dubai

2:16:00  Rotating monarchy

Holy Roman Empire

2:18:00  Moral relativism

2:19:00  Noahide laws

2:20:00  Liberalism is telling everyone to shut up.  

2:22:00  Moral principles

2:23:00  Divine revelation

2:24:00  The nature and purpose of religion

2:25:00  Noahide laws

2:26:00  First and Second Temple

2:27:00  Defamation

2:28:00  The speech crime of lashon hara

2:29:00  Posterity and human institutions

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Jehovah's Witnesses on health and diet; SKP Registers of Race and Religion with Vincent Bruno #12

1:00  Carol Balizet 2:00  Jehovah's Witnesses attitude towards health and diet 3:00  Kambucha htt...