
Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Dumb democrats who want to carry on voting morally and intellectually crippled by their idolatry

1:00  The American people are the most powerful people in the world because only they are the people capable of removing the most evil empire in the world. 

2:00  The enemy is always within: someone let in the Jews and Muslims non-Muslim gentiles are complaining about. 

3:00  Is Israel another 51st state of America?

The failure of American diplomacy

4:00  The ruling classes are drivers of a coach containing the American people, possibly into a brick wall. 

5:00  Europeans are citizens of US vassal states.

6:00  An ex-Secular Koranist

7:00  Muslims guilty of hidden idolatry. 

8:00  Because I always submit to Truth, Logic and Morality, I rarely lose an argument. 

9:00  Nazis can be Zionists

11:00  Anti-Zionist Jews Neturei Karta

12:00  Jews are supposed to have higher standards of religious observance.

Jewish-Muslim competition for greater victimhood

13:00  Non-Muslim gentiles who are antisemitic and Islamophobic would most probably like to expel both Jews and Muslims from their society. Currently, they are only pretending to care more for one than the other because they cannot make up their mind which one they hate more. 

14:00  Representative democracy has failed and people are too frightened, feminised and intellectually dishonest to admit this. 

15:00  Democracy is dementia.  

17:00  Allah is Zionist according to

19:00  The kind of Muslim who read William's paper would not have English as their first language, would not read to the end and even if they did would have no idea what he was on about and wouldn't see any point in arguing about it being low status, low education and low information people who would be anti-intellectual.  

20:00  Theologically ignorant Muslims 

21:00  Carol calls Zionism a "perversion"- a perversion of what though?  

21:30  Carol claimed that I was confused with the difference between Israelites and ...  she didn't say what the second item was and refused to answer before blocking me. Is she going to pretend Israelites aren't Jews? Antisemites on the one hand hate Jews yet some even pretend that the people they hate aren't even Jews.  

22:00  Jews and Muslims competing with each other for greater victimhood.

23:00  Zionism v "Palestinianism"

24:00  "Ethno-statism"

25:00  Hamas wants Israelis to live under sharia. 

27:00  Idolatry 

28:00  Unprincipled atheists

29:00  Low status people hate everyone above them and are too dumb to know that they are asking for mob rule if they want to do without a ruling class and don't even know that they need a ruling class. 

30:00  People lacking in self-awareness

Neocons are running Israel. 

32:00  Israel is a liberal democracy.

33:00  State Department funded the demonstrations against conservative Israelis who wanted to reform the Israeli Supreme Court.

35:00  Yes and no and always maybe and don't know

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Jehovah's Witnesses on health and diet; SKP Registers of Race and Religion with Vincent Bruno #12

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