
Thursday 24 October 2024

Ethical monotheism > idolatry; Vincent Bruno's proposal to ban belief in the Abrahamic God abolishing the First Amendment compelling idolatry and blasphemy

2:00  Secular Jews have no authority to represent Jewry. 

3:00  Vincent's proposed Secular Paganism shows he does not understand the power of divine revelation ie the power of revelation claimed to be the directly revealed  Word o f God.

4:00  There can be no moral principle greater than ethical monotheism because it is the most powerful moral system in existence supported by the most powerful being conceivable. It is therefore illogical to follow any other system.  

5:00  Vincent wants to outlaw ethical monotheism.

You cannot have more than one all-powerful deity. Therefore having more than one deity would mean that none of them is all-powerful. 

6:00  Idolatry represents rejection of the Abrahamic God probably because of antisemitism, Islamophobia or just pride preventing correction from being accepted.

Idolatry - which is also thoughtcrime - cannot be prevented but idolaters need to know they are lower in status to ethical monotheism. 

7:00  HINDU joins to say Indians sometimes get into positions of influence. Hinduism is a low status religion because Hindus are known for their corruption and inability to fight successful defensive wars to protect themselves from Western imperialists.

9:00  Indians

10:00  H the Sikh joins. 

11:00  Paganism is an inferior moral system.

12:00  The prohibition against idolatry and blasphemy has a purpose. 

13:00  The West has the most advanced legal system because of the rule of law it once had.

14:00  The prohibition against idolatry and blasphemy is unique to Judaism. 

Secular Koranism will not be closing down any places of religious worship.  

15:00  Muhammad's uncompromising demand to remove the idols of Mecca resulted in his persecution and expulsion from Mecca. 

16:00  The Abrahamic God remains the most powerful being conceivable. 

Ethical monotheism > monotheism

17:00  All empires decline because of lowered standards of sexual morality.

An ethical society depends on patriarchy ie married men being in control and this means enforcing minimum standards of sexual morality ensuring most parents are married parents. 

18:0  Seven Laws

What is so unethical about the law privileging married parents?

Those who don't want to be married parents would not be forced to marry.

20:00  Anti-natalism and bastardy is the consequence of feminism and atheism.

Vincent promotes what he calls "alternatives to reproduction". 

Mainstream media is capable of making people believe in anything. 

21:00  Vincent's dystopia of artificial wombs and high taxes

"We have enough resources to tax single people to raise the birth rate." 

Vincent's proposed birthing temples

22:00  Nobody wants to look after your kid.

24:00  Getting people to take marriage seriously is what religion was created to do.

25:00  People prepared to look after other people's children are low-waged low skilled women who hate their jobs and charges.

27:00  Can't live with them, can't live without them.

28:00  Not that hard to shame people in power into correcting themselves if you  have control of the media.

29:00  Artificial wombs are Vincent's silver bullet.

30:00  With every passing minute that allows this degeneracy to increase, another mentally ill criminal bastard of the future is being born.

31:00  Deepening degeneracy

32:00  Artificial wombs are Vincent's silver bullet. 

33:00  Autistic Tom seems a sensible man. 

34:00  White nationalists can be shamed.

35:00  Immigrants would support my proposal to support marriage. 

43:00  Vincent claims his proposal to ban the Abrahamic religions and ethical monotheism is rational and logical.

44:00  Vincent thinks secular paganism would have protected the polytheistic Meccans. He already knows that the Canaanites and Meccan pagans went to war with Moses and Muhammad to reject their monotheism, but lost because they believed in God and obeyed His laws.

59:00  Incest makes men effeminate.

1:00:00  There is no such thing as a free lunch. 

1:03:00  Prides of lions and their mating behaviour

1:06:00  The Abrahamic God supports ethical monotheism.

3:32:00  Esther and Annointed disagree about whether the God of Israel is also Allah. 

4:41:00  Canaanites/Amalekites/Edomites

4:43:00  Connected with Christians

5:04:00  Jews are not Samaritans.

5:45:00  No peace with Muslims.

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The message of Secular Koranism would be more powerful coming from Vincent Bruno than Claire Khaw

4:00  Status 5:00  Hierarchy is repulsive to Americans. 6:00  Meritocracy American are snobbish about their states. 7:00   Lincoln was born ...