
Thursday 24 October 2024

The righteous bullying of Matt Hancock

7:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins. 

Jaguar EV

8:00  Red Dwarf


9:00  Being a cyborg or a dinosaur

10:00  Hijab

11:00  Feminism

13:00  Natty

14:00  My image as a boring tunnel, juggernaut and Russian tank

15:00  My more maniacal mission

16:00  Boomer views

Academic Agent

17:00  The evil eye and the ayin hara

18:00  Being a self-hating Jews

19:00  Secular Koranism 

22:00  Further volumes can only be written by dialogue

24:00  The oxymoron of Secular Koranism

25:00  The meaning of Koranism

Judaism and Sunni Islam are not organised religions.

26:00  The Shias have a Supreme Leader and are therefore closer to being the Caliphate than the Sunni monarchies.

27:00  The Kulturkampf

28:00  The Reformation and Martin Luther

29:00  The First Estate is the moral authority. 

The rule of law


30:00  Censorship prevents crucial information getting through to the government.

31:00  Descartes

32:00  Emunah and bitachon

33:00  Converting to Judaism

34:00  If no Jew practised Judaism, Jews would become extinct.

The Book of Samuel, the Book of Judges, the Book of Kings

David and Solomon

36:00  Faith is fragile.

Dialectical materialism is like a handcart. 

E Michael Jones is using Jews to attack Protestants. 

37:00  Humanity is divided between Jews and gentiles, further divided between righteous and unrighteous Jews and gentiles.

38:00  Hierarchy is crucial to solving and avoiding problems.

39:00  Atheist liberalism is not good enough.

Christianity is the weakest link to patriarchy.

Liberalism was nearly replaced by National Socialism.

40:00  Theology is the final frontier in political discourse. 

41:00  The Hamas Israel War is really a religious war. 

Icy mentioned.

42:00  Skeletons in the closets of Judaism, Christianity and Islam

Sunni Islam is not an organised religion. 

43:00  Is masculine virtue not toeing the line? 

44:00  The benefits for women of being in a patriarchy is that those who want to become married  mothers would be more likely to find marriageable men. 

45:00  The Koran is an objectively valuable document.

49:00  Christianity is the religion of women and slaves. 

50:00  Rules for men and emotions for women


51:00  Rules for Jews 

Sharia in different countries

52:00  Islam replaced the Majapahit Empire.

55:00  A product of the British Empire

56:00  Anglo-Chinese

59:00  Writing books

1:00:00  Secular Koranism

1:02:00  Secular Koranism makes sense to Vincent.

1:03:00  Rake's new religion is dead on arrival.

1:04:00  Rules

1:05:00  Antinomian white men keep rejecting Secular Koranism.

1:06:00  Secular Paganism

1:07:00  Vincente has read the Old Testament three times.

1:09:00  No rules in the New Testament.

1:10:00  Patriarchy imposed law and order. 

1:11:00  Christianity has already been replaced by liberalism.

1:12:00  Natural law

1:14:00  Blasphemy

1:17:00  How Vincent and I met 

1:18:00  I have historical knowledge. 

Vincent refuses to read either the Koran or Secular Koranism.

1:20:00  A secular or cultural Hindu?

Hinduism has no legal principles.

1:21:00  Noahide laws and Hinduism

1:22:00  Idolatry

1:25:00  Theology v political ideology

1:26:00  Voluntary repatriation

1:30:00  Slavery in work camps

Rake is not interested in rules or  legal systems. 

1:31:00  Neither a follower nor leader

The Evolution of Theological Thought

1:32:00  The JQ

1:34:00  The Sanhedrin

1:36:00  Reputation of being an antisemite

1:38:00  HMG is more invested in the Holocaust narrative than the Irish

David Irving's libel trial

Libel trails need a jury.

1:40:00  Gobineau

1:41:00  Heresy, blasphemy and hate speech

1:42:00  An official moral system

1:43:00  My identity as a Secular Koranist

1:44:00  Free therapy


1:55:00  Typical antisemite

1:56:00  Righteousness/being a tzadik, being principled

1:57:00  Noahide laws

2:00:00  Morality needs a final authority

2:01:00  I am not Catholic. 

2:02:00  Rake is a confrmed Anglican.

2:03:00  DISA SACKS joins.

2:04:00  If you don't like usury, ban it with Islam, but antisemites are happy blaming Jews. 

2:07:00  Wanting rabbis to rank the four gentiles according to their conformity with the Noahide laws. 

2:08:00  Chabad

I am impatient with the cowardice of Jews not daring to tell Christians they are idolaters and blasphemers. 

2:09:00  I am not Musliim but a Secular Koranist. 

2:10:00  Chief Rabbi

2:11:00  Neither Jews  nor Muslims will tell Christians they are idolaters and blasphemers. 

2:12:00  Jews also practise idolatry.

2:15:00  Sulaiman Ahmad and Khalisee

2:20:00  Conduct of war

2:21:00  Al Aqsa

2:23:00  Christian and Jews blah blah

2:24:00  Avodah zarah

Secular Jew tries to say nice things about Jesus.

2:27:00  Tzadik and the Noahide laws

2:30:00  Trainee Hasbara agents

2:39:00  Secular Jews with Orthodox Jewess supervisor

2:40:00  TOM joins to talk about superpowers for millennials. 

2:42:00  Millennials, boomers, Gen, X and Y

2:43:00  Decomposition and putrefaction

2:52:00  National leaders should be married parents with adult children who are a credit to them. 

2:53:00  Bullying and peer pressure

2:54:00  The righteous bullying of Matt Hancock

2:56:00  Joining gangs

2:58:00  CK leaves.

3:03:00  Theology and anthropology

3:12:00  Henry Ford

3:13:00  A deity to worship

No comments:

The message of Secular Koranism would be more powerful coming from Vincent Bruno than Claire Khaw

4:00  Status 5:00  Hierarchy is repulsive to Americans. 6:00  Meritocracy American are snobbish about their states. 7:00   Lincoln was born ...