
Thursday 24 October 2024

The message of Secular Koranism would be more powerful coming from Vincent Bruno than Claire Khaw

4:00  Status
5:00  Hierarchy is repulsive to Americans.
6:00  Meritocracy
American are snobbish about their states.
7:00   Lincoln was born in a log cabin. 
Hindus running for President.
8:00  J D Vance and Tulsi Gabbard
9:00  Gabbard is now a Republican.
10:00  Trump working at MacDonald's
11:00  Caleb Maupin supports Trump.
13:00  What is wrong a grey haired leader?
15:00  God Emperor Trump
16:00  Dugin on Trump
17:00  Netanyahu
19:00  Trump telling Jews they will be blamed if he does not win.
20:00  Trump's nuanced position on abortion
22:00  Nick Fuentes and the Groypers
23:00  Trump is the Antichrist.
24:00  Trump working at MacDonald's
25:00  Voting for Trump in New Jersey
26:00  Trump campaigning in California
Swing states
27:00  Electoral college and the battleground states
28:00  Kamala Harris
31:00  A very interesting campaign
32:00  Polytheism
Serenity or meaningful suffering?
34:00  The nature and purpose of religion
36:00  Jews, Christians and Muslims and their skeletons in their cupboard
37:00  Not following directions correctly and getting lost is not the fault of the directions if they were clear to begin with.
38:00  Muslim benefits
Muslims win theological arguments against Jews and Christians.
39:00  Natural law
40:00  Believing Jews and Muslims
41:00  Criminal atheists
42:00  Believing in God makes obedience more likely.
43:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
44:00  Nothingness for evil Jehovah's Witnesses, heaven for the good ones. 
46:00  National crime statistics
48:00  The streets of San Francisco
49:00  Moral, social and political problems
50:00  Married parenting is an onerous undertaking. 
51:00  Pursuit of Happiness/Land
The Age of Revolutions
52:00  Ten Northern Tribes of Israel became idolaters.
54:00  Jezebel and Ahab
Solomon died an idol worshiper.
55:00  Hidden idolatry
57:00  Not referring to the book of rules
58:00  Carrot and stick for cattle, principles for humans
1:00:00  To be righteous is to be principled.
1:01:00  Written scripture
1:03:00  After the Flood
1:07:00  Pagan origins of Christianity
1:08:00  Nomadic matriarchy superseded by settled patriarchy.
1:09:00  No marriage licenses, wedding rings survive.
1:10:00  The invention of writing turbo-charged God's Word. 
1:11:00  Ancient, generally acknowledged and generally known scripture
Consumerism is status seeking.
1:12:00  Meritocracy
1:13:00  Caste system
1:15:00  Aristocracy, purity spiralling and pecking order
1:16:00  Masculine gay men are higher status than effeminate gay men.
1:17:00  Hierarchy
Vincent already accepts that observant Jews are higher status than secular Jews.
1:18:00  Currently, the assimilated liberal secular Jew is more high status than the religious Jew.
1:19:00  Righteous/principled Jews and gentiles
1:22:00  An honest person who keeps his promises is higher status than a liar.
1:23:00  Jay Walker
The law of the excluded middle
1:24:00  A married bachelor, a married spinster, an oxymoron, Secular Koranism
1:25:00  The Noahide laws are subject to Koranic principles.
1:26:00  Idolatry will be protected by the First Amendment under Secular Koranism.

1:28:00  My monologue begins.
1:29:00  Protecting yourself with the Noahide laws
1:30:00  Why the top five world religions are the top five.
1:31:00  Confucius
1:32:00  Shakespeare
1:33:00  Legal competition
The law has to be in writing.
1:34:00  Arbitrary justice
1:35:00  Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe.
1:36:00  Christianity
1:37:00  Legal drafting
1:38:00  The Hypothetical Supreme Authority

1:39:00  Irrefutable claims
Liberalism was nearly replaced by National Socialism.
1:40:00  Nervous about Nazis 
1:41:00  Vincent would be the Chief Representative of the Idolaters Association under Secular Koranism.
1:42:00  Chris Brunett
1:44:00  Is Groyper a cute name for White Nationalist?
1:45:00  Nick Fuentes wants a Catholic monarchy.
1:47:00  Jay Dyer
1:48:00  Polytheism
1:49:00  Horoscopes
1:50:00  Intra-religious disagreements
1:52:00  Shock and awe
1:53:00  Vincent's silver bullet idea of artificial wombs
1:54:00  Was birth control considered evil?
1:56:00  Pagan power
1:58:00  Natural law
The Greek Pantheon
The material Titans were superseded by the abstract Olympians through a process of theological supersessionism. 
1:59:00  Historical materialism
2:00:00  Ideas and people need to merge to fulfil their potential. 
2:01:00  Zeus was King of the Gods.
2:02:00  Rising and lowering standards of sexual morality
2:03:00  Is the prison population mostly atheist?
2:06:00  Most people claiming to be Jews, Christians and Muslims are hypocrites.
2:07:00  Religious people are more likely to marry before becoming parents and stay together for the sake of the children. 
2:09:00  Cultural Christian
Prison conversions to Islam
2:10:00  Men of fighting age are more likely to end up in prison than men not of fighting age.
2:11:00  The disingenuousness of Jon Vance
2:14:00  Jay Walker's afterlife
2:15:00  Neurotic people who don't know their own minds
2:16:00  Hypocrites calling themselves Jews, Christians and Muslims
2:18:00  Virtue signalling hypocrites
2:19:00  Vincent's righteousness
2:20:00  The Flood
2:21:00  Rules are made to be broken.
2:23:00  Suffering is punishment for sin. 
2:24:00  The message of Secular Koranism would be more powerful coming from a sodomite.
2:26:00  Vincent Bruno is the perfect man to shame heterosexual men.
Status and identity
2:27:00  Jews were very low status people to begin with.
Jewish recidivism
2:28:00  Moral lessons can be extracted from the history of the Jews.
Vincent Bruno is the perfect gay man to shame white heterosexual men. He has already shamed secular Jews for being heretics and told them they should be treated like gentiles. 
2:29:00  Downsizing America

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The message of Secular Koranism would be more powerful coming from Vincent Bruno than Claire Khaw

4:00  Status 5:00  Hierarchy is repulsive to Americans. 6:00  Meritocracy American are snobbish about their states. 7:00   Lincoln was born ...