
Monday, 22 September 2008

"Repeal ALL anti-discrimination legislation and end this race for Greater Victimhood!" or "Why I am thinking of voting Lib-Dem"

Gad, all these race discrimination actions brought by disgruntled Asian officers who didn't get their promotion!

One wonders if the police have time to catch any criminals, their time at work being mostly taken up by fretting about being racially discriminated against or being racially discriminatory towards one another.

Perhaps the reason why Ali Dezai didn't get his promotion despite getting top marks for all his exams was because his employers knew he would be a trouble-maker.

This was of course proven prescient in the light of his subsequent actions.

Perhaps the Met have every reason not to hire anyone who is not IC1, because of their higher statistical probability of suing for racial discrimination, which is disruptive to the workplace as well as socially-divisive.

It is very rare for anyone IC1 to sue for race discrimination. Sex discrimination, yes, but virtually all who sue employers claiming discrimination are women and wogs (if such a playful alliteration is still allowed). Is this (and the fact that they have a tendency to get pregnant even when unmarried, and use their sick children as an excuse to skive off work) not a compelling reason not to hire these groups of people?

Why, I might be hunted down and shot by the PC police just for suggesting this, but I will say it anyway.

I have no doubt that British society would be more cohesive and less litigious if all anti-discrimination legislation were repealed.

In its old Tyndalite days, the BNP were unashamed about their desire to repeal all anti-discrimination legislation. Now they seem to have pulled back from this, perhaps because they see the potential of claiming Greater Victimhood than the non-1C1s after decades of oppression suffered by them from the PC-liberal elite.

It is a great shame really, if British nationalism merely identifies itself with this modern manifestation of the slave mentality, that of Victimhood and Blaming Others - a womannish and proletarian trait.

I had once thought those who supported the BNP - however much they blamed the wrong people for their ills - had the courage of their convictions to brave being treated as social pariahs in the service of a nationalist ideal. This ideal was something to do with a peasant and instinctive antipathy towards PC liberalism and the concomitant desire to introduce more traditional policies favouring the family, as well as the condign punishment of criminals, or so I had thought.

Now, however, it does appear that all is lost. British nationalism is represented by an all-white cry for Greater Victimhood. If they have nothing more constructive to offer the electorate other than Greater Grievance, Greater Victimhood and the bribing of non-whites to go home at £50K per person, then they will fail in even these dubious objectives.

If this once-great country should be run by anyone, it should be by The Great and The Good, confident of their Greatness and Goodness.

Were it to be run by the ones who wish to represent The Least and the Worst, proud of the smallness of their minds and their tendency to vice and illegitimacy, what sort of standard would it set for the rest of the nation? Or indeed a loose federation of England, Scotland and Wales? (The BNP favour divisive devolution and an English Parliament, don't you know.)

At least the Lib-Dems (or should they now be called the Libertarian-Democrats?) are saying something populist that is also sensible. Nick Clegg should be congratulated for this bold repositioning of his party by offering us the option of lower taxes, unlike the contemptible and cowardly Conservatives.

Were he to dare go further on this Libertarian theme and propose the repeal of all anti-discrimination legislation, and take the UK out of the EU, he would have more than my vote. Let us hope he is power-hungry enough to take this risk.

For any Lib-Dems reading this, may I point out that there is nothing inherently anti-Liberal or undemocratic about repealing laws that favour litigious employees who should never have been hired.


Anonymous said...

I would not bother voting Lib-Dem there is nothing liberal (meaning: broad minded; tolerant) about your post

A quote from the blog

'It is a great shame really, if British nationalism merely identifies itself with this modern manifestation of the slave mentality, that of Victimhood and Blaming Others - a womannish and proletarian trait.'

Victimhood and Blaming Others ! a womannish and proletarian trait ? Is that not the very essence of blaming others. Can you be SO sure that ALL women and ALL proletarians have the slave mentality ?

As for Ali Dezai: He has blown it. No more to be said,
except that the cowards who kept him in his high rank, high salaried position, a LITTLE blame should be apportioned, and the street beat would be most appropriate.

As for the writer of this blog, is there a sense of misogyny here.

Maybe if "Nicky' Clegg was leader of Lib/Dem the blogger would have to think again.

Claire Khaw said...

In answer to "Anonymous", I would like to point out the following:

(1) I would vote for any party that has enough policies I approve of. I am a Libertarian, and Libertarianism (the idea of having as few laws as possible) ought to have some resonance with Liberals part of whose ideology is to let people do what they want if it does not harm society.

(2) I would vote for any politician who has courage and vision. Perhaps Clegg is showing some signs of this by breaking with traditional ideas of the Lib-Dem self-image.

(3) Of course I do not mean ALL women and working class people are whingeing and blaming others. (I wonder where the term "whingeing Pom" came from?)

(4) As for misogyny, I deny it. Saying things that are considered unflattering to women is not the same as hating women. What would be the point? It would be truer to say that I hate the unattractive traits that are to be found in all of us from time to time.

Anonymous said...

Why are you thinking of voting for the Lib-Dem's Andromeda ... ?
Surely it's not because they pledge to cut your tax bill is it ?Surely you must know that the Lib/Lab/Con do not keep their promises ... all 3 promised us the Brit's a referendum on the EU. Did they keep that promise ? How on earth can you trust this lot ... they have already given away 80% of our nation's ability to govern itself and bring laws into effect. Surely Andromeda you must know that voting for any of these 3 is a vote for more of the same. If you want the unelected EU commission to dictate to us and strip our nation bare then go ahead and vote for the Lib-Dems, But if you really want a government that can make a difference then please vote for a party that cares about you. There are other choices out there to vote for and I represent one of those other options as you may know. So please, please do not vote for the Lib-Dems or the other two ... vote for a party that truly cares.

Jeff Marshall said...

<(I wonder where the term "whingeing Pom" came from?)>

Brits were originally shipped to Australia alongside consignments of pomegranates.

Alternatively, the hot Australian sun turned the pallid faces of these newcomers into the same colour as pomegranates.

Either way - you'd whinge if you were sunburnt all the time!

By the way, your points about the BNP are based on absolutely no factual information whatsoever.

Where - for example - did you get the idea that the BNP wish to retain the Race Relations Act?

Claire Khaw said...

Where did I get the impression that the BNP wished to retain the Race Relations Act?

"We will abolish the ‘positive discrimination’ schemes that have made white Britons second-class citizens."

This is very far from "We will repeal the Race Relations Act 1976 - which has done so much to ruin race relations in this country and encourage litigiousness amongst non-white employees at the expense of employers."

I get the impression that the BNP hierarchy wish to retain it.

Answers to enquiries I have made suggest that they wish to retain it in order to use it themselves.

If you could confirm that they are finally going to take the bull by the horns and explicitly state in their manifesto that they intend to repeal it (and the others), I would be delighted to revise my opinion.

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