
Thursday, 2 April 2009

"Assisted suicide is a marvellous possibility" - for bankers and warmongering politicians?

I can't understand what the fuss is all about. On the one hand we wring our hands about

  1. global warming caused by
  2. over-population
  3. the unproductive nature of unproductive people suffering from, for example, terminal illnesses, dementia, insanity
  4. the ability of productive citizens to support growing numbers of the unproductive

and on the other wring our hands about assisted suicide possibly not being the "marvellous opportunity" Ludwig Minelli claims it is.

Sometimes, suicide is the only honourable way out.

Examples that come to mind are:

1. Hitler (who preferred not to have to ask the German people to forgive him or the Allies to spare him when he knew the game was up)

2. Roman Generals (who "fell on their swords" and had slaves present to assist them)

3. Japanese warriors (who committed harakiri or sepukku)

4. The mother who committed suicide after she gave her 3 year old daughter so much wine she died. (I cannot find a reference of this online but remember reading about it in the Telegraph in the 1990s.)

In my opinion now seems a marvellous opportunity for suggesting this "marvellous opportunity" to people such as Lord Myners, Fred the Shred, Bush, Blair, Brown, anyone in a position of power who was responsible for policies leading to the Credit Crunch, and those responsible for decades of US and UK foreign policy in the Middle East after WW2 that led to 9/11, including all the MPs who voted for the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan ...

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