
Sunday 10 January 2010

BNP may win enough votes in Barking if they get the right racially-inclusive message on the death penalty

No doubt Nick Griffin will use this murder of a Sikh in Barking by two black youths to put the case for the return of the death penalty in his general election campaign in Barking. This is something that will unite all the races in this country on a matter which the liberal establishment has conspired to thwart majority opinion for far too long.

This - - is UKIP's 2008 policy on crime, which I find very disappointing, as I was under the impression that they wanted the death penalty. I searched the document for any references to "death penalty" and "capital punishment". Nada. If you want the death penalty you would have to vote BNP. (page 6, Crime and Justice)

Vote: Should the death penalty be re-introduced in some form, eg for the worst cases of murder?

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Why are Feminists angry? Marriageability classes ep 6

4:00  Having to repeat oneself 6:00  If you hear something repeated often enough, you will believe it to be true.