
Sunday, 25 April 2010

Suzanne Moore has blocked me from following her Tweets

I wonder what she is so afraid of. I am only giving her ideas on how to make her campaign more engaging and controversial, which is what the electorate of HackneyNorth & Stoke Newington would appreciate, I am sure.

Perhaps she is cross with me that I tried but failed to get the BNP to field a candidate there? It would have been interesting to see who would receive more votes, a Feminist Socialist or a British Nationalist, I thought.

Th cycle-by shooting that resulted in the death of 16 year old schoolgirl Agnes Sina-Inokoju in a fast food outlet in Hoxton Street at 7:15PM on a Wednesday evening calls for a national debate on capital punishment.

Unfortunately, Suzanne Moore proposes nothing more than to teach children at primary school that shooting people is wrong. This rather begs the question what is currently being taught to the primary school children of Hackney & Stokey. She does not even back this measure up with refresher courses in secondary school - when they are most likely to shoot and be shot - that shooting people is wrong.

After Darcus Howe's comment in The Voice that he won't be voting for her because she is not a big black mamma who promotes Black Power, I suggested that Suzanne use this opportunity to attack Bad Dad Darcus for his "fuck 'em and forget 'em" practices with regard to his ex-wives and neglected children. The point to be made here is that the cycle-by gunmen were very probably singly parented. Boys needs fathers. Children need two parents.

However, it seems that these are issues that Suzanne as a feminist and socialist refuses either to discuss or acknowledge. Suzanne is herself a single mother and probably does not want to "go there".

In fact, none of the candidates dare discuss this issue and it is a great shame indeed that the electors of Hackney do not have their very own BNP candidate, who would relish discussing these issues.

There is however one thing they can do on May 6: spoil their ballot paper by writing on it "We want our own BNP candidate."

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