
Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Government Spending and Electoral Reform

1. Cut all foreign aid.

2. Cut all child benefit.

3. Cut all translation from English into foreign languages so foreigners can know where and what and how to claim British state largesse. (If they want to come and milk the system they can pay to learn how to do it out of their own fucking pockets and hire a local who speaks their language.)

4. Withdraw troops from Afghanistan NOW.

5. Abolish National Insurance.

7. Abolish Disability Benefit.

8. Dismantle social services. Can anyone really convincingly claim that Baby P's survival would have benefited society? He would be some perve raping your daughter before dismembering and eating her and then pleading his rotten childhood as an excuse, should he be caught. Parents should have the right of life or death over their children until they have reached the age of majority. If someone kills his or her children it is none of our business. We won't ask them to babysit our children, that's all. This would make children show proper respect to their parents, and this would make people want to have children again, easing the labour shortage. A falling population is always a sign of civilisational decline. Let us at least attempt to reverse this.

9. Abolish student loans, reintroduce scholarships, but only for real subjects. No sports studies, sociology, academic philosophy and crap like that.

10. Dismantle most of the NHS and privatise the rest.

Cut all expensive and ineffective medical treatments for people over retirement age with no dependents.

Cut all expensive but effective medical treatments for people over retirement age with no dependents.

Cut even cheap and effective medical treatments for people who are unlikely to have dependents and who have a proven record of criminality and unemployability, eg Down's Syndrome and other forms of mental disability, drug-addicts, criminals, long-tern unemployed.

They can always go private, go to a charity hospital or into a hospice.

We're all gonna die anyway.

1. Reintroduce public executions.

2. Reintroduce public floggings.

3. Reintroduce fault in divorce.

4. Establish soup kitchens so that no one actually starves.

5. Establish Labour Exchange Centres, ie provide a FREE service locally and nationally that puts someone who wants a job in touch with someone who wants a job done.

6. Make bastardy a disgrace.

7. Introduce of a system of charity broking so that someone with spare dosh can give to someone in need of it, a bit like Eye Need.

8. Establish local and national marriage bureaux to encourage marriage.

9. Establish a system of Marital Relationship Management. Under this system all couples will have to appoint a mutually agreed Friend of the Marriage (a mutual friend before the marriage would be ideal) to whom they can complain about each other. This Friend of the Marriage will make a record of events and opinions, as well as make helpful and conciliatory suggestions so that the couple stay married. However, if this is impossible, a record of fault can be established and be taken into account in any divorce settlement. In the event of uxoricide or homicidal widowhood, the court should have a ready-prepared record of the marriage within which may contain evidence of motive as well as a history of violence.

10. Establish a single party state. This means all MPs would be deemed to be a member of only one party, ie the Party of National Interest, which will have a Party Rule Book applicable to all. These rules will protect the rights of individual members from the leader and his cronies and certainly their right to privacy, property, position in the party and free speech. All party whips will be retired. All MPs will have a residential connection to the constituency they represent, and never be parachuted in by the party. All MPs will be subjected to annual elections just like CEOs and other directors at a shareholders' AGM.

12. Establish the New Model Comprehensive as described at

13. Citizens' militias will be established so that they can be called up to keep order. If the CHAVs, NEETs, and single mum sluts, slags and slappers and their feral offspring get restive, the locals who know who they are and where they live will sort them out.

14. Abolish the minimum wage.

15. Reintroduce slavery to ease any possible labour shortages and to make use of the labour of bankrupts and convicted criminals. (A maximum 5 year term of slavery should not be exceeded to protect their yumanrites.)

16. Reintroduce orphanages so those inclined to adopt can see which are the most loveable and youngest ones, without faffing around for 3 years with the Adoption Agency only to be given an emotionally-damaged and disruptive child.

17. Establish Homes for Fallen Women and their Illegitimate Children if these single mothers will not give up their babies to orphanages.

18. Legalise brothel-keeping.

In other words, cut spending, cut taxes and cut regulation (especially the Equal Pay Act and all anti-discrimination legislation).

Er, that's it.


Statenme said...

1-4 Yes

5 Use National Insurance as it was originally intended. As an insurance scheme. This will be transitional to a private system. Noone will be able to claim any benefits aka 'insurance' until they have paid in sufficiently.

You have two 8s. Yes to both.
9. No, see above re National Insurance.
Move to a private system but not like this the way you suggest. It should be based on contributions.

Things the Govt should spend money on:

1. No. Execution only for war crimes. Applied retrospectively. War crime is an act of aggression not in immediate defence. Tony Blair to be tried immediately. Publicly executed if found guilty. Followed by Gordon Brown and all those Cabinet members assuming collective responsibility for Iraq War and Afghanistan etc.

2. No. If guilty should pay recompense.

3. No opinion. State should stay out of
private matters.

4. Yes

5. This is just to return to original raison d'etre.

6. No. Personal decisions are just that. If there is claim on the public purse.
7. Yes.
8. ? Again, a private matter.
9. No. Marriages should be regarded as contracts as originally. Anything else is up to the individual.
10. Establish? By outlawing all others?
No 11.
12. Privatise education.
13. yes to Swiss model army.
14. Yes.
15. Yes
16. Yes.
17. But without the stupid title.
18. Yes. And totally decriminalise drugs.

Anonymous said...

You my dear are one sick puppy, I imagine more that your children will be the rapists and murderers than baby P or his like would of been.

Claire Khaw said...

Which ones did you dislike the most then? Some people quite like my recommendations, actually.

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