
Saturday, 24 July 2010

BNP DIRTY LINEN: Open letter from Paul Golding to Eddy Butler - 23 July 2010

--- On Fri, 23/7/10, Cllr Paul Golding wrote:

From: Cllr Paul Golding
Subject: Open Letter to Eddy Butler

Date: Friday, 23 July, 2010, 16:41


Dear Fellow Party Officer,

I was reluctant to send this email, but the truth is I have been
slandered to such a degree that I feel that I have no choice.

I have uncovered an outrageous lie against me and wish to openly
challenge the person responsible to withdraw their claim – but
first, the background to this nonsense needs to be explained.

Firstly I must make clear that I am in no way supportive of Eddy
Butler in his bid for the BNP leadership. This is no secret. I
feel he completely lacks the charisma, the oratory, the intellect,
the management skill, the vision, the flair and the dynamism
needed to be a leader of a party, and also feel that, based on
previous experience of working side by side with him that he is
egotistical, negative, rude ‘control freak’.  That is my
personal opinion based on my experience of him.

Shortly after the European Elections last year, myself, and
indeed, practically everyone with eyes to see, noticed that Eddy
Butler and Mark Collett were suddenly enjoying a cosy
relationship that baffled everyone, particularly given Mark
Collett’s well-known ‘hard-line’ Nazi position and Eddy Butler’s
long-standing position as a ‘liberal’ by normal nationalist

When Mark Collett was caught, not for the first time, trying to
defraud the party of tens of thousands of pounds by using dodgy
printers for large election print jobs, and after Mr Butler was
given an official warning for his antics and behaviour whilst
organising a trip to the EU (this is the now infamous incident
where, following a night of heavy drinking, including a trip
to a brothel, he was still so drunk the next morning that he kept
a whole coach load of activists waiting for an hour), several
other senior officials became aware of a growing chorus of
plotting and scheming by Mark Collett and Eddy Butler.

My observation during the period between the Euro Elections and
the end of 2009 was that Mr Butler was expanding his position as
National Organiser literally, he was acting as the ‘director
general’ of the party, trying to control everything in sight and
interfering in everyone else’s remits and responsibilities (even
though he had little ‘real life’ experience and had never been
more than a low level civil servant all of his working life,
strangely never ‘exposed’ by Searchlight).

I feel that whether he intended it or not, Mr Butler didn’t take
his position as national elections officer seriously any longer
and preferred to strut around as National Organiser trying to
have a say in all manner of party operations that weren’t his
business and evidently had not the faintest idea of what he was
talking about. Practically every staff member will testify to
this. The party, in my opinion, suffered because of this, in
by-election after by-election in 2009, and I find it a bit rich
that Mr Butler should now claim we need a ‘full-time’ elections
officer when he himself shunned the opportunity.

My experience of Eddy Butler was that he was/is a ‘control freak’.
He alone was a senior officer and everyone else is a mere minion.
He has a “I’m more senior than you ,so piss off” attitude –
everyone who knows him can attest to this. For example, one of my
remits within the party is fundraising. When the General Election
roadshow meetings were in full swing, Mr Butler decided it was a
good idea to hold his Eastern Region meeting in the same place,
same venue, hence same crowd, within 1 week, of the London
roadshow meeting. I advised him that, from a fundraising point
of view, this was not a good idea.

Eddy’s response was to ring me up screaming abuse at me, ordering
me NEVER to ‘interfere’ in ‘his’ region again. This outrageous
outburst of abuse against a well-meaning fellow party comrade
shocked me, and others, and I had no choice but to tell him to
refrain from using language like that towards me again. The main
bone of contention in this debacle was ego, I have no doubt about
this, as can be gauged from his reply to my email protesting at
his arrogance and rudeness: “I do not require advice on holding
meetings - the best place they should be, the attendees and so
forth from anyone - from top to bottom in this Party or associated
with this Party. I am probably the most successful ‘meeting
organiser in the history of the movement – not just the Party.”
He continued: “I hope my shouting on this rare occasion will not
put you off giving useful or even useless advice and ideas in the

What made me chuckle is that despite his arrogant and rude
outburst against me he went on to change his meeting completely
around and implement the changes I proposed in any case,
confirming that I was right all along. I have spoken to many,
many people nationwide with similar experiences of Eddy Butler,
and it seems to be an established pattern of behaviour.

The behind-the-scenes agitation of Butler and Collett culminated
in Mr Collett and Butler trying to recruit National Treasurer
David Hannam into a post-General Election Advisory Council ambush
of Chairman Nick Griffin. Their despicable and underhanded plan
was to falsely accuse Mr Griffin of financial wrong-doing, and
when the Chairman turned to David Hannam for a rebuttal, he would
remain silent, and by his silence he would condemn an innocent
man as a thief, can you imagine such wickedness? Thus the plan
was to force our democratically elected and totally innocent
leader to step down by means of lies and a stab in the back.
I also understand, because I have heard it with my own ears, that
Mr Butler is telling everyone a false and nonsensical version of
what happened regarding him and Mark Collett. How do I know the
truth? Because I have heard the Mark Collett recording for myself
and I am disgusted and shocked by the antics of Mr Collett and

I am not the only one, the pre-General Election meeting of nearly
one hundred key officials was offered the chance to hear the
recording, and decided (for legal reasons) to delegate a small
group chosen from their ranks by them to listen to key sections
of it. This was done and Cllr. Michael Simpkins, a former RAF
Policeman, told the meeting that they were satisfied that the
recording was genuine, contained the material outlined, and
provided prima facie evidence of several serious criminal
offences including, threats to kill, theft, fraud, conspiracy
and false accounting. (Indeed an ongoing police investigation
is still underway regarding some extremely serious criminal

I also applaud Nick Griffin’s decision, however advantageous it
would be otherwise to him personally, not to publish or release
the Mark Collett recording, as this would hand the media a huge
weapon to use against us (and Mr Butler knows this). If he did,
there would be a media storm against us like we have never seen
before, it could finish us, and to be honest Butler and Collett
aren’t worth it! (remember Jim Dowson’s wife Anne had a
miscarriage when informed by the police that a plot to stab her
husband at their home in Spain was explained to her).

Nick Griffin could finish Eddy Butler tomorrow and prove to
everyone that he is a liar by releasing the Collett recording,
but he refuses to because the greater interests of the party take
higher priority.

When Eddy and Mark Collett’s plan was uncovered via the
recording, Eddy Butler was offered the chance to resign with
dignity, and he did in front of witnesses.  He wasn’t sacked, he
resigned because he had no other option. As part of the deal for
his resignation, he was to hand back a USB memory stick that he
stole from Jim Dowson way back last JULY. Several Eastern Region
officers can verify that Eddy did indeed hand back the memory
stick that he stole as part of this deal. Ask yourself: what kind
of man steals from someone’s home/office whilst a guest in his

Eddy Butler was also offered the chance of a European research
job working for Nick Griffin after the election as part of the
same face-saving package (scandal only helps our enemies), but
when the time came, he reneged on the whole deal, exploiting the
fact that Nick had taken him at his word when he agreed to
resign, so that he has since blagged several more months wages
from our financially hard-pressed party (the fact that we are
short of funds is no secret nor a surprise, given the fact that
Eddy Butler supporters are telling everyone not to give money in
an attempt to cause a crisis for which he can then pose as the
‘saviour’ and the bold Eddy still demands his £40.000 per year +
expenses from us). Threats of legal action are his ‘blackmail
weapons’ and his barrister mate Adrian Davies.
Like so many other decent nationalists, I am horrified by Eddy
Butler’s actions since he initiated his leadership ‘campaign’.
He has preached the need to clean up the BNP’s ‘image’ – this
despite his main ally being Naziboy and notorious crank, Mark
Collett. Eddy’s other supporters include various other ‘hard-line
wannabe cranks’ like mixed race Sharon Ebanks.

I am also horrified by his alliance with Simon Bennett, the
traitor who destroyed the BNP website during the election, when
we had record number of hits, shut down the media enquiries
system when I was handling over 100 media enquiries a day, and
crashed our internal email server, bringing our enquiries and
communications circulation to a grinding halt. Simon Bennett IS
Eddy Butler’s webmaster, despite his frequent and rather pathetic
tactical denials. Simon Bennett has recently been cooperating
with the Daily Mirror and UAF to spread anti-BNP lies. He has
recently destroyed Richard Barnbrook’s website and directed
Richards’s traffic to a pro-Butler site! How disgusting is that?

I am also shocked by Eddy Butler’s waffle regarding party
finances and ‘transparency’. I have heard a recording of Eddy
Butler stating that he has no proof of any wrong doing (this has
been repeated on his own website), and that the accusations of
wrong doing are in fact “a red herring”. This was played at a
meeting of Essex BNP officers recently and the cynicism of
Butler’s attempt to destroy Nick Griffin’s reputation with
unfounded lies raised a few eye brows.

You must also be made aware of Eddy Butler’s continuing agitation
against the party’s fundraising success. Eddy Butler is saying it
is terrible that we have contracted the services of a fundraising
professional who has raised our donations income from a paltry
£150,000 in 2007 to a whopping £1.6 million last year. He is
saying that his fees are too much, even though they are below
the industry average and all sorts of valuable extra services
are included in the contract for free. Well, my personal opinion
is that Mr Butler is saying these things for purely tactical
reasons as he needs to batten onto fresh gripes that he discovers
around the country to gain fresh support.

When a griper from the South West started whinging about
fundraising and Jim Dowson in mid-2009 Mr Butler took a very
different line. In fact read the following email to garner Mr
Butler’s true feelings about Jim Dowson and fundraising:

From: Eddy Butler
To: Peter Lucas
Subject: RE:
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 22:07:05 +0000

None of our appeals come out of thin air - all are run and
conceived by people - people who do it for a living and have to
be paid. That is what happends when people do things for a living,
in th real world. Your pathetic criticism at a time when the
Party is fighting for its survival does you no credit. If you
could find any normal charity (for example) that paid 92.5% of
its collections directly to the cause to which the funds were
donated then it would be truely remarkable. If you have a problem
with this then you have no place in this Party. If I see any
futrrther round robins of this nature coming from you disciplinary
action will follow immediately.
Eddy Butler
National Organiser

I would like to highlight the sentence, “Your pathetic criticism
at a time when the Party is fighting for its survival does you no
credit.” Perhaps you should heed your own words Mr Butler. Also
the sentence, “If you have a problem with this [fundraising] then
you have no place in this Party.” What a 100% turn around by Mr
Butler! He is criticising fundraising at a time when funds are
low due to the usual post-election exhaustion (and in part due to
his deliberate undermining of confidence and morale) and does
himself, in his own words, no credit.

Most disturbing to me is Mr Butler’s seemingly abundant support
from elements outside the BNP – elements that would like nothing
better than a large, professional and consolidated BNP trashed
and split up for their own benefit. For example, Mr Butler has
trumpeted the support of Jonathan Bowden, who is NOT a BNP member.
Mr Bowden has been chastised several times over the last year for
exclaiming that he is a ‘fascist’ at BNP meetings, and also
announcing his support for the Klu Klux Klan. He attends BNP
meetings with a cranky Viking rune around his neck, and his own
personal website is full of the most weird modern art you will
ever see, including a ‘painting’ of a woman putting her hands
down her knickers! Do we really want our party handed over to
such outside crackpots, just because they are old friends of Mr

Sensible people must also be alarmed at the open and blatant
support Mr Butler is receiving on the websites of Searchlight,
Hope Not Hate and Unite against Fascism (UAF). These websites are
rolling out a non-stop and ferocious conveyor belt of hate and
lies against Nick Griffin, Jim Dowson, their families and other
hard-working and positive officials. Yet they are full of praise
for Mr Butler, repeating his empty campaign promises word for
word. You don't have to be Einstein to look at this and see
exactly what’s going on?

Many people who remember these leftwing organisations similarly
backing the list-leak traitors two years ago now look with
suspicion on the far-left’s blatant support for Butler. Couple
this with his seemingly effortless ability to survive with little
income and we have to question what is going on. How is Eddy
Butler, who has two families and refused to work for the BNP for
any less than £40,000 per year plus expenses, able to pay his
bills, buy new suits, travel the country and live worry-free and
finance this very lavish campaign of lies? It’s just not possible,
is it?

Also, as a dedicated nationalist and British patriot, I am
bemused by the coalition of fringe types Mr Butler has gathered
around himself. From militant homosexuals to outright Nazis, from
Holocaust deniers to a new Chinese member who wants the BNP to become multicultural, and so on. For example, Mr Butler has been telling anyone who will listen, that the thief Mark Collett’s
ex-girlfriend Shelley Rose is a ‘plant’ and a ‘wrong un’…now he
has put her face on his website! Shelley Rose has embarrassed
the party with her anti-Jewish remarks and is known as an
extreme Nazi who has been chastised for attending National Front
Marches and Blood & Honours gigs.  Likewise, Richard Edmonds was
going to be kicked off the Advisory Council several months ago
for attending the release from prison of the world’s most
prominent Holocaust Denier.

Then there is Mr Butler’s close links to the Membership List
Leakers. I was handed Mr Butler’s old party phone by an Eastern
Region official a short while ago, and I asked a techy friend of
mine to re-import his contacts list from the cache memory, which
he did. To my surprise Mr Butler had the numbers of Sadie Graham,
Kenny Smith and the internet crackpot and Butler supporter Sharon
Ebanks on his contacts list.

Then I am told by a reliable Scottish friend of mine that when Mr
Butler visited Scotland recently he actually visited Kenny Smith,
one of the Sadie Graham traitors (now ask yourself: why wasn’t
any pictures of this Scottish trip put up on his blog? Hmmm.) Now
his promises on his blog that former members will ‘rejoin’ makes
perfect sense.

I have been told by many officials, especially in the Eastern
Region, that support for Mr Butler is melting away as his
alliance with Nazis, homosexuals, transvestites (Tony Ward) and
outsiders, together with his tacit support from Searchlight and
Co, becomes too much to stomach. These outrages coupled with his
own recent admission  that he has no proof to back up any of his
financial claims is waking people up to his campaign of lies.

Faced with his sinking ship, he is playing the “I’m being
stitched up card” to gather sympathy, not support. Take, for
example, his recent big hoo ha about the suspensions of several
officials in Liverpool and the South East. After Sadie Graham and
Co leaked the BNP membership list and caused untold suffering for
BNP members and supporters, isn’t it right that we protect our
membership lists from abuse?

There exists a law called the Data Protection Act and it obliges
us to certain rules and regulations, such as one that states that
sensitive personal confidential data must ONLY be handled by
legally registered party officers. In the South East, the
official Richard Trower handed a BNP membership list to two
people who were NOT legally registered officers of the party.
This abuse of the rules resulted in complaints from BNP members
as to why their personal details were being handed around like
confetti at a wedding.

Richard Trower and the two others were suspended – after several
warnings - for abusing what should have been a confidential BNP
membership list. It is hard enough for us to recruit new members
because of the list leaks, so we must act strongly against those
who leak membership lists to people who are not party officials.

Likewise in Liverpool, I myself started receiving complaints from
the PUBLIC as to why their personal details were circulating
amongst those who are not legal officers of the party. When the
time comes and the Information Commissioner asks us why this
happened, we could only escape by saying: “A former official kept
hold of his membership list, and used it for non-party purposes.
As a consequence, he has been suspended.” Nothing less than that
would get us off the hook. Again, bugger all to do with support
for a leadership candidate, just compliance with the Data
Protection Act and a desire to keep our membership lists safe and

Anyone who passes a BNP membership list to non-party officers
will be suspended regardless of who they support. Any former
officials who abuse BNP membership lists for non-party use will
be suspended. If these rules don’t exist and are not enforced,
then anarchy will reign and our membership lists will leak out
on a regular basis, destroying any credibility to recruit that
we have.

Back to the main purpose of this open letter. I have uncovered a
blatant lie about me and feel that I have the right to defend
myself. It is not the first time Mr Butler has attempted to
degrade my reputation: he has accused me on many occasions of
running the blog Eddy Butler Exposed, something which is
completely untrue. In any case, Mr Butler has, despite spending
years attempting to close down BNP blogs and forums around the
country, set up several blogs and websites of his own (designed
and maintained by the traitor Simon Bennett) all spouting his
lies and empty promises – it seems when one, just ONE, blog in
opposition to his campaign crops up it is a terrible event.

It has come to my attention that Eddy Butler has been circulating
a vicious and outrageous lie against me. I received a phone call
a short while ago from the long-standing and well-respected
Bexley Organiser Mike Jones, who asked me if I had drawn £20,000
in expenses in the last 6 months. How I would ever get away with
drawing £3,300 in expenses per month is anyone’s guess!

After my laughter at such a ludicrous claim subsided, I replied
that it was completely untrue and enquired where this nonsense
had come from. Mr Jones replied that he had a call from Michael
Barnbrook who told Mr Jones that he had been told all this by
Eddy Butler.

Mr Jones has confirmed that he is willing to swear to all of
this, if necessary in a court of law or a party tribunal. Mike
Jones and Michael Barnbrook are good friends and I have no reason
to disbelieve that any of this is untrue. I doubt very much that
Michael Barnbrook would lie to his good friend Mike Jones, and I
have no reason to believe that Mike Jones would lie to me. Both
are honourable men and long-standing BNP activists, and Mike
Jones in particular has been a member for 13 years.

If all this is true, then Mr Butler is a disgrace and I demand
that he openly withdraws this allegation against me and publishes
a retraction on his website/blog. If, on the other hand, he now
denies making it, then he should make it crystal clear that he
recognises that, whoever was responsible for the allegation, it
is totally untrue.

I am sorry to have to send this to all Eastern and London region
officials, but I am incensed by Mr Butler’s lies against me and
want people to know the truth, or at least a different side to
these events for a change.

I have been asked by the Eastern Region RO Paul Morris to clear
the air and show everyone in the Eastern Region the dreaded
recording that Mr Butler is making such a huff about. To be
honest, I am sick and tired of all this nonsense. I work hard
for the BNP and am perhaps the most active senior member apart
from the Chairman. I get up in the morning and graft until I go
to bed, every bloody day. I have clocked up tens of thousands of
miles darting around the country. I am a serious and dedicated
nationalist through and through. I am not an Eton educated guy
but I am no mug, and I am honest. I make no secret of the fact
that I am deeply disappointed in Mr Butler for what he has done
and is continuing to do. I am 28 and I have freely chosen the
path of unremitting, relentless service to our cause and our
party because I want, more than anything, a future for my little
baby daughter. Make of me what you will.

So if you want to listen to the recording of Eddy Butler in
question then click on the following link. Make of it what you
will. I don’t care to be honest. It is not my recording to start
with, I downloaded it from you-tube. But if you want to listen
to it then here you are:

Cllr Paul Golding
National Communications Officer

PS: Just in case you were wondering if you will be lumbered with
Mark Collett once again if Eddy Butler succeeds, Eddy Butler
spent a large chunk of his speech in Leeds recently defending
Mark Collett and heaping praise on him, much to the disgust of
the local people.

Eddy Butler's response can be read at

1 comment:

Claire Khaw said...

"new Chinese member who wants the BNP to become multicultural" is a reference to me.

May I just say that I have never said anything of this sort.

The BNP cannot become multicultural, surely? It can only become multi-racial which its constitution now allows.

I was only invited to join in March 2010 precisely because the party had changed its constitution from an exclusively all-white party to a more racially inclusive one.

I joined because I agree with most BNP policies and have no difficulty defending them, eg

1. capital punishment
2. corporal punishment
3. UK withdrawal from the EU
4. withdrawal of British troops from Afghanistan
5. not invading "Afraq"
6. grammar schools
7. traditional education
8. British history taught in its entirety in chronological order
9. the repeal of anti-discrimination legislation

I am only in a position to *suggest* changes that would make the party more electable, which others are free to accept or reject as they please. If any of them are accepted then it is because they are approved of by enough people, and not because I have sinister Chinese supernatural powers.

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