
Monday, 6 December 2010

A brief explanation of why Christianity is inferior to Islam

Christianity was so totalitarian that Christians were horrible to anyone different to them, and were constantly disagreeing with one another about whether to be Catholic or Protestant.

It is not at all surprising that they were horrible Jews and Muslims who at least practised what they preached, while Christians thought they would go to heaven as long as they can concentrate on believing and saying that Christ is in fact God. 

After WW2, Christians gave the Jews a bit of land to make up for all those centuries of Christian persecution - especially Christian German persecution - not bothering themselves too much about the fact that the land they are giving to the Jews already had Muslims - whom they regard as an inferior people of an inferior religion - already living there.

Christianity has now become the despised religion of a despised civilisation, having now thoroughly pissed off both Jews, Muslims and the rest of the world.   

The trouble with Christianity is that, once you allowed people to speak freely, people would start questioning and then rejecting the Trinity - the doctrine that Christ is God - and throw the baby of family values out with the bathwater of the lie and hypocrisy that is the Trinity.  

Because of this inherent weakness, they necessarily had to shut up anyone who wished to question the Trinity - the Inquisition is an excellent example of how far they felt they had to go to shut people up good and proper.  

So you heard it here first: Christianity is the religion of women and slaves, ie those who are masochistic, uneducated and those who are too slavish to question anything.  

Islam on the other hand is the synthesis of Mosaic Law and Christian Compassion fused into Reason.  

While Christianity was totalitarian (ie an ideology that forbids you from expressing views contrary to its doctrines), the worst you can accuse Islam of being is authoritarian (an ideology that merely commands you to and forbids you from certain acts for your own good). 

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