
Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Would anyone like to nominate me for the New Year's Honours List?

Possible reasons for you to nominate me:

  1. best Facebook entertainer around 
  2. thought-provoking 
  3. speaking the truth without fear or favour 
  4. standing up for people who are badly treated, eg taxpayers, BNP, UKIP, Muslims, even extremely unpopular people such as MPs in the name of free speech 
  5. my creative, practical and effective solutions to national as well as international problems 
  6. my knowledge of theology, philosophy, politics 
  7. my ambition to create a new state religion for the British that will have something for everyone even the pagans and atheist
  8. my slogan "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Eine Partei"  
  9. my coining of the phrase that Cameron is a "cunt of convictionless Conservatism"  
  10. my idea of legalising brothel-keeping and having superbrothels such as Pascha 
  11. my potential to be winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and bring about world peace 
  12. my wonderful ideas to bring about global environmental sustainability
  13. my ability to get to the heart of the matter of the problem with democracy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Number nine clinches it for me although what you say is only what most of us think
Unfortunately once in power, all promises are forgotten and the journey aboard the train to Bildeberg is more important, first class of course with champers not ordinary wine.