
Friday, 9 November 2012

David Jones publicly calls Claire Khaw a "backstabber" and says they are "enemies from now on"

Claire Khaw
If you had only one wish you could make come true as a nationalist, what would it be?

David Jones

Claire Khaw
Even non-nationalists would wish for that gift. Is there anything that is specific to nationalism that you would wish for?

Peter Pwkelleher
"specific to nationalism" ....... independence, democracy, the right of us English to run our own country.

Claire Khaw (quoting what David Jones said about her)

"By battening onto nationalists and patriots and then knifing them in the back because they are poor because your only connection to nationalism, is money/status obsessed high Toryism and worshipping Law & Monarchy."

So to say that you should do something more productive than losing elections again and again with no hope of winning because of the innate and ineradicable snobbery of the typical voter is "knifing you in the back", is it?

David Jones
if you believed in an eye for an eye you wouldn't have knifed me in the back, you are nothing but a backstabber who moved onto her next political hobby horse, defendind peados and dumbasses who pay the tv liscence fee.

Claire Khaw
I only pointed out that no one will ever vote for a poor man who remains poor.

It is the Truth.

I have also said that you would serve your cause better by getting a job that pays you enough so that you do not have to tell me that you spent your last 3p sending me an SMS that you had lost the election, and even then it was an incomplete message.

Claire Khaw
"you are a backstabber who accepted my hospitality and friendship and then treated me like shit"

I seem to remember it was you who was repeatedly asking that I come from London to Todmorden to support you in your last two elections.

How have I treated you "like shit"?

Claire Khaw (quoting what Dave Jones said about her)
"Jimmy Saville is more important to you"

Jimmy Savile is more important to me than what?

Claire Khaw (quoting what Dave Jones said about her)
"if you believed in an eye for an eye you wouldn't have knifed me in the back, you are nothing but a backstabber who moved onto her next political hobby horse, defendind peados and dumbasses who pay the tv liscence fee."

How have I knifed you in the back?

This term implies a betrayal of some kind.

TO WHOM have I betrayed you?

David Jones 
I must have spend £100 ringing you in the past, it was a bad week. A text which I sent to ensure you at least rung given that I had let you write some of my leaflet. And waited until 2am to brief you of everything... But you were typically selfish and since then have hurled nothing but insults and abuse my way, you were acepted as a guest in my home, I spend my last £25 on you guys (I was between work) and you have just fucking used me. After I stood up for you all this time, you betray me to your prejudices of poor people not having a right to be in politics (we woldn't even have the vote if you had your way).

Claire Khaw
"you agree with the voters snobbery, by your actions."

To tell you that you will die does not mean I "agree" with death. I am merely making a prediction.

Claire Khaw
"eye for an eye would overide judicial independence if you really believed in it."

I have no idea what you mean by this.

David Jones
Everybody I know whose asked me whats pissing me off thinks you are bang out of order and you've called me "a loser that can't afford 3p to send a text" and yesterday when I was using a broken keyboard you call me a "retard, types like a retard, ick of talking to retards".

David Jones
Yes you do.

Claire Khaw
"you treated me like shit because I am poor."

How have I treated you like shit?

David Jones 
By talking to me like shit and blanking me for two weeks because defending dead peadophiles is more important to you.

Claire Khaw
'you would support jailing judges and barristers for jailing people under "hate speech laws" '

I would be a fool to say that [I would jail judges who jail people under hate speech laws]. I try to avoid being seen as a fool.

David Jones
Then you don't believe in an eye for an eye then.

David Jones 
Thats not the point, the point is you are a backstabber.

Claire Khaw
"Then you don't believe in an eye for an eye then."

You need to explain what you are accusing me of.

David Jones
Plain and simple, that will be your name, how you are remembered.


Claire Khaw
I had to looking up "blanking". As far as I can remember I have responded to your communications and answered your questions.

Claire Khaw
'you've called me "a loser that can't afford 3p to send a text" '

Am I not allowed to point out the truth? You did lose the election, and you couldn't afford the 3p to send a complete text.

Claire Khaw 
You then asked me to ring you because you had no credit on your phone.

If that is not loser behaviour, I don't know what is.

Claire Khaw
I did not actually call you a retard. I said you were "typing like a retard" and had been for a few days. I knew you couldn't afford to replace it and it was very irritating.

And also very depressing.

Claire Khaw
"I must have spend £100 ringing you in the past"

It was not at my request that you rang me. It seems awfully petty to bring that up when I made two trips to Todmorden at your request, and spent much more than you did.

Andy Kimber 
sounds like youre not the best of friends at the moment!!

Andy Kimber
I've never heard of a poor farmer,dve,you must be the first!

Claire Khaw
"A text which I sent to ensure you at least rung given that I had let you write some of my leaflet. And waited until 2am to brief you of everything... But you were typically selfish"

I really did not see why I had to call you at my expense to commiserate with you, which was what you plainly expected and asked me to do more than once.

The fact that you lost by such a large margin was depressing enough.

Added to that you did not get what you predicted for yourself, which was 250-350 votes.

When you started pretending it was a good result that you had got 25% of the vote IN A TWO HORSE RACE I knew you were deluded.

I therefore had nothing kind or true that I could say. Therefore least said soonest mended.

Claire Khaw
"I spend my last £25 on you guys"

I seem to remember that Jeff and I bought you a two course meal in return, and on the last occasion too. The first time we visited we bought you a meal, leafleted for you, but did not receive a meal for our trouble, not that we were expecting anything.

How typically lower class of you to point this out. That is why you will never win, Dave.

No one would vote for a peasant with a massive chip on his shoulder like you.

Added to that, to want to wash your dirty linen in public like this shows a singular lack of judgement and a total absence of self-control.

I have not discussed this with anyone, not even Jeff. It is you who have chosen to do so bring this out in public, under the impression that doing so will do you credit.

To call me a backstabber is laughable, when you are the one who has committed hara kiri.

I do not think you even know the meaning of that term, for I have done nothing underhanded at all.

back·stab [bak-stab]
verb (used with object), back·stabbed, back·stab·bing.
to attempt to discredit (a person) by underhanded means, as innuendo, accusation, or the like.

Claire Khaw
"you betray me to your prejudices of poor people not having a right to be in politics (we woldn't even have the vote if you had your way)."

I am saying you will never win an election because not enough people will ever vote for you to become councillor.

When you told me that that was in fact UNPAID, I advised you to do something else, eg find something that pays you more than what you get so you can avoid having to scrabble around for 3p and asking people to ring you because you have no credit on your phone.

I have had enough of talking to people who say that sort of thing to me.

People who say "Call me because I haven't got credit on my phone" are really to be avoided.

I have already said that people who do not pay a minimum of tax should not have the vote, and stand by that.

If you wish to continue impoverishing yourself and expend your time and energy on a project that is futile, rather than getting a job that pays you enough to avoid the indignities that you have subjected yourself to because you do not wish to move out of Todmorden, then it is up to you.

I do not see how I can be said to have "betrayed" you by giving you well-meant advice and pointing out that people will never vote into office someone obviously lower class as well as living in what they would regard as abject poverty.

Jeffrey Marshall was saying to me that if posh rich people were xenophobic, racist, homophobic and sexist social conservatives, then so would everyone else be.

Most people want to imitate people whom they perceive as successful and shun those who are unsuccessful and who have suffered for their views.

It is infuriating that I have to explain your class system to you again and again and then be told that I am condoning the class system. I have already said many times that you would do your cause more good by being seen to be prosperous and successful than repeatedly losing elections with no hope of ever winning them because you refuse to do the only thing that would help yourself and your cause - by bettering yourself.

Claire Khaw Andy, Dave is not a farmer, he is an agricultural labourer. The lowest waged of the low-waged.

Andy Kimber
right! I am sure i read a while ago that he described himself as a a farmer

Claire Khaw
He would be if he owned a farm or was a tenant farmer.

Andy Kimber 
well,either way,he gets to drive a tractor!

David Jones
Write a comWell as far as I'm concerned Claire Khaw has knifed me right in the back, has called me a loser - is fucking downright disrespectful and abusive, accepted my hospitality then totally blanks me... couldn't be arsed to get in contact since I had to do it.

Typical backstabber.

I have to do this in public because in private you just carry on with the abuse.

And calls me lower class, meaning I'm somehow lower the her, lower than some dirty state paid hack in a black dress who jails people for free speech and then has the nerve to be proud of it, instead of slitting his wrists which would be the decent thing to do if you were a judge, lower than some moslem radical who wants to impose his religion on the rest of the planet. No the abuse was all directed at me.

Claire Khaw
I have called Leon Georgiou lower class and he accepts this because it is TRUE. There is no point denying facts, Dave, because by denying the truth we suffer.

You are lower class because you are not upper class or middle class.

David Jones
The guy who showed you his friendship, the guy that took you into his confidence, the guy that looked out for you, the guy that stood up for you. You just knifed me in the back, backstabber is your name, thats what you'll always be.

Claire Khaw
You are the one who has betrayed himself, Dave.

David Jones
No I am not lower than a fucking Lawyer, I don't accept money for doing evil, then take pride in it.

Claire Khaw
A man who cannot govern his own emotions cannot govern anything.

David Jones
You betrayed a friend at his lowest moment.

Andy Kimber 
who did claire betray you to? (which i think is what backstabbing means)

David Jones
You deliberately goaded me and abused me and insulted me, my patience came to an end. Just so you could make an utter fool out of me when my patience finally snapped.

Claire Khaw
I told you to give it up, which was well-meant advice. I am sure others who care for you have already told you the same thing. I am sure your parents have said the same thing too.

Nationalists will doubtless tell you to carry on for them, because they want you to at least demonstrate that there are still people prepared to be candidates and campaign. They are not your friends, Dave, and they do not have your best interests at heart.

You should not listen to them but instead better yourself by doing something that pays a decent wage.

"Enrichez vous," as Louis Philippe, the Citizen King, said.

Andy Kimber
sound advice.

Claire Khaw 
You mean like this afternoon? Perhaps your outburst will demonstrate to yourself and others how utterly unsuited you are to politics then, and so you should do something else.

David Jones
Did you know I let her write some of my election leaflet, Andy? Yet she couldn't be arsed to find out how it went and how many of diferent types voted which way. She abandoned all of it. I'm up for bail on a trumped election charge, I was between work, in a bad spot and she takes a stab at me every time I make contact.

Claire Khaw
You *asked* me to write that part of your election leaflet, Dave.

So, how did it go?

Andy Kimber
claire doesnt seem the type to goad,abuse ,insult and make a fool of you

Claire Khaw
I found everything about you irritating after the election. Your 3p excuse, asking me to call you, your broken words on your broken keyboard.

You should have given it a rest.

David Jones
Yes, as a show of comradeship. Not as an excuse for you to slag me off after polling day. Did you know I waited till the wee small hours for her to ring up. She responds by calling me a loser, I must have spent £100 on ringing her to try to find ways of helipng eachother out politically. She coulden't spare 20 min because I'm not a big-shot university graduate who is prepared to sell his soul for money, and tells me to quit.

I invited her into my home and she took a big shit right on the floor of it, so to speak.

Claire Khaw
I have said worse to other people, and they are still speaking to me. Dave is very sensitive and very proud. He refuses to see that the way politics works applies to all of us, even if we are Dave Jones.

Even Tories know they have to be financially independent before they enter politics, or they will end up being lobby fodder and being mere party hacks forever.

David Jones
And she wouldn't change that for a million pounds, did you know she doesn't even think non-taxpayers should have the vote (including low waged)?

I have a lot to be proud of, I am honest, was raised right, have never betrayed a friend, or kicked a friend in need when they are down. Unlike what Claire admires, she admires 1. people who like driving bentleys 2. people who want to force their religion onto the rest of the planet with violence. 3. anybody who wants to end the existence of white society 4. anybody who is proud of a profession that sends patriots down and wails "its my job" wahh wahh now clean my bentley.

No, that kind of person is way more deserving of pride that an honest guy who does an honest days work and gives up his energies to standing up for his home and community.

Andy Kimber
well,given these things that claire admires,I am amazed you had anything to do with her!

David Jones 
Yeah, well I thought she was a decent person with principles, worth working with and inviting into my home and sharing my food with, and spending a lot of money on the phone consulting with. Apparantly not.

Tom Price
Oh, dear. And not so very long ago, this had all the makings of A Fine Romance. Now it has become an even worse pettifogging barney than Real Wives or J. Kyle. I think you both need some good advice from an ancient fellow like me: Grow up!

Tom Price
...and if you find that too difficult, Shut up.

David Jones
I am perfectly right to be anoyed at the materialistic, selfish actions of this selfish woman that I am sorry to have met!

Andy Kimber
you'll get over it ,dave.Just keep away from bentley lovers!

David Jones
Nobody I know thinks you are justified in calling me a loser and a retard Claire. Well nobody of the "low" classes anyway.

David Jones
The bentleys are paid for with our money to people who take pride in Judicial Independence, Ie, people who say "I had to send Joe blogs to Jail for being a raist, its the law, its my job"

David Jones
I may be low but I wouldn't do such a thing for even a billion pounds.

Claire Khaw 
"she doesn't even think non-taxpayers should have the vote (including low waged)?"

I stand by that. I don't expect everyone to agree with me either.

Daryll Christopher
When I say I do not trust women, it is not because I think they are stupid. Fortunately, I never make the mistake of thinking that women are weak and need protecting. If you believe that they are always 2 steps ahead of you, you will never underestimate them.

Claire Khaw
"I invited her into my home and she took a big shit right on the floor of it, so to speak."

It was Angus [Dave's dog] who did that.

David Jones
You are nothing but a backstabber who knifed me in the back, Angus never betrayed me.

Claire Khaw I
It is interesting that Dave has chosen to portray me as importuning to be allowed into his home, when it was Dave who repeatedly asked me to come.

David Jones
Yes, I thought you were a decent human being, not a selfish, materialistic bitch who gives me nothing but insults and abuse after everything I did.

David Jones
Don't forget I came down to London to see you and defended you against a hostile mob of people who had fingered you as the grass at Jez's meeting.

Claire Khaw
"Yes, as a show of comradeship. Not as an excuse for you to slag me off after polling day. Did you know I waited till the wee small hours for her to ring up. She responds by calling me a loser, I must have spent £100 on ringing her to try to find ways of helipng eachother out politically. She coulden't spare 20 min because I'm not a big-shot university graduate who is prepared to sell his soul for money, and tells me to quit."

What was there to talk about, Dave, in the wee small hours of the morning except to say that you had lost? There was NOTHING TO SAY that would be of any use to either of us that could not wait till a more convenient time.

How extraordinarily selfish and self-centred of you. I am sure I would not have expected this of anyone if I were in your shoes.

David Jones
You had registered a strong interest in what Moslems were up to on polling day, how do you know there was nothing to talk about.

David Jones
The fact is you didn't give a shit full stop.

Claire Khaw 
"the guy that stood up for you"

Stood up for me against whom?

Claire Khaw
"And calls me lower class, meaning I'm somehow lower the her, lower than some dirty state paid hack in a black dress who jails people for free speech and then has the nerve to be proud of it, instead of slitting his wrists which would be the decent thing to do if you were a judge, lower than some moslem radical who wants to impose his religion on the rest of the planet. No the abuse was all directed at me."

Did you really expect me to say I would slit the wrists of judges, Dave?

David Jones
I stood up in London and said you were no grass, at risk of being left stranded in London, without accomodation.

Judges should at least be ashamed to be judges, not put up on a pedestal like you place them.

David Jones
Yes I stood up for you, Claire.

Claire Khaw
I didn't ask you to, Dave. Fat lot of good it did me anyway.

Are you saying if you could turn back time you wouldn't have bothered?

Well, that is interesting.

David Jones
And you just treated me like garbage after accepting my hospitality, kicking me when I'm down, giving me nothing but discouragement every time I attempted to make it right. I invited her to my town, my home, gave her an input into my election, Invited her into my home, spent my last £25 on her, spend hundreds of pounds ringing conferring with her, spent my last 3p on texting her. After October 25th she just ingnores me, insults me, calls me a loser, a retard etc... takes the piss out of me, my home, my dog, my occupation - abuses my friendship and then pretends it is "about my future etc...", I hope people realise what kind of person you are.

No I would have behaved the same way, because I am actually a man who has principles.

Claire Khaw
Whatever you wanted to tell me about the Muslims that night could have been conveyed in an email, so it would be on record.

David Jones 
It doesn't alter the fact that your conduct and attitude towards me, the insults, the abuse etc... were out of line.

And calling me a retard was ay out of line.

Claire Khaw 
"Don't forget I came down to London to see you and defended you against a hostile mob of people who had fingered you as the grass at Jez's meeting."

It was your first visit to London and you should at least visit the capital city of your country once in your life.

I did not ask you to visit me. You thought you would do a spot of networking by coming to London, I seem to remember.

David Jones
Yes but I maily came to meet you and Jeffrey.

Claire Khaw
"You are nothing but a backstabber who knifed me in the back, Angus never betrayed me."

He just bites the hand that feeds it every now and then.

David Jones 
There you go again, abuse and insults and sarcasm.

Claire Khaw
You should pick your battles carefully, Dave, and only choose the ones you can win.

David Jones
I think you should be totally ashamed of the way you have behaved.

There you go again, the fake concern.

You wouldn't have called me a retard if you were genuinely concerned, with all the shit you know I am going through.

Claire Khaw 
"Nobody I know thinks you are justified in calling me a loser and a retard Claire. Well nobody of the "low" classes anyway."

If you are confiding in them I suppose it would be natural to say I was being unkind.

Again, I remind you that I did not call you a "retard" but said you were "typing like a retard".

If they cared about you, they would tell you to find some other outlet for your energies. I am sure if you pursued a career with as much energy as you do politics you would be doing very well by now.

David Jones 
You don't care about that, you wouldn't have behaved the way you did if you had genuine motives. No you planned on this way back.

Claire Khaw
You wouldn't have called me a retard if you were genuinely concerned, with all the shit you know I am going through."

I knew you are going through a bad time, but to say "well done and carry on" would have been a betrayal of my role in giving you what I regard as sound political advice.

Claire Khaw
Planned what way back when?

David Jones
All the stress and crap in my life the last thing I need is to be called a loser and a retard. Who else would litwerally spend their last pennies on somebody else

Claire Khaw 
"David Jones Judges should at least be ashamed to be judges, not put up on a pedestal like you place them."

I have been known to be quite rude about judges and the legal profession.

Claire Khaw 
Dave, you are a loser and a retard for whingeing about being called a loser and a retard!!!!!

David Jones
A friend wouldn't call another friend either.

Claire Khaw
And I didn't actually call you a retard.

I call lots of people lots of things.

David Jones
"sick of talking to retards"?

Claire Khaw
They get over it. Other people call me lots of things too.

David Jones
Not by me I haven't.

Or , not by me you haven't.

Claire Khaw
You just call me "backstabber" when you are the one now committing hara kiri in public!

David Jones
I am doing nothing of the sort.

Claire Khaw
You are probably too thin-skinned to be a politician. You have too many chips on your shoulder.

David Jones
I intend to stand up to the kind of snobbery you clearly endorse.

Claire Khaw
A politician knows what they can change and what they can't. You presume to change human nature when you haven't a bean and haven't got a rich backer.

Why should any voter suspend their class prejudices for you, of all people?

David Jones 
Because you are supposed to treat people as they treat you. Thats what decent people do anyway.

Claire Khaw
" I intend to stand up to the kind of snobbery you clearly endorse."

By losing yet another election? You will only confirm their opinion of you if you keep losing.

David Jones
Anyway if you'd have bothered to actually find out the vote went something like Middle Class Households: 75-25 in my favour, White Households, 60-40 in my favour, Pakistani Votes, 99-1 in my Rez's favour.

David Jones
I now have enough votes to take Stansfield Ward, this time around.
Go on, explain that!!!
Go on!

Claire Khaw
I have not mistreated you. I think you expect special treatment. Why should you receive special treatment when you have lost the election and show no signs of ever being able to win one?

Of course, you do not even think for one moment that I and others might have suffered inconvenience and expense in the course of our association, and that people might be irritated, disappointed and be uninterested in listening to your future plans at their own expense, having come to a conclusion about the likelihood of your future success.

I do not remember promising you unconditional love.

David Jones
I am leading the polls in Stansfield - This was Central Ward!

Claire Khaw
Explain what?

David Jones 
Well I don't want "unconditional love" from anybody, I just wanted you to not insult me, abuse my friendship, disrespect me and my home, call me a retard, call me a loser after I also went to a lot of expense and effort. Gah!

explain how I'm leading the vote on Stansfield Ward!

Where the poor whites live.

the ones you hate.

Claire Khaw
The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Let us see if you do win.

Even if you win, you will not get paid. Next election the LibLabCon candidate will win. What is the point?

David Jones
I am happy as a farm labourer, and to be a Town Councillor for the moment, I am not in it for the money. It doesn't change the fact that at my lowest ebb you gave me nothing but abuse, discouragement and insults.

I am expected to win Stansfield.

My own ward.

Claire Khaw 
I don't hate poor whites, Dave. I think they have been let down by the Labour Party and by the government.

If you really want to do something for your people, you enrich yourself, and then you would just walk into being councillor, but you refuse to do something as radical as getting a proper job that pays you a decent wage.

I think you should be discouraged.

And I know your parents have tried to discourage you too.

David Jones 
Don't effect concern for me, I know what you are like... a backstabber who insulted and slated me. Accepted my hospitality and then took the piss out of me.

Claire Khaw 
If you pursued a career with as much focus as you do your obsession with elections, you will be doing very well for yourself now.

David Jones 
At a point where your friends in the justice system are pushing me into a corner where I am about to freak out. You just take the piss out of me. I think I have been a good, decent and honourable friend. You have just shoved a great big dagger in my back.

Claire Khaw 
By complaining about me here, after you yourself unfriended me, you have provided your enemies with the material to take the piss out of you.

I am sorry that you cannot see that.

You suffer from an utter lack of judgement in these matters when you cannot control your emotions.

David Jones 
Fuck the 3p.
Well I had no choice.
You gave me no choice.

Claire Khaw 
Excuses, excuses.

David Jones
YEah, at least I did something and am paying very dearly for it.

Claire Khaw 
The other option would have been to keep quiet and go on the sabbatical you said you would go on. Nobody was expecting anything more from you.

David Jones 
And by the end of next week some big fat fucking judge is going to get fat at my expense, and drive me into a nuthouse probarbly. Well we know whose side you are on.

Claire Khaw
Time to change course and do something else, Dave. Even if you take Stansfield you are not going to get paid, and you won't be the first nationalist to become a councillor either.

Your trouble is that you anticipate the worst and then start behaving as if it has happened.

You have no ability to wait and see. You always feel you have to be doing something for the sake of being seen to be doing something, wasting your energy, time and resources.

David Jones 
I don't want the fucking money anyway, I'd donate half of my salary to charity and take what I need to live only... I am not money mad like you are. Well who the fuck else is doing something Claire? Tell me?


Claire Khaw 
You would never won the Battle of Waterloo, which was all about not doing what you keep doing.

Politics is not just about fighting elections, Dave.

David Jones 
Oh I see its about filling up everybodys timeline with pro-Jimmy Saville photos and seeing how fast your friends list shrinks eh?

Claire Khaw 
Politics is about getting others to do what you think is right. It doesn't always have to be about fighting elections.

David Jones 
Or claiming to stand up for sexual decency whilst circulsting dirty pictures of tacky overweight slappers.

Claire Khaw
These "friends" are not my real friends, and I do care about the principle of being treated as innocent till you are proven guilty - an important principle of justice that is being ignored by everyone at the moment.

Whatever works in highlighting the problem of SSMs I will do. If the shock value of slappers attracts attention then that is what I will do.

You, on the other hand, cannot even bring yourself to say "SSM".

Anyway, at least what I do is unique.

David Jones 
Uniquely ignored.

And you wanted to make sure my efforts were equally ignored.

SSM brings up pictures that no decent person would want on their news feed.

Claire Khaw
"we know whose side you are on."

I am on the side of giving you useful political advice.

David Jones 
no you are on the judiciaries side, always.

Any judge that sits a Race Act case or a Discrimination case and found a man gulty for it - an eye for an eye, fuck Judicial Independence he will sign his House and Pension into bankruptcy and the proceeds divided out amongst the victims of these laws. And the MPs that voted for it shot at dawn if I've anything to say about it.

You seem to think these people are honourable men or something, and better than me or something.

Anyway as far as I am concerned you and I are (as a result of your abuse and insults, you kicking me when I'm down, taking the piss out of me and my house, etc.) sworn enemies. I am sorry it has come to this but nobody will get the chance to knife me in the back twice!

Claire Khaw 
I wouldn't want people to think that I don't know where the law comes from ie Parliament.

I have explained to you quite a few times that our laws come from Parliament and the judiciary are obliged to interpret it.

To say I want to punish and hang judges for doing their jobs as you do, would be suicidal.

Claire Khaw
"And you wanted to make sure my efforts were equally ignored."

What makes you say that?

David Jones
Forget it, you know that nobody puts a gun to these judges heads and makes them take thier paychecks. You and I are enemies from now on. You pushed me beyond my tolerance limit, not sure if you planned it this way but there you go.

Tom Price 
If this is what is called Public Debate, I'm a paedophile's private masseur.

Irene Tirtoprodjo
Fundamental laws are laid down by Parliament but the judiciary is an independent body.

Andy Kimber 
well,at least its given searchlight a good laugh.They do describe Dave as 'laugh a minute'

Daryll Christopher 
Claire Khaw will be a hand full for most men. She is very, very patient. She is very, very stubborn and extremely strong willed. She is also manipulative and very intelligent. I sussed her out a long time ago.

Tom Price 
She's a champagne Charley from cuckoo-land.

Daryll Christopher
"She's a champagne Charley from cuckoo-land."

Her judgement is very poor, and she is not media savvy, but she is as described.

Claire Khaw 
What would a media-savvy me do then, Daryll?

David Jones
Lets see what Searchlight says eh, I stand by what I say.

Daryll Christopher
You can't say you were not warned about Claire, David Jones. I warned you myself.

Claire Khaw
What did you say about me to Dave, Daryll?

Daryll Christopher
It was all in public, I told him to thoroughly check you out first before entering into any political alliance. It was at the time when you fell out with me. I knew you would be too strong for him.

I study people.

Claire Khaw
What would have done differently if you had been in my place, Daryll?

Would you tell Dave to keep calm and carry on?

How to Overcome Emotional Sensitivity

Claire Khaw
Daryll, to say that we had "fallen out" with each other suggests that there was some sort of formal relationship beyond Facebook. I don't think it could be said that we had anything that resembled a relationship apart from being Facebook friends.

It is strange though how many men seem to think they have a relationship with me though.

So, reading the above exchange, you think I have wronged Dave, do you, Daryll?

David Jones
Well I have been pushed into a corner, had the piss taken out of me, driven to the edge of depression because she thinks she "knows whats best" for me, and she thinks that gives her the right to treat me like shit. Its simple, I stand in frontline politics because nobody else will, I'm sure I could get a Chemistry Scholarship as I have teachers blood in me from my paternal biological grandfather, and was at A-level standards at 9 years old but guess what: I like living on the land, moletrapping and drystone walling and yes I am not a rich man, but locals respect me for that, being a tough man of the land who is a survivor and freedom lover. And for your information I get a large middle-class vote, its the moslem and labour-pensioners that voted against me.

Daryll Christopher 
Where I come from, falling out means having a row. I have never given the impression that we were more than Facebook friends.

David Jones
Don't attempt to make out some freudian bullshit out of this, we were friends and allies yet you decided to kick me repeatedly while i was down. Thats what broke our friendship.

David Jones 
Yes, Claire, you wronged me.

Daryll Christopher
I have never met anyone from Facebook.

David Jones
I genuinely valued my friendship with her, as thats the type of person I am, I value friendship. But I recognise a 'stab in the back' when I see it.

And here's how I consider it a stab in the back;

1. Knowing how much time, money and effort I invested in elections, communication with her. She made it clear what she thought of me. I.e.

a. Calling me a loser when my phone credit had gone.
b. Calling me a retard because my friends Keyboard was bust.
c. Saying that poor people have no place in politics (in not so many words)

2. Premeditatively planning to ignore and discourage me from politics, feigning concern for my future welfare. A decision made clearly after I lost.

3. Being invited as a guest in my home, where I showed her the family lands etc... and eating my food and then mocking my apparent poverty after election day (I can just imagine the kind of unflattering remarks she has made about my cottage with an outside well and no mains on the way back to London).

4. Purposfully picking the harshest and most insulting ways to adress me, when all I did was defend her, show her friendship and kindness (in London, at risk of being stranded there)

5. Insulting me now, knowing she's fucked up the friendship, rather than acknowledging it is not wise to insult a friend who is in a near-suicidal frame of mind.

Daryll Christopher
Dave, feather your own nest, put yourself first, don't depend on anyone for anything, if you can help it, especially women. It matters not if you have no electricity or running water, as long as you think you are the best person on the planet, this is all that matters. People who put there interest first, love themselves, therefore they are rarely affected by outside forces. If you live your life like this, you should be OK. Only put yourself on a pedestal, no one else.

David Jones
Thanks, thats good advice.

Daryll Christopher
You should just forget this and put this down to experience. It is not good PR for you.

David Jones
Suppose so. Its a bitter pill, and unfortunately, sad to say, confirms my prejudices about the far-eastern race.

David Jones
Anyway I would turn the clock back to before I met Claire Khaw, that would be my wish.

Daryll Christopher
There is an old phrase, but a very true phrase, "Know your enemy". Claire Khaw is still harbours very strong political ambitions.

David Jones 
Well you have to start small, unless she thinks she's going to marry a Lord and get appointed head of Civitas or something.

Other than that I'd get shoving them leaflets through doors like those of us in real politics have to do, and be prepared to lose a few elections as a warm up.

Daryll Christopher
The Khaw doesn't think small. You were only useful if she could use your success as a springboard to greater things. Then she could claim she masterminded your campaign, or get some positive publicity, unfortunately you did not win and she has calculated that you will never win, so she has now written you off. This is how Oriental women are wired, they will work tirelessly for the success of their families or husband etc, but they want to be associated with success, you have to admire them to be honest.

David Jones
An old Hells Angel said to me that "Orientals are like whites, but utterly materialistic and without human souls".

Daryll Christopher
I buy into the Asian way of doing things. At the end of the day, the haves have much less to worry about.

David Jones 
I don't know large enough numbers of Orientals to be able to assert the value of it, but I trust the guys word.

Daryll Christopher
I grew up with Chinese and Asians.

David Jones 
No chinese or blacks here, just 3% pakistani.

Claire Khaw
Daryll, what would you say to Dave if he were your son?

Personality Test
Your source for personality tests

"Those of us who are labeled with this complex are also extremely sensitive to any type of constructive criticism at any level.
If a boss or, (God forbid), co-worker casually remarks on some aspect of our performance or behaviour in the work environment, the martyr cannot treat a relatively harmless statement as such and move on. She perceives constructive criticism as a personal attack and allows a feeling of unfairness to gnaw at her until she ultimately seeks the reassurance of others that she has been unjustly criticized. Quite often, as well, she cannot rest until the guilty party is made aware, usually with a sarcastic remark or misplaced humor that she has been wounded far more than what is normal. The criticism of a loved one or good friend is almost a mortal blow and festers like an infected wound until we have relentlessly and needlessly made the guilty party aware of how deeply we have been hurt and receive some type of assertion that we are, in fact, still loved and respected."
"Being kind, thoughtful and generous are lovely character traits admired and respected by others. These traits are not the problem - it is the need for constant validation and appreciation of our kindness, thoughtful deeds and generosity that invokes disdain and mild irritation on the part of others."

Fighting elections feeds your martyr complex, Dave, and for this reason you should stop.


Anonymous said...

It is fairly obvious that this 'David Jones' is deliriously in love with you, Ms Khaw. All the signals are there. He cannot live without you. He awaits your call even in - especially in - his darkest moments. This is the true source of his angst - that you do not return his love.

Claire Khaw said...

Surely he knows that husbands and wives say very harsh things to each other? If we had been an item I would be even more cruel and even more disappointed and have expected even more from him.

He should count himself lucky.

Anonymous said...

This whole thing is a bit TL;DR.

Claire Khaw said...


Anonymous said...

Elsie said...

I've still got tears of laughter ...

I think that David should team up with Darryl and form a comedy duo...

joefrombradford said...

This is some of the funniest stuff I have read in ages. You two should be on the stage.

Anonymous said...

Right. Claire has had long enough to correct the nonsense about me "fancying her". This is not true and never was true. I have had a meltdown, due to a lot of external circumstances, and some known ones

And more importantly she 100% knows its not true: Yet she chooses to not set the record straight, which would be the honest thing to do. Now I to say very clearly it was not true.

If any of the people commenting here, making fun at the expense of a fellow nationalist are self-declared nationalists yourself, then hang your heads in shame.

I am sorry if people expected me to be some sort off "superman" but I have my limits too.

The next time somebody claims I somehow was attracted to you or some shit like that. Just live up to your self-declared name and tell the truth. If not to me you owe it to yourself.

David Jones.
ex-activist, driven out of nationalism by other peoples bullshit!

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