
Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Disturbing news about Claudia Dalgleish and Eddy Butler of the English Democrats


CK = Claire Khaw
CD = Claudia Dalgleish
EB = Eddy Butler
MC = Mark Collet
TC = Tess Culnane

CD on Facebook
This past month I have suffered a fractured jaw black lip black eye fractured rib ruptured implant fractured finger and other bruises. Hospital records to prove these assaults on me and reliable witnesses. Been chased out of my house sleeping on a friends couch whilst my perpetrator lives warmly in my house with no contribution except abuse. Time to stop suffering in silence.
6 December at 12:36

CD on Facebook
Let's not forget that it is illegal to bug a persons house too
6 December at 12:41

CK to EB
7 December 2012

[CK to EB describing what her Facebook friend has told her he read on CD's walls which was then abruptly deactivated.  What this Facebook friend said to her is in quotes.]


Apparently, Claudia "posted that she had her jaw broken and ribs, and bruising, been in and out of hospital and he has thrown her out of her own house. She deleted it tho"

"he even busted one of her implants she said!"

This was at 5 pm today.

"i asked why she hadnt reported it, she just clicked like
then deleted it all"

"it was a photo she posted she then commented"

"she specifically said a burst implant

I wouldnt make it up

each of my comments got liked over a long period of time as well"

Claire Khaw
what do you mean a long period of time?
How long is a long period of time in FB terms?

"7 hours"
"you would expect something more dramatic - it was tucked away as a comment under a pic"

Claire Khaw
What pic was this?
"i cant really remember, a pic with flowers in I think, she liked my final comment, then it all disapeared
now her account is deactivated"

[No response to this was received from EB.  This was sent to EB after speaking both CD and EB soon after this exchange with CK's Facebook friend.  They both sounded relaxed and happy.  CK received texts from CD over the weekend telling her that the EDP Xmas dinner was not well-attended, that she had for the first time this weekend tried a mince pie, and also suggesting that they meet up before Xmas, giving the impression that she and EB were both happy and relaxed.]

10 December 2012


CD to CK

"It was all true I am being treated by hospital n eddy will be charged."

11 December 2012


on Facebook to CK

"I'm a close friend of Claudia Dalgleish! She asked me to tell u everything that she has told me about she and Eddy Butler! As u r aware, last year Claudia left the BNP and was unhappy with what Nick Griffin and Steve Squires had involved her in! By Christmas, Claudia had split from Squires and allied herself with Butler! They began dating and by March they were an item! Eddy soon moved in with Claudia and since July has been both physically and mentally abusing her! Trying to control everything that she does! He's stopped her working, bugged her phone, shattered her jaw, broken her hand, busted her implant, broken a rib,etc She became a prisoner in her own home! She is safe at a friends house and is trying to get him removed from the house! Even other EDL [EDP surely?] members have noticed the bruises and r aware of what Eddy is doing!"

[Apparently, EB moved in with CD in spring and now won't leave. CD is currently staying with a friend.]



CD to CK

Arrest warrant issued for butler assault gbh abh criminal damage bugging a pvt home he is currently on the run to essex to sue she will be arrested for harbouring him looks like the game is up

[This texted to various nationalists by CK including EB.]


CK to EB

rcvd from claudia at 0024 at 12.12 "Arrest warrant issued for butler assault gbh abh criminal damage bugging a pvt home he is currently on the run to essex to sue she will be arrested for harbouring him looks like the game is up"  Wots happening, eddy?


MC to CK

You're kidding me?


CK to MC

she said on monday he was beating her.


MC to CK

I know their relationship was turbulent


MC to CK [in response to question how he knew their relationship was turbulent]

Well, read your earlier message to me, says it all.  Turbulent


CK to MC

I thot they were getting on fine when I spoke 2 them both on Friday when they were doin their xmas shopping 2gether then going on 2 their edp xmas dinner!


MC to CK

Haha, well claire you are not the analyst you thought you were then lol


CK to MC

I didnt want 2 think it was true!  yes, I was a woman in denial.  :-(


MC to CK

I called eddy, he's at hers now, it appears it all blew over lol

CK to MC


call her n hear the other side?


MC to CK

I didn't hear any side, I just rang and asked him where he was.  I don't know what's happened as I've not actually spoken to either about the "incident'


CK to CD

mark collet 2 me at 853: "I called eddy, he's at hers now, it appears it all blew over lol"


TC to CK

Chickens have come home to roost!


CD to CK

Not true I am at Lola's  police r looking for him


CD to CK

I will inform police he has broken into my home again thankso


CD to CK

Ask collett if claudia is in her home [sic]


EB to CK



CD to CK

If somebody put a roof over my head clothes on me food in my belly n took me on holidays n gave me thousands of pounds on cash i would wash their feet every day.  Eddy butler shows his gratitude by giving me a beating


CD to CK

I believe cops r pressing charges.  I am waiting for confirmation.  I have applied for injunction as he has been stalking me  he is desperate to get back with me but that will NEVER happen.  I will inform you as soon as I know.

Sent by CD to CK - 10 December 21:48:54

Sent by CD to CK  - 10 Dec 2012 21:47:52

Sent by CD to CK - 10 Dec 2012  21:46:45

Sent by CD to CK - 10 Dec 2012 21:47:57

Claudia and Eddy - posted on Claudia's Facebook wall on 10 January 2013
Looks like Claudia and Eddy are back together again.
East End BNP Reunion 20 January 2013

East End BNP Reunion 20 January 2013
It was good to see everyone again.

East End BNP Reunion 20 January 2013
Sue Clapp and me.

East End BNP Reunion 20 January 2013
Sue Clapp and me being silly with our real boobs.   Sue says in all the 30  years she has known Eddy she has never known him to be violent.  She also says that Claudia harassed her so much with text messages that ranged from gloating about her relationship with Eddy, to wanting to send Eddy back to her and other messages designed to upset her, that she had to change her number.


Claudia said...

Hospital and police records don't lie. The police are currently wanting to speak to EB. Reliable witnesses to assaults and criminal damage of CB home. Let the police do their job. Violence against women is unacceptable. CB

Anonymous said...

Claudia has obviously Sussed butler out now and realises he is just a woman beating sexpests that can't support himself.
She needs to get away from him and the curse of BNP that he earned himself by turning on the only party that protects our identity.
Butler is a pig and I look forward to claudia getting her revenge on him and the EDP.

Anonymous said...

Butler laid down with a dog and now his been bit. I bet she is trying to sell this story to the papers as we speak. Haha boob job 'N' holiday anyone.

Anonymous said...

Good the pair of cunts are well suited.

Anonymous said...

Butler is on the run after all he wouldn't get far in that crap motor he drives what was it ?
A 1992 vauxhall Astra ha ha new boob job n holiday !

Anonymous said...

Sexpest butler is at large mums and bored house wives

Anonymous said...

The curse of the BNP gets them all in the end

Anonymous said...

You can see the sexpest in Butler in the first picture. What ever did a nice girl like Claudia see in him.

David Furness said...

I was driving near Heathrow Airport today and I saw an old banger (1992 Vauxhall Astra) abandoned by the side of the road. Has Butler fled to a foreign country? Can we extradite him back to this country to face trial? The man belongs in prison.

Anonymous said...

I do not agree with violence against a woman (even if that woman is Claudia).

Anonymous said...

The top photo is Butler's rape face, i notice her bruises were on her wrist, did he pin her down and rape her?

Anonymous said...

The top photo looks like Butler's rape face, i can't help but noticing the bruise on her wrist, did Butler pin her down and rape her?

Elsie said...

The poor spelling and grammar, as well as the number of comments (!)
tells me that none of this post is true.

Elsie said..., EB must have been doing something very successfully lately to rattle the morons' cages again.

Anonymous said...

She needs a good slap. Well done, Eddy.

Anonymous said...

Elsie said..., EB must have been doing something very successfully lately to rattle the morons' cages again.

He has been Elsie. He's been beating woman up again.

Elsie said...

I must say the scar on that rough hairy arm looks as if a pitbull scratched it...

Anonymous said...

Eddy should have smacked the whore harder. He left poor Sue for this whore on for the promise of a better life and she wants to kick him out now.

Anonymous said...

Has Eddy Butler been arrested yet?

Anonymous said...

The curse of the BNP gets them all in the end

Anonymous said...

Elsie thinks everyone should shut up and let the sexpests go around hitting people's daughters.
What planet is she on ?

Anonymous said...

This is from, Chris Beverley's blog, Butlers best mate's.

You will see that he mentions that the guest of honour was Robin Tilbrook. What he fails to mention is that, Butler was the pest of honour...Pest being as in SEXPEST.

Morley Patriot Blog
"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." - Plato

Wednesday, 12 December 2012English Democrats Christmas Dinner

Here is a photograph from our English Democrats Christmas Dinner at the weekend.
This prestigious event was held on Saturday 8 December in a fine country house setting in Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire.

In the photograph you will see our party Chairman Robin Tilbrook, who was the guest of honour, chatting with some of the other attendees.

Very well done to everyone who was involved in organising this highly successful event.

Yes well done Chris,sitting there with Butler knowing full well he had only hours early assulted poor, Claudia. You must be really proud of yourself.

English Democrats the party of sleaze and low morals.

Claire Khaw said...

Britain is the country of sleaze and low morals.

I blame SSMs and the tolerance of SSMs.

What are SSMs?

Find out at

Anonymous said...

This is disgraceful claudia should go to the papers and expose them for what they are.

Claire Khaw said...

To Anonymous at 13 December 2012 10:39:00 GMT:

Expose WHOM for WHAT?

Elsie said...

I should think that Claire's readers will believe in Father Christmas before they will believe that she wrote this post (she is literate, for one thing), or that there is any truth in it.

Don't you ever look at yourself and think how sad a life you have to be so jealous of other people's happiness that you need to waste time writing this vitriol ?

It would actually be funny if it wasn't trying to hurt real people.

ps and I'm sure that clever people couldn't care less what cars other clever people drive.

Anonymous said...

Elsie, Butler needs a good smack for what he's done to this poor woman. He has a history of knocking Sue around. He was also well known for knocking Emma Colgate about when he was see her back in 2009/2010. She even had a miscarriage due to his handy work.

Anonymous said...

I meet poor Eddy last night and the poor man is broken hearted, he is in a contrite spirit are willing to do anything to win Claudia back. So please can you all leave them alone so they can work on getting their relationship back on track.

Claire Khaw said...

If that is the case then a joint statement by Eddy and Claudia would be in order.

Anonymous said...

If Claudia gets back with this thug, then she'll lose any sympathy I had for her. My message to her if she reads this is... Don't do it because if you go back to him it will be giving him the green light to carry on abusing you. Get out whilst you can Claudia, do not become like that other poor punchbag Sue Clapp.

Anonymous said...

Everyone was in laughter when she even got with this idiot.
Bankrupt,wannabe BNP leader and a mumbling corpse.can anyone actually now contemplate taking this rollock seriously?

He will probably join the BDP next with the rest of the losers
(once he is paroled)

Anonymous said...

Butler is thick so please if your his friend tell him sort his life out and get a job as he hasn't got two h'pennies and try to save is house and family.
If sue would take pity on him it's the only thing that can save him from utter ruin.
Although he has been on a self distruct mission for the last 2 years it's been a bit like watching a suicide bomber that only has enough explosive to kill himself!

Anonymous said...

Claudia is not a punchbag and has already been over generous to this sponging lazy disrespecting vermin and needs to be protected by the law.

Claire Khaw said...

If Eddy has been violent towards his female partners and wants to stop doing it now, this must be the best time for him to do so.

I know men who have stopped when they have been given a strong enough warning.

They just have to know in no uncertain terms that they will not get away with it.

If they think they can get away with it, then they will carry on.

It is ultimately up to Claudia to decide what to do for the best.

There are such things as relationship counselling and training in anger management.

Just as there is no point in always giving in all the time there is not much point in being pointlessly vindictive.

I wish Claudia wisdom and fortitude in deciding what to do for the best.

If Sue decides to have him back then he would be more likely to be contrite and non-violent from now on.

I had actually got the impression that Eddy was a bit henpecked! Someone told me a story about Sue telling him to drink up because she wanted to leave immediately, and he had to leave his pint like a lamb.

Claire Khaw said...

Call me an old softie, but I hope that there will be a happy ending for all concerned!

Anonymous said...

Pints and Butler don't mix. It was Butler who got Stella Artois the name ' WIFE BEATER.'

Elsie said...

It appears that it is true, and I was wrong.

I can only echo your sentiments, Claire.

Anonymous said...

Butler is the possessive and jealous type because he is lacking in self worth, this cannot change overnight. Butler has been scorned and i predict he will try to do CD great harm if she goes near him again, his mindset is "if i can't have her no one will", its naive to think that there will be a fairytale ending, he's a violent women beater, no good will come of it. Its time to run this inadequate out of politics before someone is killed.

Claire Khaw said...

Sometimes, even an old cynic like me wants a fairy tale ending as Xmas approaches.

Claire Khaw said...

Claire Khaw said... ?

Claire Khaw said...

Anonymous said...

A bullet in the head of both these c..ts wouldn't go amiss. What good are they to anyone or any party. Where ever they go, they leave behind a bad taste in the mouth.

David Furness said...

All references to this story on the British Democracy Forum are being deleted. Claudia, please provide some documentary evidence so that we can get the word out.

Anonymous said...

Claudia is a attention seeker.

Anonymous said...

This is being ignored by searchlight an the neonazi stormfront controlled by searchlight agents Eddy has his minders very busy .

Anonymous said...

Claudia's been in bed for the last 4 days recovering from her ordeal at the hands of Butler. The good news is she was strong enough to visit the her local equestrian centre today. She is up London with her girlfriend this evening.

Anonymous said...

A little birdy tells me that claudia tried to join the NF recently but not even they wanted her. Are the english democrats not good enough for her anymore? Or is she getting a bit bored and wants to cause trouble else where? looks to me that she's trying to destroy every thing around her, Mr Tillbrook had better look out. I wounder what partys next on her agender?

Anonymous said...

Haven't seen any pictures yet but Claudia seems to have gone to another local English Democrat dinner with Butler last night, so my guess is the whole thing was an attention seeking stunt by this sad woman.
After all I see no signs of a broken jaw, hand or ribs in the pictures of the other diner.

Anonymous said...

They had a lovers tiff and she turned on butler just like griffin with the fake currygate story. i know she contacted sue the night before the fake story and gave her aload of nasty vile filthy abuse and accused her of hiding eddy from the police. what a vile fake creature this thing is.

Anonymous said...

hi there i would just like to say i have seen all of the bruises and makes for myself in that i mean the black lip, makes on wrist and scratches caused to my good friend claudia dalgeish by eddy butler and they are verry worrieing to thing a man could do this to such a nice and kind women somthing need to be dont about him..........

Elsie said...

Sorry. Marks and scratches are not a
'broken jaw' or 'rib' or a 'burst implant'.

There is a vast difference.( And for those that will tell me that there fundamentally isn't any difference, then they shoud think about the reality of violence).

So far, I have not seen one iota of proof that this story is true.

Claudia could have shown those hospital records. She hasn't.

Infact I've read nothing that doesn't lead me to huge doubts about the truth behind these reports.

Claire was quick to denounce the destruction of Jimmy Savile's reputation, based on media gossip, mass hysteria and few concrete proofs. Why isn't she demanding that proofs be shown in this case ?
And refusing to let it drop ? She should never have made this Blog Post, if she isn't prepared to deal with the replies.

Mud sticks, and there is a man's reputation on the line.

If this woman is a vindictive liar, then let her be exposed as one.

Anonymous said...

to the anonymous person who wront this morning i can also say i have seen the black lip when i was done same with the bruise on her wrist i am not sure about youself but i have seen all of the medication she is taking and all of the hospital records she has and i am very disappointed with eddy butler and the fact he is still walking around free lock him up claudia is a very kind women and should be treated better

Claire Khaw said...

"Claire was quick to denounce the destruction of Jimmy Savile's reputation, based on media gossip, mass hysteria and few concrete proofs. Why isn't she demanding that proofs be shown in this case?"

It was Claudia who wanted to go public with this. I had no idea where this was going and it is all up to Claudia.

I have already asked Claudia that if it is the case she wants no further action taken on this matter would she like me to remove this post, but she said no.

I have already explained to Claudia that after having decided to go public on this she lets the matter drop without explanation then people will think it is a storm in teacup.

Ultimately, it is a matter for her.

I hope no one thinks I have condemned Eddy out of hand and have invited him on more than one occasion to give give his side of things. However, if he does not deign to do so, there is not much I can do about it.

I actually have no idea what is happening between Eddy and Claudia now, except through the comments on this page.

Anonymous said...

The womens fake and you know it claire dont you? And dont worry in 2013 i will expose this vile cretin for what she is.

Anonymous said...

Dear claire i know you think CD is a lovely person that's how she presents her self, but she's a evil lying creature, no man will go near her because she might accuse them of rape or assault. She has a track record of harrassing people and there family's behind closed door's. I know has i have been a victim of her vile sick abuse and have the proof. Now she cant face any one and has gone quite. Well she should be assured that soon enough no political party will ever touch her with a bargpole again.

Elsie said...

Lets get down to some nitty gritty :

A black lip and a bruised wrist are one thing; A broken jaw and a bust rib and implant are very different, in my view.

The implications for the reputation of someone causing one or the other are very different.

Claudia claimed she had broken bones, but I've read here that she spent (only) '4 days in bed', went riding, and went up to London with a friend, attended an EDP event etc
within days or after the day that she was mean't to have sustained such physically debilitating injuries ?

You are a lawyer ???

Claudia's story is bollocks, Claire. You know it.

You posted it, and you are responsible for putting something in the the public domain which is
incredibly damaging to EB, and which appears to be a lie, until shown otherwise.

You are incredibly cowardly if you try to wriggle out it.

You can't now try and shunt everything onto Claudia saying effectively 'nothing to do with me, all her say so'.

This post is YOUR responsibility.

DEMAND that Claudia puts up proof..

Claire Khaw said...

If Eddy didn't hit her then he didn't hit her. I am in no position to pronounce one way or another. You would have thought he would have the sense to deny it here or through his own blog.

Anonymous said...

No claire i disagree with you. Claudia started some thing so it's up to her to finnish it. She's led you and others up the garden path with her lies, She has to invent things up to draw attention to her sad life. She was telling people months ago she was pregnant and eddy tried to strangle her and he was going to be arrested, well she must have nine life's, do you know what she doe's for a living? She claims she runs a modeling agencey well guess what it's a agencey all right but not a modeling agencey. I could go on and on with more of her lies but has they say good things come to those who wait. Mean while claire a word of warning dont turn your back on her.

Claire Khaw said...

Not sure what I said that you disagree with.

My back is already like a pincushion of knives!

Anonymous said...

you all are demanding proff witch cant be shown at this moment in time becuse of who i am and what i do i can not say who i am but i can say the aliations made on eddy butler are not lies they are real and i am sat here with all the paper work infront of me and when the time is wright they will be put public but at tho moment with it being an ongoing case i have advised claudia that she should not be putting pics of the avidents up at this time but as soon as i have done my job i will tell her when she is able to do so if u want the proff u will have to wait it will come to u i am the one with the records at the moment not herself

Anonymous said...

You having a laugh mate? Next time friend make sure you use a photo of a bruised arm that belong's to the cretin not some blokes hairy arm, saying that it looks a bit like eddy's arm? Maybe he had it somewhere he should'nt have and thought he was stuffing claudia's turkey? You have to laugh dont you? ha ha ha he he he.

Elsie said...

Personally, I find this post is too great a calumny to just drop like that...

The time line is still quite short:

I have known someone with a broken rib -it couldn't be put in plaster, and it caused great pain and misery to the person concerned for a long time.

A broken jaw cannot be put in plaster, and is one of the most painful and debilitating injuries that you could have.

A burst inplant would put you in hospital for an operation, otherwise you would get silicone leaking into your body.

None of these injuries would allow you to spend just 4 days in bed to recover, go out in public, let alone go riding.

CB apparently didn't want Claire's post to be removed, and therefore she wants to stand by the accusations. They have to be proved.

If the injuries were sustained only 3 weeks ago,then CB must show clear signs of physical damage still. Someone should get some photos of her to post here...

For those pro-Griffinites, I would say that if CB is proven a liar over this story, then the benefit of the doubt over the Curry Gate story will go to NG. So it is in your interest to finger CB as a shabby jezebel.

It is certain that a woman who had professional photos taken where she was simulating masturbation or lesbian sex could ever be taken seriously when it came to 'Family values'. It was laughable in the context that she turned upon her ex-lover (S.S) who was in the sex trade himself, when porn was her own livelihood.

She was also always fantasising about becoming an SSM herself, whilst denouncing other women for the same thing. Although looking at photos of her, she surely lies about her age, and isn't fertile anyhow.

I firmly believe that it is not right for us to all go away and let her lies stand.

If she is involved in prostitution, and she knows how to to use the internet to plant false fake posts, and she is superficial..lets prove it !!

Anonymous said...

"So it is in your interest to finger CB [Claudia Dalgleish] ...."

Er, no thank you. I do not want to go anywhere Eddy Butler has been.

Anonymous said...

Has much as i would like it to be true The currygate story was fake and CD should be investigated over the untrue story. She wanted sex with NG there was lots of flirting between them alright. NG was very flattered and when it came to the nitty gritty and she had him on his own with no wittnesses he refused her advance,s she also told some one there was loads of txt message's that he had sent to her that he deleted on her phone while she went to the rubbish bin that day in the car park. She cant bear rejection so she had to make a story up big time. Do you know what her next story was going to be? She was going to tell the paper's that NG went with a prostitute but nothing came of it, she must of had second thoughts or advised not to go that far?
Now this should tell you something about this lying cretin, we all look forward to the photo's.

Anonymous said...

Where are the photo's claudia cretin?

Anonymous said...

Oh yes that's another thing why doe's she lie about her age? She's looking really old and haggered lately.

Elsie said...

Anonymous said...

"So it is in your interest to finger CB [Claudia Dalgleish] ...."

Er, no thank you. I do not want to go anywhere Eddy Butler has been.
30 December 2012 19:49:00 GMT

I don't wish to deflate you (because I don't know who you are), but I think that this woman homes in on men who are what she perceives as 'powerful' or 'influential', using her body and her money; You are probably safe.

I think that she is poison, and will try to demolish any bloke that will not be bought by her fakeries.

I don't understand how Claire can claim to understand men, and not seem to realise how anyone who wanted to fake double E size tits
could not have the worst manipulations in store for any poor
male who crossed her black widowish path...

I mean, what would be the point of
putting your body through those deformations otherwise ?

Someone -go get those photos !

Tonight is New Year's Eve...she will be out...

Elsie said...

...and another thing

... "She cant bear rejection so she had to make a story up big time".

Maybe you're right, Anon..

Just look at those photos posted here, for yourselves..

EB looks like he is the one who is being abused...she is draping herself possessively over him...

She isn't the one who looks like 'winter' -He is..

Revenge for something ??

Anonymous said...

Elsie. You have hit the nail right on the head, when this woman doe'snt get her own way she cry's blue murder).They are still very much together but both keeping out of the limelight and keeping a low one. CD is constantly harrassing eddy's ex family with vile sick message's and asking eddy's ex partner if she wants to see photo's of eddy naked in bed and the both of them having sex. Now this has to be one vile sick unhappy unstable woman the police are dealing with the matter. SS her ex once said she take's cocaine? That would explain alot, this woman is off her head.

Anonymous said...

Dogleish always has one or two losers at her beck and call to believe her nonsense. If she genuinely did suffer any bruises it is more likely that they came from a customer getting rough.

Anonymous said...

Here here.

Anonymous said...

Bnp lowlifes support abuse against women but we knew that already

Anonymous said...

Anon 0:33:00..... I dont support the bnp? And i dont know any one else who does, so clearly you know nothing. So please ask your good friend for some proof please we are getting fed up with waiting sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long.

Anonymous said...

Do the Bnp support mad women abusing decent men ?

we want proof of this story..

Anonymous said...

Come on Claudia..where is the PROOF ?

Eddy B said...


Why no facebook screnshots? Why only your typed version?

And are you sure you are speaking to Claudia and not a hacked facebook account?

Libel is a dangerous thing.

Claire Khaw said...

I have the notifications of the comments received on this thread and there is not much point taking screenshots of email notifications that you already have.

I have no reason to believe that it is not Claudia that is in touch with me.

If she has decided to withdraw the charges then all she has to do is let me know and I will remove this post from display immediately.

Anonymous said...

I dont know why EB is trying to cover for the mad woman, is he embarressed by her mad out burst? Her email or phone has not been hacked. She her self made the alligations against him and he knows it and is trying to save her embarressment. So come on you two cowards EB and CD admit it.

Anonymous said...

I read all your posts, although I don't always comment.

I have read all the comments on this Thread and I feel that there should be a 'verdict', otherwise people might google EB or CB and come to an erroneous conclusion.

The internet post is YOUR responsibility. It is you and only you, who put this into the open.

You must exonerate EB;

He is clearly the defamed party.

Anonymous said...

This is like Hello magazine. Eihanna and Chris Brown are back together. Who knew?

Anonymous said...

Her tits look deflated where are they? What a happy couple they look, well For now anyway? Dont upset her ed.

Elsie said...

Oh. So there is a a photo dated 10 Jan, which is the same date that CB was claiming to have been beaten up. When clearly she wasn't.

Let's simply put the record straight -and who cares whether CB and EB are together or not :

Claudia lied, and EB did not attack CB as she claimed.

All I want is that the truth should be established for the record :

CB lied and Eddy is innocent.

What is your verdict, Claire ?

Claire Khaw said...

I really wouldn't care to pronounce on what is clearly not a trial. Neither party has sought to present a convincing case either for the prosecution or for the defence.

They are back together again so I will have to wish them both well.

Anonymous said...

i would like to say i was claudia's sercurity at the hospital and i can confirm Mr butler was only allowed visitation with my presents being there i can say claudia is doing well at the moment

Elsie said...

I am so so bored with this, but I feel that for the sake of justice, I have to plough on..

Your post will be googled , Claire.

We need to state the facts clearly. A man's reputation rests on it, and you purport to support men above mad harpies.

Eddy B and Claudia are now back together, after her stating that she would "NEVER" go back, and after her asserting a load of rubbish, in order to be purely vindictive.

I wish them the best also, although he is clearly a love stricken sap if he goes back (but I could understand that).

But I think that you should make it clear that your original story was bollocks.

It is very important viz à viz internet stories.

The repercussions are important.

State clearly that EB did not do
the things of which you accused him. (I think that we all know that he didn't now).

Claire Khaw said...

Have I accused Eddy? I merely stated the allegations.

Anonymous said...

Now that claudia has gone under the knife and had another boob job will she be selling her old one's on gumtree?

Anonymous said...

Claire they were only allegations, why did'nt you find out the truth first? People have been hung before for this sort of thing.

Claire Khaw said...

And how was I supposed to have found out the truth, pray tell?

And hung for what sort of thing?

Anonymous said...

She's your good friend claire She tells you every thing dos'nt she? Thats what friends do. But then again it appear's she told you a pack of lie's because there was no proof of those supposed false allegations. She once said eddy tried to kill her by strangulation. Inocent People have been hung before because people like cd have lied and falsely accussed some one of murder i cant make it any clearer than that.

Claire Khaw said...

Claudia does not tell me "everything"! All I know is what I have been told. I am just passing on information.

Claudia never said anything to me about Eddy trying to strangle her.

Whatever Eddy was supposed to have done, it seems they have decided to draw a line under the traumas and dramas that led to all this.

I really have no idea where this will lead, but am just a little curious to see what happens next.

Every day brings a new twist to the story, it seems.

Anyway, no one is being accused of murder, and no one has been arrested for anything, as far as I know.

Anonymous said...

I suppose that the comments under this post mean that CB will never be
believed over anything that she ever says again. I don't suppose that she'll be doin it to any other man either -I hope that they will see what she does when she falls out with them, and keep well away from her. She even managed to associate the Eng Dems with really bad publicity, too.

Anonymous said...

Yes well lets all wait and see what her next little out burst will be shall we? Come on claudia keep the storys comming they are funny. Oh by the way what ever happened to the baby she told eddys son she was having 10 months ago? And at that age as well what was it again claudia 41 or 51? I cant remember please remind us again.

Elsie said...

Anon that said that people have been hung upon the allegations of other people, without proof,and he was quite right.

You put this story up on the Internet, when other forums took it off immediately because they were more lucid about CB's reputation as a liar than you were. Even given that blogs like Hope not Hate have no reason to go easy on Eddy Butler. Anymore than BD Forums has ever baulked at allowing critisism of him.

They wouldn't allow the story, because they knew who was the upright character between the two of them.

Infact, nobody BUT you allowed these abject lies to be printed. And that is because you are mates with CB.

Take your rose coloured spectacles off concerning her.

Also take your spectacles off concerning the Internet.

You obviously want to pretend that you have no responsibility in the the whole thing -you say that you were merely 'reporting'. However, I have said that people will google the names of the two people concerned and they might come upon your post -and what will they think if they don't wade through
90 odd replies to discover that Butler was innocent of the heinous crimes laid at his door ?

I say that they might quickly think that he was guilty.

That would have an impact on any future elections that he might wish to stand in, and it might have an impact on any future personal relationships that he might wish to pursue.

You have set yourself up as a crusader for Men against unsupported claims by 'Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned' type
female creatures.

Why let anyone google the name of a good man and let their opinion be swayed by a bunch of lies by nasty minded vicious woman ?

I, personally, will think that you are a coward, if you don't make a fresh post setting out clearly that Butler is not a drunken wife beater, nor a sponger.

Obviously, I credit CB with some intelligence (intellectual, if not human), and she would never have taken him back if he had done anything that she had accused him of.

Set the record straight !!

Anonymous said...

Butler is being interviewed by police the allegations of abuse against CD are true with witnesses police and hospital records.

Claire Khaw said...

I do not know if what Claudia says about Eddy is true, and I really wouldn't care to say. If Eddy is to be charged with a crime, then he is only guilty if he is convicted of it.

Anonymous said...

Whats that old saying? Oh yes i remember now chickens allways come home to roost dont they claudia?

Anonymous said...

CB has posted a picture of them together, a few days ago. she doesn't have a mark on her, although she said that she had a broken jaw a few weeks ago. She said that she would "NEVER" take him back, but she did. it is obvious that her first story was all lies...

Anonymous said...

Claire you have just said that you dont know if any of the allegations were true? Yet you went ahead and put the supposed allegations up for all to see. Cd is a marriage and home wrecker. Look what she did to eddys family? Are you saying you did not know about there sordid affair? You were giving them your blessings so you must have known? Do you still believe the currygate affair? The party was dead any way because of griffin but she wanted to destroy NG marrriage just for good measure, any one who's been through a break up knows how devastating it can be, and its normally for the woman because it is her who's been left behind. Cd is a very spitefull woman who will never find happiness she can only buy her men and even then they dont last.

Claire Khaw said...

Was I giving Eddy and Claudia my blessings? It is certainly not up to me to tell either Eddy or Claudia to go back to their former partners! If I had it would not have gone down well at all, I suspect, either with Claudia or Eddy or their former partners, who may or may not want them back.

As you can see, I am determined to be neutral on this and see how things develop.

Anonymous said...

That's crap that you were neutral.
you printed a story on the internet
trashing someones good name on the sole sayso of a known lying old tart, without checking if the story was true or not when nobody else would print it. you even advised Eddy to go to AA and anger management for good measure and it was only because you are mates with the evil old bat. when the story wasn't true you didn't take down the post or apologise to eddy
for smearing him. I hope that Cd hangs her head in shame when she goes out for the lies she told about him and NG.

Claire Khaw said...

Eddy seems to have forgiven Claudia, if he had thought that she was "smearing" him, judging from the last photo.

Anonymous said...

If he has forgiven her then she is obviously not pressing charges -so that was another lie. if she has forgiven him then he didn't leave her so badly beaten that she had a broken jaw, broken rib and burst inplant and abuse her and sponge off her for months and try to strangle her -so all that was a lie.

take down this post and apologise for printing it.

Claire Khaw said...

Why should I? The story is still running as far as I can see!

Anonymous said...

Erh sorry claire but thats another fib the old brass told you. Cd met up with sue and told her another bare faced lie, the meeting was to tell sue that there was nothing going on with herself and eddy and that she did'nt even fancy him. When eddy walked out and left sue after more then 30 years together he told her he was going to live with rod gordon, then on that same night sue had a message from cd saying im F--CKING YOUR MAN AND THAT SHE WAS FULL OF HIS SPUNK AND THAT SHE HAD PICTURES OF HIS C--K and how she was going to show sue. So no claire even sue was lied to, do you know what she went through? There SORDID affair was kept secret and even to this day eddy has denied ever having an affair with the trollop. If your in love you'd think you would shout it from the roof topps, was it all just for sex because after all she doe's like high profile political men? the english dems had better beware.

Anonymous said...

Another thing claire she said you were going to be there bridesmaid was that true or false?

Claire Khaw said...

It is quite amusing just waiting for the bizarre stories to come up in the comments!

I am too old to be anyone's bridesmaid.

Anonymous said...

Yeah well claudia's to old to get pregnant but it did'nt stop her from making out she was. she's told so many lie's her nose must reach half way round the world buy now. There you go claire you could start a new thread up CLAUDIA THE MAD LIAR.

Anonymous said...

Not a bridesmaid, Claire ? I could have quite have imagined you in fuschia satin with a 'Jimmy Savile is Innocent' badge and a swastika
handbag, holding up the train of the menopausal bride, who would be clamped over the bridegroom and holding him in a vice like grip with one arm, her face frozen into a 'startled' botoxed grimace ( her free hand would be tapping out texts wittering on about being 'blissfully happy and 'soul mates', alternated with poisenous bile to her love rival, and playing the victim of constant abuse and beatings, in order to control the unhappy looking groom).

What I find very interesting about your attitude is the double standard when it comes to professing to stand up for men, who
are often crucified by the press over false rape claims, allegations of retrospective date rape, or stripped of their assets over nebulous claims of 'mental abuse'.

Here we have a woman who felt the need to proclaim how happy she was, to the world via Facebook and photos, all summer, and then when things didn't go as she thought that they should be going ( ie he should be "washing her feet" everyday, infact that she assumed that her money would emasculate him) , made retrospective claims that in reality she had been sponged off, abused and regularly beaten during this time, and even claimed that he had tried to kill her.

I am not a clever lawyer like you, but it is evident that she was blatently lying about all of it. She cannot have it both ways, and it would seem to prove that neither version was true.


Anonymous said...


However, you believed the woman's
unsupported allegations.

If you had been truly 'neutral', then you would not have decided to print this story accusing Eddy Butler of these terrible crimes (because the reality of that sort of violence would have been truly a terrible crime), with nothing other than her accusations to go on.

Your story was not neutral, because you drove home the point by printing a lurid photograph of a bruised arm, and suggesting that he had an alcohol problem (you printed the address of AA for him), and you suggested that he should take help for 'anger management'. You clearly signaled that you believed the story to be true.

You also printed all the first comments underneath, which are from
enemies of Eddy Butler, who were delighted to drive home the nails.

Whilst I deplore those comments, I can now understand why the people who made them were so full of the desire for revenge : those people know that CB had made up the Currygate story too, and Nick Griffin's name was dragged through the media for something that he didn't do, on nothing more than her allegations (yet, as with Eddy Butler, photos and texts from her
over Griffin, clearly show that it was her the sexual predator -she was photographed with her hand posed provocatively upon Griffin's groin).

Butler may not want to enter into a mud slinging match with CB -because to deny the accusations, is tantamount to exposing her as a liar. However, I think that allowing the accusations to stand on this thread could have unforeseen consequences for him in the future.

He might want to stand in an election in the future, or he might want to have a relationship with another woman. And what about his reputation within the Eng Dems ?
Potential voters or potential new partners could easily google his name, and if they do, they might come upon your blog Post. And what will they think if they do so ?

They will think that he is a drunken 'wife beater'in secret, and steer well clear. And this was clearly the poisenous intention of CB when she let this 'story' be printed on your blog, and when she let it stand and did not ask for it to be taken quietly off the Net, or courageously own up that it wasn't true. She hoped to ruin his political career, and also to make him a pariah for other women.

But you have a responsibility. You could take down this Blog Post, and you could issue an apology to EB -and nobody could come to erroneous conclusions about him.

If CB doesn't wish to be continuously insulted in the comments on this blog, then she can ask you to have it taken down as well.

Otherwise, I hope that anyone who reads it will be curious enough to continue reading the comments to the end.

Anonymous said...

If that vile woman cant have something she will destroy it. Eddy has been taken in by this madam that is her line of work ask her ex steve squire? She knows how to play men with her body parts, that's all part of her job. Just look at the i want you pose with griffin? Any one who's not stupid would have sussed her out then. She plays madam innocent but she's plotting all time. When she lived with steve squire she was happy to share his cocaine but when he was no use to her any more she reported him to the police and suppossedly told them where he keep it all. When things dont go just the way she wants she will try to bring people down. When she was trying to get griffin in bed and was his attack dog she got her claws in organiser cheryl dunn because cheryl spoke out against griffin cd plasted all over the internet that cheryl was having affairs with different men to try and break that womens marriage up. This is how spitefull this vile person is, where now are all her friends on here who beleived her? ( i cant hear them now)

Anonymous said...

She stitched up Steve Squires to the police over cocaine ?
Maybe the tax inspectors should look into her claim that she gave "thousands of pounds" to Butler in "cash" ? Why did she have " thousands of pounds in cash" around her house, eh ? Surely she didn't drive obligingly to the cash machine every five minutes? She was probably getting paid in cash for some service or other. Can't think what it might be.

Anonymous said...

She probably use's one of her 3 house's has her Err..erm office, Well she boast of 3 anyway?

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that she gave him thousands of pounds in cash, I just think that it's all a lie....

Anonymous said...

I really don't think that she gave him thousands of pounds in cash i think that is all another lie. she knew his lifestyle when she hooked up with him and it never bothered her then, when she thought bthat he might bring her kudos by association

Anonymous said...

So shall we have a verdict then? Who thinks claudia's a liar, has any one seen any bruise's. Has any one got any photo's apart from a man's hairy bruised arm. Can any of her friends come up with any proof? Come on you stupid claudia believer's your've all been conned by her fake lies's she certainly took you lot for fools did'nt she? Well not quite every one. Now lets see what her nice little followers have to say? or they gonna go in hiding aswell, we look forward to all your comments numptys.

Claire Khaw said...

16/1/13 at 1225:

CD to CK

"On the advice of my solicitor and meeting with Medway CID I request you remove the blog on Dalgleish and Butler and all references to Bryan and Dalgleish with immediate effect. Thank you."

I did as she asked and asked if she and Eddy were back together and she responded at 1449: "No."

Anonymous said...

Great ! An admission at last !
No proof, threats -and she could just have said that she wanted the post taken off when you asked her..
I think that the CID is another invention. I expect that it's all lies, but if ever she did take out legal action, she'd surely have to come out with solid proof for once...which she can't actually do.
Surely the anti Claudia comments here would have to be examined to see if they were untrue 'libel', which they're not ? (except they are of Butler) and she might end up getting done. jonathan Aitken and Jeffrey Archer spring to mind.

Claire Khaw said...

Claire Khaw: "So what's happening, babe?"

[No response received.]

Claudia posts on the wall of Robert Durden with whom she thought I was in a relationship.

"Strange posts for a prosecutor working for an immigration law firm?"

Robert Durden "A bit of ethnic banter has never done anybody any harm has it!"

Claudia Bryan "I believe people get arrested for it. Aside from anything else it is obvious you are a fake profile set up by Claire Khaw. I called Dias solicitors. They never heard of you. Laughing my fake tits off!!! Guess this is a shame for Ms Khaw as it shows her desperation and makes her a liar. Now no-one can trust what she says.... Oh dear....I had hoped she was for real and had found a nice man - I am just a romantic at heart. But if a woman has to fake a relationship she needs to be sectioned. Faking an orgasm well that's not a crime haha"

Robert Durden "I have a reputation for making up bogus details to tease people - I just ordered a pizza but gave a fake address: 68 Fannyrash Avenue. The delivery guy will be sat there with his sat nav going nuts.

Fannyrash Avenue only goes up to Number 52."

Claire Khaw said...

Clauda posts on her wall and tags CK:

"Faking an orgasm - shame on me. Faking a relationship - shame on you Claire Khaw. Laughing my fake tits off!!!!"

Claudia Bryan "Annabella Bottali we sure meet some freaks babes but this ales the cherry. A bitch berating me online and sticking her nose in
My personal business when she has faked an entire relationship with a fake profile of a supposed solicitor. The woman is out of remission from her mad cow disease. Anyway chicks my boobies are done so let's go do a photoshoot with John John Farrar beautiful lady xxx"

Claudia Bryan "The woman is a fake she cannot be believed about anything. Her SSM crusade is a farce as she is a single mum on benefits FFs!!!"

Claudia Bryan "I hope she likes being talked about now as she delights in talking about others and playing with people's lives"

Claudia Bryan "For sure Aled Jamieson don't throw stones when you live in a glass house as the old adage goes x"

Claudia Bryan "Infact her computer will be seized by police if she doesn't remove slanderous remarks. She is a sick puppy we should pity her x"

Claudia Bryan "I have lost all respect for her as her transparent hypocrisy has revealed itself x"

Claire Khaw said...

Claire Khaw
Gosh. You are really annoyed about Robert!
It was only a joke relationship.
Why are you so angry?

Claire Khaw
Would you like to say why you are angry with me?
I did what you asked and removed the post as you asked, didn't I?
In fact, I offered to ages ago, and you said no.

On Claudia's Facebook wall:

"Open letter to Claire Khaw : you asked me why I am angry at you. I am not angry at all. I just thought it was amusing that on one hand you set yourself up as an agony aunt and the arbiter of the truth about other peoples private lives; while you simultaneously created a fake relationship. You took great delight in ridiculing David Mountainman Jones. Why? You create numerous fake profiles and identities to make it look like people are interested in your 'debates'. It is like you are playing ping ping with yourself. But playing private ping pong is harmless. Instead of wasting your energy in a desperate attempt to garner a shallow notoriety; you would be better employed actually using whatever talents you may possess in trying to turn a buck so that you are no longer a drain on the taxpayer. You will benefit yourself by getting off benefits. You may be a single mum but get off your settee; turn off your computer and turn your back on dependency culture.

Claudia Bryan "Not to be trusted or believed. Her credibility has gone out of the window."

Claire Khaw said...

Facebook friend: "whats going on between you and claudia?"

CK "No idea. She suddenly got very angry with me for faking a relationship with Robert Durden.
Right out of the blue. I think she wants to be back with Eddy.

FB friend: "they broke up"

CK "Have they now?"

FB friend: "have they broken up?"

CK "I don't know with her.
Can't believe anything she says."

FB friend "i thought you were friends"

CK "So did I. She probably didn't like the comments that that post attracted.

I warned her though.

Earlier I even offered to remove it, but she said no.

If you look at her wall she was happy and friendly and then suddenly I am the world's worst person for faking a relationship with Robert Durden!"

FB friend: "i don't know what to say

she may have broken up thn got back"

CK "I think she wants to get back with Eddy and Eddy wants her to get me to remove that post.

I did, and then she started going crazy on me.

I removed it within minutes.

So she can't complain about that.
That is why she is going on about the Robert Durden business."

FB friend "i see you are in a bit of a pickle i suppose

so basically the story is that claudia was being abused

she got you to help
but then she got back with her boyfriend

its a classic case of an abused person

she thinks he's changed etc

and that he won't do it again blah blah

its simple

they need counselling

your in a dodgy situation

she'll defend him since she loves him

and he'll use her against you

abusers have great control over the abused"

Claire Khaw said...

It is all very odd. I very obediently and quickly removed removed this post from display when she asked me to. If she had any sense at all she should have had the sense to refrain from attacking me and let the story die down.

Instead she has been posting aggressively, tagging me and inviting everyone to attack me.

None of this makes any sense at all.

Claire Khaw said...

Claudia Bryan "Yes all the time! Haha hypocrite immigrant benefit scrounger single slut mother. Pmsl. She must hate herself x"

Andy Morley "How come you're still [Facebook] friends with her Claud? x"

Claire Khaw said...

Conversation started 11 December 2012

John Ganner
Hey Claire! Don't know if u remember me, I'm a close friend of Claudia Dalgleish! She asked me to tell u everything that she has told me about she and Eddy Butler! As u r aware, last year Claudia left the BNP and was unhappy with what Nick Griffin and Steve Squires had involved her in! By Christmas, Claudia had split from Squires and allied herself with Butler! They began dating and by March they were an item! Eddy soon moved in with Claudia and since July has been both physically and mentally abusing her! Trying to control everything that she does! He's stopped her working, bugged her phone, shattered her jaw, broken her hand, busted her implant, broken a rib,etc She became a prisoner in her own home! She is safe at a friends house and is trying to get him removed from the house! Even other EDL members have noticed the bruises and r aware of what Eddy is doing! She needs ur help!

Claire Khaw
What would she like me to do?

John Ganner
For the moment, she just wants everyone to know, but if he is talking about waging a war on her, if it comes to that, she might need u then! Will keep u updated! Thanks Claire

Claire Khaw

John Ganner
Good news is she's going to be fine! She just needs to rest up! The old Claudia Dalgleish spirit is coming back as well! lol

Claire Khaw
Where is she staying now?

John Ganner
For the time being she's staying at her friend, Lola's! x She's quite safe there! x Lola is VERY protective of her! xxx

Claire Khaw
So Eddy is living at hers?

John Ganner
He moved in about Springtime! x He won't leave! xxx
12 December 2012

John Ganner
Just checked Voice Of Reason blog! Thank u SO much for that!! Spread the word hun!

Claire Khaw said...

20 December 2012

Claire Khaw
Thought you might be want to respond to this comment below.
"Haven't seen any pictures yet but Claudia seems to have gone to another local English Democrat dinner with Butler last night, so my guess is the whole thing was an attention seeking stunt by this sad woman.
After all I see no signs of a broken jaw, hand or ribs in the pictures of the other diner."
20 December 2012 18:32:00 GMT

Claire Khaw said...

21 December 2012

Claudia Bryan
No response I have operation on my hand on 8 th jan n boobs 10 jan fractured rib cannot be operated on everyone knows that x

Claire Khaw
Eddy has not been arrested then? And you were at the same EDP function with him?

Claudia Bryan
I was at the same function but not with him x

Claire Khaw
Must have been awkward, Claudia! Wow.

Claire Khaw
Do you want me to remove that blog post, Claudia?

Claudia Bryan
Not at all I am not bothered of people know. Abusers must be named n shamed. And if u r a really good girl I will send u pics of hospital n police report n pics of my pills n letters for X-ray surgery etc x

Claire Khaw
OK, Claudia. I will just say, for what it is worth, that if Eddy does not get arrested and you do not pursue charges, it will seem to the objective bystander that it was all a storm in a teacup.

Anyway, you probably already know this.

Claire Khaw
I just wish to say that I am not saying you should do one thing or another, and am just pointing out to you what this will seem to others.

It is probable that you do not care what they think, but if it was your intention and desire to put this story out, you should not be too surprised that people will want to know the next instalment.

In their minds, they will want a satisfying conclusion or event or at any rate find out what is happening.

They will want a sense of resolution or of continuing drama.
If this does not happen, then inferences will be made about your motives, situation and character.

Anyway, you probably already know this.

Claire Khaw said...

22 December 2012

Claudia Bryan
I know be patient x

Claire Khaw
OK, Claudia! x

22 December 2012

Claire Khaw

"They had a lovers tiff and she turned on butler just like griffin with the fake currygate story. i know she contacted sue the night before the fake story and gave her aload of nasty vile filthy abuse and accused her of hiding eddy from the police. what a vile fake creature this thing is."
22 December 2012 09:33:00 GMT
is the latest comment

Claire Khaw said...

23 December 2012

Claudia Bryan
Oh brother! These people are really thick x
Anyway sue has her italian stallion living with her so eb would not run there ha! X
1 January

Claire Khaw
Re your SMS today at 1213:

"Just to clear a few things up. I visited an equestrian centre to buy clothes not ride duh! I have hospital records and police notes and can photograph them to send to u but my data protection like birthdate nhs no cannot be published x"

I think people just want to know

(1) whether you are still with Eddy

(2) whether he will be arrested

(3) whether you want to pursue the charges

Claire Khaw
Oh, and happy new year to you too, Claudia! x

Claire Khaw
Perhaps you should be asking yourself what you hope to achieve by publicising this.

Claudia Bryan
This began because of a picture on my Fb with a herb garden eb dared me to put it up n say wit he had done. I don't hope to achieve anything by this except get well and recover from my surgeries . I am infuriated that people use currygate as an excuse to call me a list when the papers could have got sued by griffin or myself if they printed untrue facts they cleared it with legal n griffin wouldn't deny it cos he knows I had him on tape. Everything I have said has been proved so I will not be made out to be a liar. P. a it was matthew Collins who got paid for the daily star story btw x

Claire Khaw said...

6 January

Claire Khaw

"The last comment appears to be from Eddy.

I also notice that your Facebook relationship status says you are "in a relationship".

I take it that Eddy has not yet been arrested.

Is it your intention to pursue charges?"

Claire Khaw said...

7 January

Claudia Bryan:

"Doubtful that EB will comment police wish to pursue matter EB wishes it to drop. I have always been in a relationship with myself x"

Anonymous said...

Still talking to yourself Claire? You are helPing CD get publicity. You are probably both in this together

Anonymous said...

Utterly amazing, CB has painted herself into a corner.

I can't imagine how she wants to get back with EB and then boasts that she fakes her orgasms, how sad is that ? So it's her that wants to publish shameful and intimate details of her most private details on the internet.

She goes on about SSMS and Claire Khaw, but what if she had got pregnant by Steven Squires and had his baby ? would she have still have dumped him for EB and then broken up with EB, dragging a poor
baby from piller to post. Wouldn't that be the exact SSM mindset ?
"I have always been in a relationship with myself".

What is the difference with getting your tits out for a photographer and getting your tits out in a scottish pub ? Only money.
What is the difference between faking masturbation in a photograph
or doing it in a scottish nightclub for a mobile phone camera ?

None of those things are libel, they are the pure truth.

she shouldn't have been so proud of herself over the Currygate lies that she sent texts boasting that she lied.

She wanted to use the internet to destroy a man's future (not for the first time)and it boomeranged back and now she's squealing. He who lives by the sword will die by the sword, is a saying which springs to mind.

Claire Khaw said...


"The oaths of a woman I inscribe on water."

"Silence is an ornament for women."

Charles Baudelaire:

"I have always been astonished that women were allowed to enter churches. What conversation can they possibly have with God? The eternal Venus (caprice, hysteria, fantasy) is one of the seductive forms of the Devil."

Samuel Butler:

"Women can stand a beating except when it is with their own weapons."


"Whoever has trusted a woman has trusted deceivers."

Herman Melville:

"The women, who had congregated in the groves, set up the most violent clamors, as they invariably do here as elsewhere on every occasion of excitement and alarm, with a view of tranquilizing their own minds and disturbing other people."

H.L. Mencken:

"Misogynist--A man who hates women as much as women hate one another."

Horace Walpole:

"Lord Bath used to say of women, who are apt to say that they will follow their own judgment, that they could not follow a worse guide."

Claire Khaw said...

Is not this entire thread testament to the truth of the assertion of the capriciousness of women?

In a more patriarchal age, it was said it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind.

In our matriarchal age, when their caprice and their wiles and the excuses that are made for them PRECISELY BECAUSE they are women are being made, is it not obvious that allowing women too much power is in fact DANGEROUS to the long-term national interest?

Perhaps Eddy did beat her.

Perhaps everything Claudia said was true.

But has Claudia behaved in such a way as to make you confident of the truth of anything she says?

I was aware about the advice that you should never get involved in a "domestic" - it would be like trying to separate two fighting dogs. One of them is going to bite you while you try to separate them, probably both.

I was informed by a mutual Facebook friend that Claudia was a victim of domestic violence, and felt obliged to do something about it, and so I got involved.

She wanted it publicised, and I obliged.

Now, she wishes she has not and so turns against me and invites her Facebook friends to attack me too.

I think that probably adequately explains her behaviour.

It has been suggested that she and Eddy are now back together and Eddy is getting her to do all this.

It was therefore perfectly understandable that in the old days, the police avoid "domestics" like the plague because they would be faced with something like this to sift through, when they could be catching and convicting criminals.

I was just curious to see where it would go.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with you about your suggestions that women are all manipulating and duplicitous.

This thread could be a testament to Sue Clapp in that she knows how to be loyal and behave with dignity and silence, even after being subjected to the most pain inducing behaviour by CB. Sue knows what Love is and has proved it rather than flooding the net with overblown declarations of false sentiment, and photos depicting jealous possession of the man that she loves, by a vulgar harlot.

I think that's what CB knew that she could never fight, and that's why she was so jealous of Sue.

CB even had to try and pretend that she was a poor victim of Squires, and a desired by Griffin in order to make herself into a 'trophy' for EB. she had to chuck her cash around.

This thread is more a proof that Men are blinded by large false breasts, flattery and cash...and it's they who are the idiots if they don't recognise that there are good women, but they are not the ones who need to state that they are 'philanthropists' over the internet, they just quietly go about being supportive without making a song and dance about it.

It is men who are the fools when they fall into the clutches of black widow spiders.

Facts speak for themselves :
If Sue has loved EB for so long, and she is such a good woman, then it is because she knows that he is a good man, and her unspoken testement should tell people just what a lying cow CB has been in her false accusations against him.

By the way, Claire...have the people close to you started to receive repulsive text messages yet, designed to hurt them ?

Claire Khaw said...

The answer to the question by Anonymous of 17 January 2013 11:38:00 GMT is "Not as far as I know".

Claire Khaw said...

I do not say that *all* women are capricious.

I have known men to be capricious too.

Politicians, even male ones, can be a bit like that.

I was only making a point about why policemen in an earlier age would roll their eyes, shrug their shoulders and turn the page when they have another "domestic" on their hands.

Anonymous said...

To your last post, Claire

yes, the police might have shrugged their shoulders at 'domestics' before, but using the Internet to destroy the reputation of somebody with a public profile is arguably more damaging than a private skuffle between a couple which would be confined to the neighbours' hearing, and gossip in the immediate vicinity.

The Internet is accessible all over the Country, and even all over the World.

You should never have got involved in posting this thread, and you should have quietly taken it down once you had. As Claudia should have taken it down , once she had supposedly cooled off.

She didn't want it taken off though, did she ? She wanted to damage EB as much as possible.

She would never have objected to this thread if the tide of comments had just trashed EB. She objects to it because The Beast has turned and trashed her instead of him. Truth has a horrible habit of coming out.

There is an 'Anon' who put it beautifully in the beginning of these comments "Butler laid down with a dog and now his been bit".

I don't think that there is anything more to add than that.

Claire Khaw said...

David Jones on Claudia's wall:

"I had a lot of time for her when I thought she had a genuine interest in solving Britains parenting crisis, an issue close to my heart that affects my voters who I am trying to speak up for in the Town Hall, and developed a close friendship. As you know Claudia, we fell out after I lost the Todmorden Town Centre ward, and she just treated me like shit after that, knowing I was depressed due to family matters, broadcasting my poor mental state what I had confided. I then realised that she was not out to help anybody, that she was just an attention seeker, after that I only saw her hatred for white working people that she disguises behind her psuedo-Islamism for what it was. I allowed my personal friendship with her to cloud my judgement but I now know that you don't need people like that around you."

Claire Khaw said...

Claudia Bryan

"So true David Mountainman Jones it saddened me that she broke my confidence too and like yourself I was taken in by her ideology and intellect until I realised it was all fake to gain an audience for the CK show and had nothing to do with any cause. She is as fake and apparent as my breasts lol. We should pity her because she has mental health issues which she will not receive help for because of her misogynist nature. Sad really. Good thing is that you have moved on and cut her out. She can only own your feelings if you allow her to. She is dead to me x"

Claire Khaw said...

At least I can still attend nationalist meetings without feeling awkward or out of place.

I rather doubt that either Dave Jones or Claudia can say the same about themselves, so badly have they blotted their copybooks.

At least I am capable of being identified with particular ideas and policies, unlike the lightweights and mosquitoes of nationalism.

Anonymous said...

I am spitting after the last comments.

The wretched old tart, CB, might now try and snuggle up to the rather nice but naive Dave Jones, but that just illustrates her overweenning manipulitiveness when it comes to men...

Watch out Dave ! She'll be offering you a new suit and faking an orgasm for you soon, and she'll let you drive her car, but if you don't wash her feet everyday and hate other females,including the females that love you genuinely, she'll just accuse you of a bunch of lies over the World Net.

Dave, Claire has many faults..I hope that I complain about them often...but she is not a wily old slapper like CB. Don't fall for it!

Claire proved by her love for Bron that she knows what real love is...CB is Fools's Gold, don't ever fall for a professional old tart like her. Don't be swayed by her practised flattery. She is 'Death' to any political career a man might wish for.

Dave, I've joked with you in the past, and I've not stroked you
in the right direction, but I'm strangely quite fond of you. Please don't fall for the lies of that woman - she is death to a man's ambition, to a man's sense of masculinity, and to a man's peace of mind. She is a woman who will bring unhappiness and conflict to a man's life. Don't fall for it Dave ! She told you all in her own words "I am in a relationship with myself"

Anonymous said...

The BRASS is really showing her true colours is'nt she? She likes dishing S--t but she cant take it back. I bet she's pulling her extentions out right now. How doe's it feel you old brass its pay back time for what your've done to. Other people. NO ONE LIKES YOU BITCH.

Anonymous said...

She might buy dave a bottle of her favourite afershave aswell if his lucky, to go with the suit while she lets him drive her car and kiss her feet at the same time?

Claire Khaw said...

"this is why you shouldn't get involved in domestic disputes between slutty women and their violent partners. Often people intervene (usually on the side of the slag) and are then surprised that not only do they receive no thanks but become the objects of attack."

"In reality these females do not really want help. Many women get kicks out of inflicting emotional violence on their husbands/boyfriends, baiting him into beating them. She gets off on the drama and the conflict. It's a drug. Not only this but she gets off on manipulating other women and beta male orbiters into sympathising with her even getting them to call the police - before turning on them the next day and telling them to fuck off. I've seen this exact same situation occur about dozen times in my life through personal associations alone."

"The photos of her bruised arm tell me one thing - attention whore."

Anonymous said...

I don't think that 'violent partner is right because there is no proof at all that Butler has been violent.
they might well have had a skuffle, but the photos don't even show a black eye or a cut lip, let alone the violence that she is claiming.
there is plenty of proof all over the net about her attention seeking lies and nastiness though.
I liked the way that she said "he tried to stop me working" and then is quoted boasting that she was going to get her tits out for some photos, and is quoted saying that he should have been "washing my feet" every day, that she fakes orgasms, and that "I have always been in a relationship with myself". Says it all really.
I think that most men would object!
she is an attention seeking whore.
That is obviously not libel but the truth.

Anonymous said...

So are you an SSM, Claire?

Anonymous said...

don't think that it was her arm in that photo because she is wearing a strapless dress in the photo of the christmas party. she would have worn long sleeves if she had bruises.

Anonymous said...

Iv'e been told she keeps sending messages to butlers 24 year old son? Its to cause father and son relationship breakdown. She wants her man all to her self like a fly in a trap. She probably locks him in of a night and only lets him out if his good. Her mother should have smothered her at birth.

Claire Khaw said...

No,I am not an SSM, but even if I were it would not make what I say about SSMs untrue.

I could be an SSM who denounces SSMs in the same way that a reformed alcoholic or a reformed criminal would renounce drink and crime.

Anonymous said...

If she was sleeping on Lola's sofa with a broken jaw, broken rib, broken hand and burst implant, instead of being in hospital, then why didn't she get lola to take photos of her to post ? Why did she just post a photo of a 'mere' bruised arm with no photo of the whole person to prove that it was her ? why didn't she post scans of the hospital records or police enquiries ? How did she go riding days later ? How did she go out in public at all, days later ? How could she have managed to go to another Eng Dem event over christmas ? why did she want to get back with him ? If she wanted to get back with him, why didn't she ask for this post libelling him to be quietly taken off the net ? why did she only object to comments on this blog when the tide turned against her and not when the comments attacked Butler ?
why did she accuse claire khaw of
'playing ping pong with herself' and say that no one read her blog, but she asked claire to post the story to 'spread the word' for publicity when it suited her need ?

Questions, questions..

Anonymous said...

To liken yourself to a reformed alcholic you would have to be a reformed SSM. Thus you would either be working and no longer claiming benefits, or have found a man, become married and now rely on your new husband to support you and your child. If you had done neither, and you continued to criticise SSMs, you would be nothing more than a hypocrite.

Claire Khaw said...

I have never been an SSM, so I cannot be a "reformed SSM".

To be a reformed SSM, I would first have to be an SSM.

Do you see the logic of this?

Claire Khaw said...

Mohammed M Raja:

"Ms Khaw is a WOB= Westernised Oriental Bitch."

Jeffrey Marshall

"Ms Khaw is a WOB= Westernised Oriental Bitch."

Whereas you are simply a wog, Raja.

Claudia Bryan:

"Jeffrey Marshall you have overstepped the mark mate. The term you used is hate crime"

Anthony Birch:

"Interesting, a nationalist who apparently agrees with hate crime legislation. I suppose Dave Jones agrees with this as well (incidentally I wouldn't get too close Claudia, Dave is known to have a thing for older ladies. You might end up as Claire's replacement if you're not too careful."

Claudia Bryan:

"Anthony birch another fake ck profile lol. I agree with abiding with the law although I have been caught speeding in cars a few times so despite your thoughts you take the risk of arrest when openly saying racist terms. *Don't worry about my love life I have a partner* thanks Anthony. CK is a cock tease masquerading herself on Daves farm in front of her partner Jeffrey. And you can call me a white bitch I don't mind Babe In Total Control"


1. Claudia defends a known a married Muslim businessman known to be lecherous and attacks a BNP Organiser.

2. Claudia is a "nationalist" who apparently agrees with "hate crime" legislation.

3. Claudia is now back with Eddy.

Anonymous said...

Babe in Control (in CB's case)= Middle Aged Woman Out Of Self Control.

Maisie said...

Don't bring my friend Dave into this ! I don't think that he has a license to keep a dangerous dog.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see a very recent picture (last few days) of Claudia with her "partner" where he doesn't have a haunted expression, please ?

I've never seen one yet.

Apparently any man should be grateful to be with this "babe" (cough)...?

They will have to (Dave ! a warning to you !) jump to attention at the sight of a photographer when the botoxed grin comes out, one of her hands clapped over their testicles and the other hand over the scruff of their necks to stop them legging it, and they have to be enthused over and paraded on Facebook, like the head of a deer stuck up on a game hunter's wall.

Don't kiss her feet ? You'll be trashed Dave, you'll be trashed.

And somehow, she'll be proud of it, and she won't look in her mirror. She'll be too busy counting her cheque stubbs.

Anonymous said...

Eddy was seen comming out of sue's house last weekend by there neigbour mr PACO RABAN looking glam and smelling a MILLION DOLLARS.

Anonymous said...

Yes of course I see the logic in that statement. But you said you could be an SSM who sees the error of her ways in much the same way as a reformed alcoholic. I pointed out the hypocrisy in that stance unless you are a 'reformed' SSM and then went on to define a reformed SSM.

Anyway this is all hypothetical given that you are apparently not a SSM, despite CB's claims to the contrary.

Anonymous said...

Hooray ! Thank you for posting the delightful photos of you and Sue, Claire.

Sue's comments can leave no possible doubt now as to the innocence of Butler in this affair, and to the extent of the lying maliciousness of Claudia Bryan.

I'm glad that the photos and comments are at the top of this thread, for anyone googling him.

I hope the C.I.D (haha) are reading this, because they now know who was libelling and harrassing whom.

I have no reason to defend Griffin, but he does have a wife, and given the accusations that CB put out in the mainstream press, and given that she has now been proven to be an evil liar, targetting men with a political profile, and using the media to try to destroy their careers when they don't suitably bow to her every whim, then I think that her accusations against Griffin should be re-examined in light of the new evidence.

First of all, it's only CB's word against Griffin. Can we now believe one word that CB has ever uttered as being sincere ?

Secondly, there are photos of her with Griffin, and sycophantic emails that show who is the 'sex pest' between the two. Ditto with Butler.

Thirdly, Sharon Ebanks said that she knew someone who had texts from CB vaunting her lies about Griffin and Currygate. Lets know a bit more about those texts.

When CB makes up lies, she clearly likes to depict herself as the innocent victim of men's sexual desire for her.

The proof shows that she is the sexual aggressor, and a deranged egotist. Doesn't she use words like 'babe'? Doing porno poses and
getting your kit off does have a sell by date

She needs a hard reality check. Lying about your age and going over mad on the botox injections won't work if you've got an evil inner self. I still can't believe that men are that stupid.

Compare the lovely photos of joyous Sue and the grim photos of a sad looking Butler gripped by a harridan and ask yourself if you would sacrifice your career and peace of mind for a fake old slapper and that bottle of aftershave ?

I'd like to imagine that CB would be too ashamed to show her face at a political 'do' again -but I don't think that she knows what the word 'shame' means, as it would to any decent woman.

Anonymous said...

BABE ???????????????????????????????

Anonymous said...

i dont know why eddie didnt just get a blow up doll she reminds you of one of them blow ups in dell boys car only fool and horses

Anonymous said...

i saw those lovely pictures of sue at least she has got the real ones not blow ups like that old tart cladia

Eddy said...

Claudia and I are working on our relationship and wish to be left alone

Claire Khaw said...

Is that really you, Eddy?

Anonymous said...

Claire thats what i was thinking? If it is eddy claudia must be beating him and holding a gun to his head has we speak.

Claire Khaw said...

Claudia to Claire on 22/1/13 at 0227:

"I am saddened about the way this has turned out but I do have the proof and what I do with it will be determined by myself and advice from my solicitor family close friends and police. I am sad that it all came to this and you allowed me to be portrayed as a liar when I am clearly a victim. I can only hope that you never experience this treatment and if you do that you will receive sympathy and not hostility. I regarded you as a friend. Admittedly I felt foolish for congratulating you on your "relationship" [with Robert Durden] and sympathasing with Jeff [Apparently, for Claudia, "sympathising" with Jeff involves saying on 12/1/13 "Congratulations! He seems very much an upgrade well done Claire. I wish you both the best. Shall I buy a hat? X ".] I see now that you played catfish for a political purpose ie immigrant with immigration lawyer making racist remarks. I do hope you consider people's feelings and lives when you play your catfish game. If it is politically motivated atleast let it be the truth because you lose credibility. Take care. X"

Claire to Claudia at 0842 on 22/1/13:

"I removed the post within minutes of your request. However, for some reason you started attacking me over my faking a relationship with Robert Durden, saying I was "dead to you", I etc.

Up till that time I have done nothing inconsistent with friendship.

I was always going to publish *every* comment I received on that post about you and Eddy.

Did you really think I would only publish the ones that were against Eddy and withhold all the ones that were against you?

If so, you really do not know me.

I warned you that putting it on my blog was a dangerous game and till you started calling me a fraud over the Robert Durden business I had done nothing that is inconsistent with friendship.

Nothing you do ever makes sense and I have concluded that you are mentally ill.

If that is the case then I feel sorry for Eddy.

No successful prosecution will come out of any of the "evidence" that you gave me. Even now, people cannot form a firm view on your credibility."

Anonymous said...

I bet that old fake tart slapper claudia has'nt slept a wink all night after seeing those lovely delightfull photo's of your self and sue. What will she do next i wonder, maybe she could get perry mason on the case?

Claire Khaw said...

I have no idea what Claudia means when she keeps calling me a "catfish".

Claire Khaw said...

How do you know if someone is mentally ill?

When nothing they say makes sense.

If you tell someone your boyfriend is beating you, why send photos of you two at a formal dinner together?

If you say you are not going to get back together your boyfriend, why do you post on Facebook a photo of him by your bedside in hospital?

If you say you have broken up with your boyfriend and really take Facebook seriously, why don't you change your relationship status from "in a relationship" to "single"?

If you get the blogger of this blog to take this post down, and she complies within 5 minutes of your request, why do you then start attacking her and inviting your Facebook friends and her detractors to attack her on the very same day?

It is inexplicable and irrational.

It would be shocking and disgusting if Eddy were arrested, tried and convicted for assault when her credibility has been so utterly destroyed by her own words and deeds.

The kindest thing to think is that Claudia does not know what she is doing because she is mentally ill.

Claire Khaw said...

The Sirens might be called the Muses of the lower world, Walter Copland Perry observed:

"Their song, though irresistibly sweet, was no less sad than sweet, and lapped both body and soul in a fatal lethargy, the forerunner of death and corruption."

Their song is continually calling on Persephone. The term "siren song" refers to an appeal that is hard to resist but that, if heeded, will lead to a bad conclusion.

Later writers have inferred that the Sirens were anthropophagous, based on Circe's description of them

"lolling there in their meadow, round them heaps of corpses rotting away, rags of skin shriveling on their bones."

As Jane Ellen Harrison notes of "The Ker as siren:" "It is strange and beautiful that Homer should make the Sirens appeal to the spirit, not to the flesh." For the matter of the siren song is a promise to Odysseus of mantic truths; with a false promise that he will live to tell them, they sing,

"Once he hears to his heart's content, sails on, a wiser man.

We know all the pains that the Greeks and Trojans once endured

on the spreading plain of Troy when the gods willed it so—

all that comes to pass on the fertile earth, we know it all!"

"They are mantic creatures like the Sphinx with whom they have much in common, knowing both the past and the future," Harrison observed. "Their song takes effect at midday, in a windless calm. The end of that song is death."

That the sailors' flesh is rotting away, though, would suggest it has not been eaten. It has been suggested that, with their feathers stolen, their divine nature kept them alive, but unable to feed for their visitors, who starved to death by refusing to leave.

According to Hyginus, sirens were fated to live only until the mortals who heard their songs were able to pass by them.

Claire Khaw said...

Claudia is now mysteriously silent on her relationship status on Facebook and is no longer in a relationship, not even with herself.

Claire Khaw said...

Eddy, even if you did hit her, and she says she has forgiven you, I really wouldn't go back to her if I were you, if you care at all for your own credibility and still want to be active in politics.

If you want somewhere to stay while you sort your life out, I know someone who should be able to help you.

Anonymous said...

She really must be mentally ill.
looking at the times that her message to you was sent and the message supposed to be from eddie, it looks as if she sat up all night and sent both of them (and probably
horrible messages to sue in between).
maybe she was taking the cocaine when she started hallucinating about catfish ? Who has no more credibility ? -only cb and not CK.
Far from being a strong woman CB looks like a woman who is so needy and insecure that she needs to try and hurt eddies family to make herself feel in control. she couldn't put the status up 'single' on facebook because she needs to have a man to validate herself. If she had ever loved eddie then she would never have tried to destroy his reputation, career and personal relationships and embarrass him even if she was fighting with him. she is ill.
faking her tits and drawing attention to her financial largesse to eddie - just shows what she thinks that relationships are built on.
Sue looks like a wonderful warm funny intelligent woman in her photos and a lot more stronger than CB who looks desperate for male attention. is that why cb is so jealous ?
if cb wanted this thread to be taken down then she should admit to lying and ask nicely instead of using her usual emotional blackmail. I think that everyone who reads these comments is too clever to fall for cb's shit now.

Claire Khaw said...

Remember, Eddy, that Claudia did the dirty on:

1. Nick Griffin

On the day that he was supposed to have exposed himself to her, this was neither mentioned on Facebook nor was this mentioned to her then partner, Steve Squire.

2. Steve Squire

When she left him for Eddy, she decided to embarrass him by talking about his business affairs.

3. Eddy Butler

She tried to diminish him in every way possible by accusing him of violence and while claiming to be giving him money. Why would a rational woman of means be giving a violent man who lives in her home money while putting up with his beatings?

4. Jeffrey Marshall

when she congratulated me on my "upgrade" when she thought I was having a relationship with Robert Durden. (Later she sent him a text claiming she was not referring to him at all, but to Dave Jones, who has been denying that he ever fancied me anyway.)

5. Me

After I did as she asked when she told me to take this post down, she started attacking me within hours and inviting her Facebook friends to do so, for the hanging offence, apparently, of faking a relationship on Facebook.

"Robert Durden" and I agreed to fake a relationship just to see if anyone would notice.

There is no telling whom she will not betray for the most spurious of reasons.

Claire Khaw said...

Claudia has been described as "the most disloyal woman in the world" and as a woman who "doesn't know how to behave".

Apparently, the Dunning-Kruger Effect applies to her.

"Does she think she is Alexis Colby?" was yet another comment.

Claire Khaw said...

Claudia to me at 1403:

"I cannot show u evidence as it would be published and would not help my case as suggested by police n solicitor. You also did a blog about currygate saying I lied when u know the papers could not print it without proof going through legal and Griffin refused a comment. You also said eddy made comments which I know he didn't. I know others have put comments which you have not allowed. You are in bed with sue now so I understand but u shud ask her about cards sent to my house txts she sent threats on my life by her son leaflets in my area etc also ask her how lechmere aka cross emily holland stow is. You have shown yourself to be a catfish which is your personality disorder and mental health issues since we are going there. I spent 8 weeks in severe pain and hospitalisation visits so it is very real with witnesses and doctor n police records. You were always jealous of me as eddy said. You wanted to b griffins golden girl and it began from there. As far as I am concerned you and your blog are insignificant in my life as I have a job a man and a life with friends and family outside of politics but you really need to look at the destruction you unnecessarily cause. In my text to you last night I explained all of this but I guess you only wish to discredit me. Your reputation went out of the window a long time ago even when I defended you people warned me. How is sues Italian stallion these says? It's a relief she is whoring with for money cis at least eddy is able to contribute to our household now without her on his back for money. He loves me and has made good steps to get the mediation we need as he wants to marry me and have a child that is not a bastard with me. Leave us alone we are not interested in sue or her pathetic need to create discord"

Claire Khaw said...

I am still being called a "catfish" by Claudia and I still have no idea what this means.

Claire Khaw said... is probably the post Claudia is referring to when she said:

"You also did a blog about currygate saying I lied when u know the papers could not print it without proof going through legal and Griffin refused a comment."

I have no idea what this means.

I did not call Claudia a "liar". I only pointed out that on that day on her Facebook wall she did not mention Nick Griffin exposing himself to her, nor did she mention it to her then boyfriend Steve Squire.

Claire Khaw said...

Claudia says:

"I cannot show u evidence as it would be published and would not help my case as suggested by police n solicitor."

On the one hand Claudia is saying that showing me "evidence" would jeopardise her case, yet on the other, she is saying that she and Eddy are back together again and that they both want to draw a line under it all.

Which is it?

Who knows?

Claire Khaw said...

Claudia says:

"You are in bed with sue now."

Sue says you taunted her so much about Eddy with your incessant text messages that she had to change her number.

Why did you do that? That was just sadistic and malicious.

Claire Khaw said...

Claudia says:

"You were always jealous of me as eddy said. You wanted to b griffins golden girl and it began from there."

I was never jealous of you, Claudia.

While I hoped that I would be something in nationalist politics, I did not see you as either a help or a hindrance, although I will admit that I found your support when I had it welcome.

If you had continued to look pretty and be supportive of Steve you would still be liked and respected in the party, but as it was, you could not help doing the worst thing you could to Steve, which was to leave him for the Bad Boy of Nationalism that was Eddy Butler, and then do the dirty on the party.

Eddy's judgement is certainly open to question, as we have seen.

He was deluded to think that he could possibly have won the leadership election and I warned him not to even try.

I warned him against the career oblivion of joining the English Democrats, but he would not listen either.

I warned you not to go to the press with the Currygate story, but you did it anyway, and for what? You said you weren't even paid for giving them the story.

If I am guilty of anything, it is of reluctantly giving you the rope that you were going to hang yourself with, after repeatedly warning you against taking any more.

You are like a serial killer who kills whenever he is bored and wants to be distracted from the banality of his thoughts and the mundaneness of his life, even as he knows that the more victims he takes, the more likely he will be to get caught.

But the only thing you are doing is killing your own reputation, because of your addiction to thrill-seeking.

Anonymous said...

This woman, CB, is severely ill.

Her whole comment reads like a list of the nastiest accusations, blackmail, and lies interwoven with fantasy.

She would be ready to destroy the man that she says that she wants to marry, whose child that she says that she wants to bear (except that she is obviously too old), just to hurt Sue.

Anonymous said...

Sue and claire in bed together, is claudia jealous of not being invited for a threesome? (joke) Claudia seems to be jealouse of every Thing that other people have got like frendships... Other womens husbands... Other womens boyfriends other peoples children... Other peoples lifes...this nasty creature seems obssesed with sue? Claudia is the one with a so called glam life style cars, modelling agency, loads of money, house's, men holidays, happiness, i dont think sue has anything near to that life style and never will. And yet she still carry's on attacking her. Cb must be the most saddest person alive? They say money cant buy happiness in claudia's case it's true.

Anonymous said...

I think that your critisms of EB and politics should not be mixed up with this ridiculous story of a no account female.

EB could be defended for trying to run for the leadership of the BNP, as I think that he only wanted to be 'caretaker' until a willing leader stood up. I don't think that he had the desire or meglomania to be a real leader of the party, but he cared enough about its future to not want to watch Griffin destroy it, and he was brave enough to put himself in the hotseat until a real challanger could be found.

He might have joined the Eng Dems because they most closely reflected what he believed in.

Those judgements might not have turned out to be the best, but they are not at all dishonourable.

What have those decisions got to do with a superannuated groupie using him to try and manipulate the downfall of the BNP, because she felt bitter that she wasn't able to manipulate the leadership of the BNP? she thought that she ought to, and so she thought that she would try to manipulate the Opposition instead ?

Why didn't she stand for election herself ? The answer should be obvious. No hope of ever being elected to anything, except 'slag of the week'. She is hugely disliked, because people do see through her.

As you say, she is a totally disloyal woman, and not even capable of arguing her point of view without tying herself in knots and resorting to threats.

As a counter threat I think that the 'CID' should not only look more closely at her libel of Griffin, but have a close look at those 'thousands of pounds' she claimed to give to Butler, and the accusations that people in the know have made about her 'Agency' which is that it is a front for prostitution.

Looking at her published photos of her 'modelling' events, it all looks very Z List. Could she siphon off 'thousands of pounds' from just those events ??? Whilst she is menacing Sue, maybe her 'business' should be looked at a lot more closely.

Anonymous said...

All those photo's cb kept putting up on fb of her self and eddy were designed to hurt sue along with the vile txt at the same time. She wanted to destroy her. It reminds me of fatal attraction and glen close (nutcase) where she trys to kill michale douglas's wife but ends up getting shot her self by his wife. Maybe next she'll say sue's trying to kill her?

Anonymous said...

Anon-22 Jan

She already did say that Sue had tried to kill her ! Using EB's son
as the assasin !

And 'leaflets' besides !

I didn't get why, because according to her EB wants to marry her. We have to try to keep up.

Maybe she's jealous of Sue having an 'Italian Stallion' ? I know I am.

Anonymous said...

Italian stallion, last week she was telling people it was a spanish spik? She really should make up her mind. Sue said she's gonna rent her italian stallion out for hire is there any ladys out there intrested?

Boeremeisie said...

Why were you arrested Claire?

Anonymous said...

I'm intrested Anon 22 Jan.
If Sue is "whoring for money" then the italian stallion will pay me rather than me having to give him thousandsof pounds. he sounds like a man id like to meet. why don't she just swap with sue ? Claudia just called her fiances son not only a murderer but a bastard. I don't think that she is paranoid about the murder plots though, lots of peple would like to strangle her.

AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...