
Friday, 11 January 2013

The purpose of requiring two kinds of grace to gain admission to heaven

To go to heaven as a Catholic you need

  1. Actual Grace
  2. Sanctifying Grace

The former you acquire through the grace of your thoughts and words and deeds.

The latter you have conferred upon you by a member of the priesthood.

Catholics dislike Protestants who dispense with the services of the priesthood because the whole basis of Catholicism is about proclaiming that they have a top priest ie the Pope who would be the moral arbiter of the whole of Christendom.   It is therefore a very centralised and necessarily hierarchical hierarchy.  They know that any Christian who dispenses with the Pope will start altering Christian doctrine until it is no longer recognisable as Christian doctrine eg gay marriage and female bishops.   The centre must hold, or all is lost, is the Catholic view.

Sanctifying grace is a concept designed to perpetuate the role of Catholic clergy by giving them something to do, eg perform baptisms and last rites.

Jews and Muslims who have made a point of not having a celibate but corrupt priesthood therefore do not have complicated requirements with regard to the kinds of grace you are required to have in order to enter heaven.  Rabbis and imams are not considered by Jews and Muslims to be imbued by any special powers to confer grace and run their religion in a more egalitarian and transparent way..  Read this to experience the true meaning of long, confusing, incoherent, boring and intellectually vacuous.  


Democratic Nationalist said...

Excuse me, but if you think that priests are filled with corruption and celibacy, then think again about imams in the Shia context- they think that they have God's grace to believe that they are free from sin, chosen by God and allowed to lead humanity they want and that they must be followed by everyone because they are appointed by God. So in that respect, they too seem to have sanctifying grace.

Claire Khaw said...

I am not standing up at all for the way the Koran is being currently interpreted or the way Islam is currently practised.

AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...