
Wednesday, 20 March 2013

My application to become member of the Monday Club rejected

Dear Ms Khaw
Thank you for your application to the Conservative Monday Club dated 10 March 2013.
Your application has now been considered and we regret that it has not been successful.
Please accept our best wishes for the future.
Yours sincerely 
On behalf of the Executive of the Conservative Monday Club
18 April 2013

MY APPLICATION of 10 March 2013

Are you a former member of the Monday Club? YES

If the answer is YES, please give your reason for leaving.

I was a member in mid 1990s. I am afraid I did not attend any meetings and simply allowed my membership to lapse.

Are you a member of the Conservative Party? 

It is a difficult question to answer, since I did join on 17 September 2012 but was expelled on 20 December 2012.  I am currently appealing against my expulsion and my appeal will be heard on 27 March 2013.

Further information can be found at the links below: - letter from Stephen Phillips, Secretary of the Board of the Conservative Party, informing me that my membership has been cancelled. - my Letter Before Claim to the Conservative Party demanding that it give a reason for the cancellation of my membership - Conservative Party gives reasons for my expulsion and informs me of my right to appeal.
My appeal (which I have been informed will be heard on 27 March) [
My appeal against expulsion from the Conservative Party was dismissed.]

Name of any organisation concerned with politics or current affairs, other than the Conservative Party, to which you belong or have belonged and the relevant date. 

I attended dinners at the Baldwin Society and the Conservative Democratic Alliance, organised by the late Michael Keith Smith.  This would be from about 2005 until about 2008.

I have been a member of UKIP, the Labour Party and the BNP.

In the BNP, I was prospective 2011 London Mayoral Candidate until my expulsion in July 2011. reproduces my letter of expulsion from the BNP for making comments that mothers of disabled children found offensive.

Below, to help my application, are links outlining my ideas on how to make the Conservative Party and the country more conservative.
BLUEPRINT FOR A NEW BRITAIN: How to oust Cameron and leave the EU is an entry about me in Metapedia. discusses what it is that Conservatives ought to conserve. proposes that it is the long-term national interest that Conservatives should be conserving through the incorporation of Russell Kirk's 6 Canons of Conservatism into into the Conservative Party's Statement of Principles.    

I have not enclosed a cheque, because I thought it would be as well to let you know a little about myself first, since I am considered a controversial figure.  Once informed that my membership will be approved, I will complete and send the form together with a cheque for £20.

Name of Proposer (who is a paid-up member of the Conservative Monday Club)

I met the President on 19 March 2013 through Alan Harvey.  If the President approves of my activities, he may propose me.

I feel you ought to know that I was also arrested in January 2013, but am not yet charged.  I am to answer bail on 5 April 2013. explains the reasons for my arrest.

If you do not have a proposer, it will help in presenting your application if you write a paragraph on why you wish to become a member of the Conservative Monday Club. 

I wish to become a member in order to assist in the propagation of Conservative ideas and the implementation of Conservative principles, which seems to be in retreat and giving ground all the time.

It is demoralising to hear politicians saying something interesting, bold, Conservative and controversial only to hear of them apologising or resigning three days later.

Patrick Mercer,
Alan Duncan
David Willetts
Maurice Glasman
Nigel Hastilow

are names that come to mind. contains my proposals on the Theory and Practice of Conservatism.

I believe I know how to turn the tide and only ask that my ideas be given a fair hearing.

It would help us if you would indicate how you heard about the Conservative Monday Club. 

I heard of the Club through the press.
My appeal against expulsion from the Conservative Party was dismissed.

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