
Saturday, 20 July 2013

The Conservative Party has filed its defence to my claim

Not equal are those of the believers who sit [at home] without any [genuine] excuse and those who strive hard and fight in the cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Allah has given preference by a degree to those who strive hard and fight with their wealth and their lives above those who sit [at home]. [In reality], for each, Allah has made a good promise and [in reality] Allah has preferred those who strive hard and fight above those who sit [at home] by a huge reward. Degrees of [higher] grades from Him and forgiveness and mercy. And Allah is Ever Forgiving, Most Merciful.
—Quran, [Quran 4:95

Whether or not you believe in the God of the Koran, it is clear that this verse is saying that God, if He exists, only helps those who help themselves.

The people who agree with me about most things but who dare not say so, or who dare not say so using their own names, should take note.

If all the people in Britain were prepared to defend their views through being inconvenienced or by making some sacrifice, we would all be closer getting the government we want.

It is sadly the case that hardly anyone in Britain even knows what a principle is, let alone is prepared to defend it.   The Conservative Party does not know what a principle is, or what its principles, if any, are and it is prepared to say so in open court.

It seems to me that all the problems of West stems from a complacent and stubborn refusal  to define Conservatism and state its principles.  If that had been done, we would not have had a Conservative Prime Minister force gay marriage on us and we would not be left with social conservatism being so marginalised that it is only found in the demonised Eurosceptic parties.

Statement of Facts Relied On

Statement of Grounds page 1

Statement of Grounds page 2

Statement of Grounds page 3

Statement of Grounds page 4

Statement of Grounds page 5

Statement of Grounds page 6

Claimant – Claire Khaw          Defendant – Conservative Party

Letter from Defendant to Claimant dated 20 December 2013                                 1

Thursday 20th December 2012
Dear Ms Khaw
I am writing on behalf of the Conservative Party Board to inform you that your membership of the Conservative Party has been cancelled under Part IV 17.7 of the Constitution of the Party, which states:
The Board of the Party shall have power to do anything which in its opinion relates to the management and administration of the Party. It shall be ... responsible for ... the cancellation or refusal of membership, in its absolute discretion of any Party member ....
Yours sincerely
Stephen Phillips
Secretary to the Board of the Party

Email from Claimant to Defendant dated 11 January 2013                                      2

----- Original Message -----
From: Claire Khaw
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 1:41 PM
Subject: The reason for the cancellation of my membership

Dear Mr Phillips

I refer to your letter dated 20th December and would be grateful if you would let me know the reason why you cancelled my membership.

Yours sincerely

Claire Khaw

Email from Claimant to Defendant dated 14 January 2013                                      3

From: Claire Khaw
Sent: 14 January 2013 15:18
To: Phillips, Stephen
Subject: Fw: The reason for the cancellation of my membership

Dear Mr Phillips

May I hope to receive from you an acknowledgment or an answer to my question?

If it is the Conservative Party's view that I am not entitled to receive an answer then please also let me know this.

Yours sincerely

Claire Khaw

Email from Defendant to Claimant dated 15 January 2013                                      4

----- Original Message -----
From: Phillips, Stephen
To: Claire Khaw
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 3:34 PM
Subject: RE: The reason for the cancellation of my membership

The Conservative Party received a complaint and subsequently launched an investigation.  The investigation found subject matter personally attributed to you which were wholly inconsistent with the aims, objectives and principles of the Party.

The Board of the Party reserves the right to cancel the membership, in its absolute discretion, of any Party member.

Email from Claimant to Defendant dated 15 January 2013                                      5

----- Original Message -----
From: Claire Khaw
To: Phillips, Stephen
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: The reason for the cancellation of my membership

Yes, I gathered that I have done something which you dislike, but may I know

(a) what I have done that is inconsistent with the aims, objectives and principles of the Party?

(b) what are the aims, objectives and principles of the Conservative Party?

Email from Claimant to Defendant dated 16 January 2013                                      6

From: Claire Khaw
Date: 16 January 2013 17:49
Subject: The reason for the cancellation of my membership
To: "Phillips, Stephen"

I wonder if you have received my earlier email.

Email from Claimant to Defendant dated 18 January 2013                                      7

----- Original Message -----
From: Claire Khaw
To: Phillips, Stephen
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 3:22 PM
Subject: Fw: The reason for the cancellation of my membership

May I know if it is your intention not to tell me

1.  what I have done that is inconsistent with the aims, objectives and principles of the Conservative Party; and

2.  what are the aims, objectives and principles of the Conservative Party?

Email from Claimant to Defendant dated 23 January 2013                                      8

From: Claire Khaw
Date: 23 January 2013 11:31
Subject: Fw: The reason for the cancellation of my membership
To: "Phillips, Stephen"

When may I expect to hear from you on this?

Letter Before Claim from Claimant to Defendant dated 6 February 2013               9 - 11

Letter from Defendant to Claimant dated 11 February 2013 with Key Episodes      12  - 14

1st link referred to in Key Episodes (photo of Claimant)                                                                                                                               15 - 16

2nd link referred to in Key Episodes  (photo of Claimant)                                                    
                                                                                                                                    17 - 18

3rd, 4th and 7th link referred to in  Key Episodes                                                                                                                                        19  – 20                                                                                                                       21 - 24

5th link referred to in Key Episodes                                                                                                                   25 - 30

Transcript of what Claimant said on the Victoria Derbyshire Show                          31 - 36
                                                                                                                                    37 - 38

6th link referred to in Key Episodes                                                                           39 - 40

8th link referred to in Key Episodes                                                                                   41 – 42

9th link referred to in Key Episodes                                                                           43  - 44

10th link referred to in Key Episodes                                                                         45

Peter Bone MP's House of Commons Disqualification Bill                                        46 - 47

Claimant's Appeal dated 5th March 2013                                                                 48 - 54

Defendant's  Dismissal of Claimant's Appeal dated 27 March 2013                         55

Defendant's letter to Claimant dated 4 April 2013                                                    56

David Cameron's Foreword in the 2010 General Election Manifesto                       57 – 59

Claimant's Letter Before Claim dated 10th June 2013                                              60 - 63


A quashing order nullifying the Defendant's expulsion of the Claimant

A mandatory order requiring the Defendant to publish a formal Statement of Its Principles

Statement of Costs page 1

Statement of Costs page 2

Statement of Costs page 3

Statement of Costs page 4

Statement of Costs page 5

Defence of Conservative Party page 1

Defence of Conservative Party page 2

Defence of Conservative Party page 3

Defence of Conservative Party page 4
It would be cheaper for the Conservative Party if they just got themselves this one Conservative principle

"The Conservative Party supports the principle of promoting and conserving the long-term national interest.  The national interest includes solvency, social stability, stable prices as well as standards of behaviour and education that are considered respectable and enviable by other nations and which are maintained from one generation to the next."

Perhaps it will eventually dawn on them, before this goes too far, that they would be better off with principles than without.  Indeed, some of them might even concede that it is better to have me inside the party than outside the party.

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