
Sunday, 30 March 2014

Anyone who wants to repeal the Equality Act 2010 should send two emails

What I offer to nationalists is a genuine alternative to UKIP, Nick Griffin and Kevin Scott.

I want one of two things from nationalists: (1) my expulsion from the BNP annulled or (2) admission into the BDP.

My policies will appeal to those who:

  1. see the necessity for nationalism to be officially and exclusively civic nationalist.
  2. want to protest against gay marriage.
  3. have had enough of parasitical, irresponsible and promiscuous single mothers eating the nation out of house and home
  4. want a flat rate income tax of 20%
  5. want selective education and grammar schools for their children.  
  6. want to abolish no fault divorce
  7. want to repeal the Equality Act 2010.
  8. think invading Iraq and Afghanistan and imposing regime-change in Libya was wrong in principle and practice.  

What to do if you want to help me promote these policies more effectively is cut and paste the folowing and then send it to BDP and Nick Griffin:

I am a social conservative and am disgusted by Nigel Farage's moral cowardice in refusing to say he would repeal the Equality Act 2010 even though he claims to lead a libertarian party. His treatment of UKIP councillor and MEP candidate Donna Edmunds, who in effect said she would repeal the Equality Act on libertarian grounds, was disgraceful.

Farage has also said he would not abolish gay marriage if he came to power.  As anyone can see, he is just a walking talking policy and moral vacuum.  

Since the BNP/BDP still exists as a party, you might as well do something useful and do whatever UKIP is too cowardly to do, which is to propose repealing the Equality Act 2010 in its entirety.  

Basically, your line should be "The BNP/BDP supports everything UKIP supports as well as the repeal of the repeal of the Equality Act.  

If UKIP should later announce to our surprise that it does after all support the repeal of the Equality Act, you add something else.

Claire Khaw suggests that you propose the abolition of no fault divorce.  

If UKIP also propose abolishing no-fault divorce, you propose making the agreement of marriage contracts compulsory if people want to marry.  

If UKIP say they support that, you say you support a flat rate income tax of 20%.  

If UKIP say they support that too, you say you support corporal punishment.  

If UKIP say they support corporal punishment, then you say you support capital punishment.

Are you getting the idea now?

Don't you think Claire Khaw is a genius?

Well, make her a member of your party and Director of Communications then!  

If you annul her expulsion from the BNP/admit her into the BDP I will pledge £ x to the party.

If you then appoint her Director of Communications I will donate £ x to the party.  

When you have done so, get in touch with me and I will be happy to make the promised donation.  

I look forward to hearing that you have done the sensible thing to stop nationalism from continuing to be fatally associated with being the ideology of lower class racists, antisemites, Islamophobes and losers.

A Khaw Supporter 

then send to


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