
Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Since UKIP won't be proposing to repeal the Equality Act 2010 in their manifesto, perhaps libertarians can persuade the BNP to do so?

Donna Edmunds - UKIP councillor and MEP candidate

The chairman of the BNP has final say in all policy matters.  15 further members of the party leadership have responsibility for various areas of its operations. These executive positions work alongside an Advisory Council, the party's senior policy body, which meets at least three times a year. Its role is to "inspect the party's accounts, ensuring proper conduct of the party's finances, and to act as a forum for the party's leadership to d   iscuss vital issues and carve out the party's agenda".

The Advisory Council

The Advisory Council meets no less than three times a year, and is made up of the National Chairman, Deputy Chairman, the national officers of the party, and the organisers of the party’s most effective regions.   A minutes’ secretary, who keeps records of decisions reached and tasks allocated, also attends, but is not entitled to vote in the event of an Advisory Council vote being required.

SUGGESTED MESSAGE FOR YOU TO CUT AND PASTE TO SEND TO THE BNP ORGANISERS.  (The one in the North West Region will be the most important to Nick Griffin because he is its MEP.)

Dear BNP Organiser on the Advisory Council

This is just something for you to forward to your Chairman about what to include in your next manifesto.  

UKIP will not be proposing to repeal the Equality Act 2010 in their manifesto for GE 2015 so it would be nice if you did.  You could pretend that a significant number of your members are small businesses who would find this cutting of red tape immensely helpful. (Got that?  If you haven't, then go back to the beginning of this paragraph and read it again more slowly.)

While I already know that most of you do not run businesses and are welfare-dependent NEETs who cannot compete against the immigrant worker even in the field of unskilled manual labour because you are mostly singly-parented and badly-educated who have not even heard of the concept of the work ethic, saying that you will repeal the Equality Act in its entirety would make the BNP seem as if it were not a party of complete losers who could never get it together to run a business, much less understand the needs of small businesses. It would also make the BNP seem to be the party of small businesses rather than the party of welfare-dependent NEETs.  (Got that?  If you  haven't, then go back to the beginning of this paragraph and read it again more slowly.)   

This could help you win a few votes from UKIP who are now attracting all the white working class supporters that would in the past have come to you.  That is because these people have finally seen the light now understand what is meant by "Ethno-nationalists must adopt a civic nationalist strategy."  You probably don't understand that, but it just means "To say that you are an ethno-nationalist is tantamount to announcing to the world that you are a racist."  To be seen as the party of lower class racists has done you lot no good at all, has it?  (Got that?  If you haven't, then go back to the beginning of this paragraph and read it again more slowly.)  

It is important that you understand this, because if you don't change the way you present yourself, UKIP will just take the game right out of your hands, while the people left in your party will get more stupid and more racist, more lower class and more slut and bastard, confirming in everyone's minds that nationalism is only for lower class sluts and bastard welfare-dependent NEETs.  (Got that?  If you  haven't, then go back to the beginning of this paragraph and read it again more slowly.)  

While you still exist, the least you can do is try something new for a change, instead of all that pathetic passive-aggressive racist antisemitic Islamophobic whingeing.  

It is not like you people have any better ideas other than whingeing about Muslim grooming.

Regional Contacts
North West 07933 485 877
PO Box 213, Wigton, CA7 7AL

East Midlands 07795 000 676
PO Box 9128, Lutterworth, LE17 9DD

Eastern 07771 598 227
PO Box 1244, Enfield, EN1 9UF

London 07771 598 227
PO BOX 1244, Enfield, EN1 9UF

North East 07503 779 207
PO Box 105, Spennymoor, DL16 9BJ

Scotland 08448 094 581
PO BOX 213, Wigton, CA7 7AL

South West 078388 180 990
O Box 196, Bordon, GU35 5DH

Ulster 07999 685 038
PO BOX 213, Wigton, CA7 7AL

Wales 08448 094 581
PO Box 213, Wigton, CA7 7AL

West Midlands 07709 346 012
PO BOX 5057, Nuneaton, CV11 9FP

Yorkshire 08448 094 581
PO Box 105, Spennymoor, DL16 9BJ

South East 08448 094 581
PO Box 213, Wigton, CA7 9SJ
"The chairman of the BNP has final say in all policy matters." Bearing this in mind, it might be an idea to cut and paste the above message and send it to him too.

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