
Monday, 12 May 2014

A Khaw-Coulter Alliance is currently being contemplated ...

Ann Coulter - the woman conveniently single whom Claire Khaw would like to marry.

I keep being asked whom I would like to marry. I have decided I would like to marry Ann Coulter.

If we marry, our babies will have the surname of Khaw-Coulter ....

If there were a man like him I would marry him, but there isn't. Ann is also single, and it would suit me to stay over in her house in Palm Beach, her condominium in Manhattan and her apartment in LA when I visit her.

She is much taller than me, but I don't mind having someone I can look up to.

Katharina Khaw-Coulter will be the name of our first baby together ....

Our second child together will be called Kanye Khaw-Coulter, as in Kanye West ... If she prefers she can call him Kingsley, I am not going to be too prescriptive about these things when me and my honeybunch start living happily ever after together in London, LA, Palm Beach and New York.

I urge Fox News to send Ann over to London so we can meet Barbara Hewson together and discuss the horrors of living in a degenerate matriarchy suffering from dementia that the West currently is and bounce ideas off each other about how to solve the malaise of the West.  If Ann won't marry me perhaps Barbara will be my consolation prize though she has blocked me on Twitter, rather unaccountably, I might add.

Our pillow talk will, apart from sweet nothings praising each other's beauty and passion, include discussions on how best to introduce Secular Koranism into the legal system of the West. Being a lawyer she will of course have heard of Donoghue v Stevenson ....

I am trying to get Nick Ryan at to make a documentary about anti-feminist women and the sacrifices they make to serve the greater good. We are not all vaccilating, irrational and immoral sluts with no principles, you know!

"[Claire Khaw] makes Ann Coulter look like a member of The Dirty Girls."


Anonymous said...

Ann Coulter only goes for strong powerful black men.

Claire Khaw said...

Perhaps she will make an exception for me.

AI with Secular Koranism II with Vincent Bruno #7

AI fun with Secular Koranism with @realvinbruno #7 — Cyborg of Secular Koranism (@Book_of_Rules) March 8, 2025 1:00...