
Monday, 30 June 2014

Sluts, SSMs and the ostriches burying their heads in the sand

Let's face it: most Western women are sluts. This makes most Western men morally-compromised slut-fuckers who do not want to marry the sluts they have fucked.

Should the state stop women from making themselves unattractive and unmarriageable and stop men from becoming effeminate and morally-corrupted misogynists?

Sluts are always bailed out in a society which values the indiscriminate expression of compassion than cold reason, especially when women are half the voters and elections are every five years.

What the West suffers from is the collective fear of offending sluts and the inability to think beyond 5 years. It is a fatal combination, and the matriarchal pornocracy is a cancer that spreads from one major organ of state to yet another.

These days even the judiciary will suffer to have a slut single mother like Constance Briscoe as one of their number while being too stupid and cowardly to protest.

Because most Western men are addicted to the idea that it is their right to enjoy extramarital sex, politicians who want to win the next election have no choice but to pander to the vices of their voters. Most voters in the West are sluts, single mothers, bastards and morally-compromised slut fuckers who go on to become paedophiles.  No good will come of this.


Tolerating SSMs means tolerating bastards, and tolerating bastards means you tolerate the increase in numbers of an inferior race within your race.

Tolerating SSMs and bastards means tolerating degeneracy and accepting the decline and fall of your civilisation.

Tolerating sluts and bastards means you are afraid of them.

Tolerating sluts and bastards means you see the good but choose the evil.

Since practically everyone is a bastard or a slut or a Morally-Compromised Slut-Fucker, no politician in an environment of indiscriminate universal suffrage will dare to criticise SSMs and their running dogs.  

This means things will only get worse while politicians and voters bury their heads deeper and deeper in the sand.  

There is no solution to this until someone else other than me dares discuss this problem, but they are all too AFRAID, even the organisations that say they are campaigning for marriage to be respected are too frightened to discuss sluttery and bastardy.

Have a read of the boring bland shit they spew out regularly at: (The Catholic Woman, more like, the Catholic woman who wishes to wound but fears to strike at the slut cos she is so afraid of being accused of being judgmental or uncompassionate by libtards.  Utterly useless. )

All the male Conservative writers are also frightened.  

The slut is the elephant in the room crapping all over your carpet and eating you out of house and home.

The slut single mother is also a bad mother. That is why England is always CRAP at football. Can you imagine the lazy slut of a mother taking her son to football practice? No, because she would be in bed with her latest shag she picked up the night before.  

Why are educated intelligent men afraid of criticising such women?  

End the Cult of the Slut before it ends your civilisation.


Mr Bothroyd said...

"practically everyone is a bastard or a slut or a Morally-Compromised Slut-Fucker" Is it really that high a proprotion? I agree we have lots of them, but methinks you're exagerating here for effect.

Claire Khaw said... is where I got that from.

Unknown said...

Marriage is obviously better for children than unmarriage. But the most important thing is to brought up in a loving home whether it's marrieds, cohabitees, two men, or two women.

Claire Khaw said...

If marriage is the best thing for children, then it is the duty of the state to support it and the only way to do so is to privilege married couples over unmarried couples.

Claire Khaw said...

If marriage is the best thing for children, then it is the duty of the state to support it and the only way to do so is to privilege married couples over unmarried couples.

Mr Bothroyd said...

We as a country need to stigmatize SSM, and for that matter various other behaviours which can be called K in terms of the r-K spectrum. For example, like how in movies you arent allowed to show the bad guys getting away with it at the end, we could say that SSMs cannot be featured in glossy magazines and celeb TV shows. Thus when the uber-SSM katie price turns up for a publiciy event, the organizers would say: go home you slut. But as we all know the government is to weak (pussywhipped) to implement such "fascist measures.

Claire Khaw said...

What an excellent idea, Mr Boothroyd! That you are prepared to say this gives me hope for the future.

Failures of communication and comprehension

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