
Friday, 12 September 2014

In defence of Nick Robinson of the BBC

There is a difference between answering a question properly and appearing to answer the question. If any of you think Alex Salmond answered the question properly or at all, then you will be able to tell me what he said when he said “Scottish voters should listen to me rather than men (both Scottish and English) who are responsible for billions of pounds of profit BECAUSE [fill in the blank IN YOUR OWN WORDS] ”

All of you who think Alex Salmond answered the question properly can of course fill in the blank and I invite you to do so.
Questions that should have been asked in the Scottish referendum
Saving the Scotties from Shrek - the MILITARY option
My proposed constitutional settlement for the Scots, English and Welsh after this nonsense of Scottish Independence is finally put to bed


Anonymous said...

Because...the headlines suggesting that businesses will move to England are biased and half truths (e.g. Llyods HQ moving to London - it is already based in London, and RBS moving to England - the Cheif Executive has stated outright that it is a technical procedure and will not affect jobs/operations in Scotland).

Duncan Cook said...

There is also a difference between a fair representation of what happened, and what the BBC actually showed. Surely you can see this, without being pedantic.

Claire Khaw said...

Please just answer the question in the format I have set out to show that you have understood Alex Salmond's answer.

Anonymous said...

Nick Robinson does not use the word "properly" His voiceover says - "He did not answer" As a TV producer I can see the use of editing to create narrative - Perhaps you are you not that bright?

Anonymous said...

Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author. lol

Anonymous said...

Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author. you are a joke

Anonymous said...

Please just answer the question in the format I have set out to show that you have understood Alex Salmond's answer. or i will scweam and scweam and scweam .... really?

Claire Khaw said...

Look, I will admit that even I couldn't do it, because Alex Salmond DIDN'T ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!!

Unknown said...

Nick Robinson’s second question: “Why should a Scottish voter believe you, a politician, against men who are responsible for billions of pounds of profit?”

Answer one, “I think the people of Scotland have moved beyond these warnings and scaremongering”.

Answer two. “Particularly when there is clear evidence that while the prime minister was busy telling us what a wonderful nation we were. His business adviser was busy desperately trying to get any business he possibly could to say something negative about independence”.

And your requested idiot proof version

“The Scottish voters should listen to me rather than Scottish businesses BECAUSE They have moved beyond these warnings and scaremongering ”

“The Scottish voters should listen to me rather than Scottish businesses BECAUSE The prime minister’s business adviser was busy desperately trying to get any business he possibly could to say something negative about independence”

Claire Khaw said...

“The Scottish voters should listen to me rather than Scottish businesses BECAUSE They have moved beyond these warnings and scaremongering ”

Really? When did they move beyond this?

“The Scottish voters should listen to me rather than Scottish businesses BECAUSE The prime minister’s business adviser was busy desperately trying to get any business he possibly could to say something negative about independence”

But businesses hate uncertainty and it is understandable that they would hate uncertainty over the currency etc.

Ali said...

The Scottish voters should listen to me rather than Scottish businesses BECAUSE [fill in the blank IN YOUR OWN WORDS] ”

Salmond demonstrated that Robinson was misrepresenting Scottish businessmen. It's that simple. He basically hid the fact that he got bitchslapped and everybody who sees the whole piece knows it.

Martin L said...

It was an answer Nick (and you) asked for, not a conversation.

Maybe you disagree with his answer, but it is still an answer.

The more important point is that Nick's words in the report imply that Salmond just stood there silently, which is obviously false. It is misleading to imply that.

You can argue semantics all you want, but he opened his mouth and words came out, addressing Nick's points. They have been detailed in previous comments.

Claire Khaw said...

Nick Robinson was not just referring to Scottish businessman when he said "men who are responsible for billions of pounds of profit", was he?

Anonymous said...

if you do one of these every time a British politician doesn't answer the exact question he's asked then you're going to be very busy & it's going to be an awfully big blog.
If Nick didn't think his actual question was answered then he should have said I got a seven minute answer but I'm not going to show it because I don't think it answered the question I asked then that's honest, making out he got no answer at all is very dishonest

Anonymous said...

Alex Salmond answered the question by pointing out that Corporation tax is based on economic output. Therefore, he demostrated that the company bosses' scaremongering stories of buisnesses moving away could not be trusted.

Claire Khaw said...

It is clear big businesses really really really don't like the idea of an independent Scotland and you have to ask yourselves WHY.

Lawz85 said...

"Because if you look to the likes of Martin Gilbert, CEO of Aberdeen Asset Management, who has not said how he is voting [because that is a private matter]. he says that under independence his business and the scottish economy would flourish, as it would under any circumstances."

The point of the whole thing being that the BBC has been scarily one sided in this debate considering its the duty of the BBC as a public service broadcaster to remain wholly impartial. This has not happened at any point along the road to this referendum.

Lawz85 said...

Because huge corporations make an awful lot more money than they should with the current set up and the nods westminster purposefully give to big business rather than showing favour with the people our government actually serves. These people make a lot more from the everyday working people than they should and they dont want the never ending gravy train to end anywhere in the uk, not just north of the border.

Claire Khaw said...

Listen to and come to the conclusion that the Yessies' arguments are all EMPTY BLATHER.

Lawz85 said...

Im curious as to why you havent approved my comment? Even though you've added new comments of your own?

Claire Khaw said...

You sound like a head in the air Commie the way you are carrying on.

Martin Gilbert is Chief Executive of Aberdeen Asset Management plc, an international investment management company. He is a SPECULATOR and would be in an ideal position to profit from all the uncertainty we will all be suffering.

Do stop being so economically and financially illiterate.

Lawz85 said...

You asked what alex salmonds answer in response to nicks question was, i gave you it. You can discredit the aberdeen asset management CEO but you should also bring in to question the motives of rbs, standard life etc at the same time. And maybe the fact that there are actually several companies coming out in favour of independence yet these get no coverage, would make you realise that none of these companies are in any doubt whether independence would be a sucess or not, but alternatively creating uncertainty for their own gain? Not to mention the fact standard life etc all had private meetings with the prime minister before making their announcements.
I am neither economically nor financially illiterate, for your information. Your complete and utter lack of fact finding on the opposing side shows how bankrupt your argument is. Maybe try looking for some impartial sources other than the mainstream media before you start using your blog as a means to fuel a one sided argument.

Claire Khaw said... is not at all impressive.

Neither is any of this at

Claire Khaw said...

Claire Khaw said...

Failures of communication and comprehension

1:00  Speakers Corner 2:00  Hatun Tash 4:00  Posie Parker 7:00  Trump's foreign policy 8:00  Zelensky 9:00  Neocons 12:00  Starmer 13:00...