
Monday, 10 November 2014

A few broad points on rape which I think are broadly true

@jmullarky The more a woman shows the more likely she is to be a slut, and sluts tend to get raped, especially neurotic ones.
— Claire Khaw(@ntfem) November 7, 2014

@jmullarky Did I say anything untrue?
— Claire Khaw(@ntfem) November 7, 2014

@jmullarky How about this: female promiscuity and feminine neurosis go hand in hand.
— Claire Khaw(@ntfem) November 7, 2014

@jmullarky The lower the standards of sexual morality of women, the more numerous the allegations of rape, both genuine and false.
— Claire Khaw(@ntfem) November 7, 2014

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