
Tuesday, 29 August 2017

My modest proposal for the alt-right and a suggestion for Steve Bannon

The alt-right should now divide itself into:

1) ethno-nationalists some of whom enjoy dressing up as Nazis who want to conduct a pogrom against Jews, Muslims and non-white citizens in the West

Greg Johnson:

The Jewish question is not distinct from ethnonationalism. It is ethnonationalism applied to Jews. Thus no ethnonationalist is entitled to abstain from it. Once one recognizes that Jews are a distinct people, the ethnonationalist solution to the Jewish question is Jewish nationalism, i.e., Zionism.

Of course many White Nationalists have a whole lot more to say about Jews than merely observing that they are a different people. I have argued that the fate of White Nationalism does not depend one way or another on the outcome of historical debates about the holocaust. But I do believe that Jews are not just different from whites, but powerful and malevolent enemies who bear significant responsibility for causing white decline and opposing white renewal.

Some White Nationalists don’t want to hear it. But even so, as I have argued here, they still have to face up to the Jewish question. Because if Jews are nothing more than a distinct people, then ethnonationalists must conclude that Jews belong in their own homeland, not in ours. It is as simple as that.

2) libertarian anti-feminist civic nationalists who reject neoconservatism and neo-liberalism who only want to expel illegal immigrants eg Ann Coulter.

My elegant solution means respectable and reasonable people can join the civic nationalist faction of the alt-right, including Jews, Christians, Muslims and socially conservative non-whites who are already citizens in the West.

Option 2 is probably the only way of saving the Trump presidency peacefully.

The best way of achieving this is to get the alt-right to divide along these lines and then choose a leader to represent the respective factions. I wonder which faction Steve Bannon would like to lead.


JB said...

2) doesn't exist, really

Claire Khaw said...

Are you saying *all* the alt-right are category 1?

Millennial Woes who is category 1 was complaining about category 2 whom he calls "alt-lite".

JB said...

IMO alt-light are either neo-cons or "right-wing feminists" [egalitarians]

Claire Khaw said...

I define the alt-right as anyone who does not believe that any of the mainstream political parties have the solutions created by liberalism.

The alt-right is divided between ethno- and civic nationalists, basically.

The sooner the alt-right can formally and officially divide itself in this way, the sooner the more respectable faction of it can avoid being smeared as Nazis, anti-Semites and racists.

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