
Monday, 25 September 2017

How Western men are demoralised in the workplace and how Western labour is made uncompetitive

NB: Do not forget to watch the two-minute dramatisation of a workplace conflict at the beginning or you won't understand the issues.

This is how women demoralise men in the workplace. In order to deal with this problem, women have to be recruited to become workplace mediators to teach men how not to hurt the feeling weelings of their female colleagues. It's jobs for the girls at the expense of men. More cost burdens for the Western employer making Western labour uncompetitive making employers want to outsource these jobs abroad where the workforce is not completely female-dominated.

This is obviously a job created by feminism. All feminist job-creation schemes are essentially parasitic.

Capitalism requires a strong middle class to keep it going. Feminism is destroying the middle class because a middle class needs bourgeois values to keep it going. By this I mean social conservatism and by social conservatism I mean stable families with married parents.

Deep down, men and women dislike each other and will only live with each other if they are compelled to do so by law as well as marriage and familial ties. If men do not provide, women will not stay with them. That is why the economy needs to be geared towards protecting married fathers and privileging them over unmarried fathers, bachelors who are not fathers and unmarried mothers, especially unmarried mothers.

In our degenerate and parasitical matriarchy, the preferences of the unmarried mother or spinster is prioritised over those of the married father, demoralising them and thereby desecrating the institution of marriage.

Feminism is destroying capitalism in the West, and destroying Western values and Western civilisation in the process.

Why will no media outlet discuss this? Because they have been taken over by feminists?

Why will no alt-right YouTuber discuss this with me? Is it because deep down they are as cucked as libtards and they too think they can ignore truth and logic until their train hits the buffers?

If so, does the white race even deserve to survive?


Unknown said...

Yeah feminists and their ILK are LEFT WING POLITICALS friggin LEFTIES!

Unknown said...

Please watch MARK LATHAMS OUTSIDERS SHOW on YOUTUBE you'll understand MORE!


Unknown said...

Here you need to watch these!

If gods are many outside spacetime but 1 inside it is that polytheism? — Real Vincent Bruno (@RealVinBruno)  January 28, 2025 2:00  Space time 3:00  Vincent's question is wrong.  4:00...