
Sunday, 24 September 2017

The reality and horror of living in a matriarchy

No one listens to anyone because we are atomised individuals not in a hierarchical structure because we are a matriarchy.

We in the West do not behave in a way that is analogous to a school of fish, but a bunch of fish in an aquarium swimming around randomly, going our own way and occasionally bumping into each other.

A patriarchy would be hierarchical. The point of this is to avoid the buck-passing chaos of egalitarianism and feminism. Only in a hierarchy would there be proper accountability because the buck stops with the alpha male leader.

Where the buck now is in any Western country is simply impossible to ascertain. Even if you knew where it is now, by the time you located the person he will have passed it on, and this means no one is responsible for anything. The politicians will blame the voters, and the voters the politicians. The men will blame the women, and the women the men. The young will blame the old, and the old the young. The rich will blame the poor, and the poor the rich. The Jew will blame the gentile, and the gentile the Jew.

In such a society, the sexiest woman will have the most power over men. This is the reality of our Cult of Youth. If the beautiful woman is immoral and promiscuous, then she will most certainly abuse her power, and you would expect young, badly parented and badly educated fornicating sluts to abuse their power, would you not?

Eventually, we will get to the point where no one will ever say what he really means or ever keep a promise.

Once this stage of your civlisation is reached, no one will be able to distinguish between truth and falsehood or reason and irrationality. Indeed, no one will even know what these words mean at all.

Life can be just about manageable if only women always lied and never kept their promises, but when the men start doing too, there will be much blood on the carpet.

Men have become emasculated and we know this because no man seems to know what a moral principle is.

If no man even knows what a moral principle is, then the last thing he will do is defend it.

If men have no moral principles they are prepared to defend, the national interest will not be defended, let alone promoted.

Even if you were utterly evil and were say a serial killer, you would have to accept the truth and be guided by logic, if only to avoid capture and punishment.

The morally emasculated male cares nothing for truth and logic, because he thinks truth and logic can be ignored until it can no longer be ignored. The only thing he follows is his appetite and his emotions and these false idols he will follow to his doom because he now has a death wish.

What has brought Western Man to this pretty pass? It is only natural for the conquered to take on the mindset of their conqueror, and women have conquered men with feminism through bribing them with premarital sex. We know this because the worst thing a woman can do to her society is not choose her sex partner wisely and be a bad mother whose illegitimate child grows up to be a criminal.

Men no longer dare to criticise such women, not even the supposedly most powerful man in the world, the US President.

While it is the prerogative of a woman to change her mind, it is not a man's, but most men now think and behave like women. They not only think like a woman, but think like the worst kind of woman: the irresponsible, malicious, lying promiscuous slut.

The Bhagavad Gita:

Out of the corruption of women proceeds the corruption of races; out of the corruption of races, the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory, the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil.

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