
Saturday, 9 September 2017

Millennial Woes makes some surprising comments about the Chinese in his critique of libertarianism

Comments I made under his video:

Libertarians are such cowards unable to agree on libertarian principles let alone organise a piss-up in a brewery.
You could have said that an ethno-state is likely to have fewer laws because it could be that most white men would in theory agree about kicking out Jews, Muslims and non-whites and not have to deal with their culture or worry about hurting their feelings with anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, racist, and LGBT-phobic comments white heterosexual men might want to make about these minorities. On the other hand, if white men don't have a religion the overwhelming majority of them are agreed on, they could be burning heretics, fighting the European Wars of Religion, and the English Civil War all over again.

Are the Chinese known for having a tendency to vote for bigger government? This is the first I have heard about it.
The danger of limited government is that it would have too few laws and public services eg schools, hospitals, armed forces, police, law courts etc and the danger of tyrannical government is that it could lead to rebellion. Government should therefore aspire to having only the necessary laws required to bring about human flourishing and the free speech required to have these philosophical discussions. Obviously, all viable and stable nations would have a dominant culture that does not tolerate degenerate practices and policies that undermine the national interest. Once Western Man kicks out the real cause of his malaise - his thraldom to feminism and its systematic destruction of the institutions of marriage and the family - he will stop feeling quite so angry and upset about being a second class citizen in his own land, once he gets his women to behave decently under a New Settlement and new system of government. I have a few ideas that nationalists may find helpful.
"The Chinese will want our innovations and our money?" They already know the British are skint and are buying up the British family silver the British are so happy to sell to them.
"The Chinese have been very very statist for a very long time." Please cite your authority for this proposition. I really have never heard of this being said about them. I have heard of them being called the Yellow Peril but that it is their "cultural inheritance" to be the most "statist"? Well, knock me down with a feather! Do you know any Chinese people at all?
Non-whites vote for the left for the same reasons women vote for the left: because Labour bribes them with them with state handouts and tell them scare stories about Tories whom they say will send them on the first banana boat home. When minorities feel secure enough about their status in their new country and have acquired some success, they will vote for lower taxes and limited government too and even UKIP and BNP when they too are fed up with immigration.
You really shouldn't get so sensitive and over-defensive about people trying to catch you out with "gotcha" questions. It is all part of the rough and tumble of politics. I wait for interesting, intelligent and difficult questions on and hardly ever get them. Have you any questions you can't answer, Woes? Happy to help!

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