
Friday, 8 September 2017

In our matriarchy, the Jew is lower in status to the fornicating slut, because even the privileged Jew dares not criticise her

Facts and reason won't work on the degenerate, only fear and shame. Shame would only work on those capable of feeling shame, and the degenerate are not capable of feeling shame. Enslaved by their appetites and governed only by their emotions, the degenerate are of course easy to bribe and threaten.

What we see in the West is the wholesale abandonment of Truth, Reason and Morality as guiding principles and the total abasement of men before the pedestal on which the promiscuous woman commands him to do her bidding.

Strangely and sadly, the oppressed Western Man refuses to blame the morals of Western Woman and has convinced himself that it is the fault of a Jewish conspiracy and a Muslim invasion.

In a matriarchy, all men are lower than the fornicating slut.

In a matriarchy, no senior politician will criticise the morals of the fornicating slut.

If he does, there will be consequences.

If you don't believe me, ask yourself what happened to these Jewish men in senior positions of influence when they criticised the morals of fornicating sluts.

What happened to Keith Joseph, Prime Minister in-waiting after his Edgbaston speech in 1974? He was no longer Prime Minister in-waiting.

What happened to Maurice Glasman of Blue Labour when he said immigration should be stopped in 2011? Helen Goodman sorted him out good and proper, didn't she?

Even the Jewess Melanie Phillips frets about the degeneracy and dementia of the gentile, wanting Western Man to run his country properly, bewailing as I do the fact that he is now appears beyond reason.

Does Rabbi Sacks who helped set up the Marriage Foundation with Sir Paul Coleridge even mention the morals of the unmarried mother who casually conceives and casually abandons her variously fathered illegitimate offspring?

No, of course not. Even the privileged Jew is below the immoral woman in our degenerate matriarchy.

The penny has dropped for Alan Dershowitz on the nature and purpose of feminist intersectionality.

Feminism causes anti-Semitism (as well as degeneracy, dementia, immigration and paedophilia)

What is the attitude of the alt-right to the fornicating slut? Are they more afraid of her than they are of being exploited by Jews, invaded by Muslims, becoming the crime victims of blacks and other assorted non-white undesirables? One cannot escape the conclusion that they must be very afraid of her indeed, since she is their only source of apparently free sex if they cannot afford a wife, and most of them cannot afford a wife. Even they could afford one, they would become terrified of her right to divorce them under the rules of no fault divorce giving her the right to confiscate half their property and deprive them of their children.

What a shame then that these alt-right YouTubers are not up to discussing how the economy and society could be rejigged to make marriage a good bargain for men again.

To do this would upset the feminists and the fornicating sluts, and this would never do!

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