
Sunday, 24 September 2017

The alt-right asks itself if Christianity has failed

From 1:24 they discuss whether Christianity has failed.

Below are my comments:

PeterSweden  That question was mine, Peter.  Christianity has been infiltrated by Reds and feminists. It started with ordaining female priests and it now has female bishops. The Anglican Church will soon have a female Archbishop of Canterbury. The kind of Christianity you are talking about regarded fornication as a mortal sin.  Nowadays, to even mention this will make you seem very odd indeed. In fact, both the Bible and Koran forbid fornication.  Sweden has lesbian bishop who wants to remove crosses from church to avoid offending Muslims, that's how far it has gone. The enemy is within.

This is my little theory of societies:

PATRIARCHY - a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers

MATRIARCHY - a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers

The West is undoubtedly a matriarchy.

The Bible forbids fornication.

The Koran treats it as a sexual offence.

Now we know why.

We already know that there are more elderly female voters than there are male voters and how they vote.

We already that that young men and women always start out voting for leftist parties when they are young because that is how the educational system indoctrinates them, with an extra three years of that if you go to university.

Just after the EU referendum I spoke to two elderly middle class Englishwomen whom I initially had voted leave because they were talking just like Brexiteers. "So you voted to leave?" I asked. But apparently not. They couldn't really explain why they voted to remain even after all their complaints about the EU. I then worked out that it must be because the EU was all they ever knew and they were voting for their youth and their past.

This is what nationalists have to contend with.

If you are going to get anywhere with this, you will have to consider pretty radical proposals such as narrowing the franchise to taxpayers only. Ann Coulter herself has suggested that women should not be allowed to vote.

PeterSweden  I must thank you for making me look up  The Chinese were not the only to have the One God idea, of course. There was an attempt by Akhenaten to drag the Ancient Egyptians from polytheism to monotheism, but they were having none of it.

The trouble with the Chinese Deity was that who he was became confused and disputed. It seems he was a kind of Zeus with wayward children and a daughter to who married a mortal - a lowly cowherd, in fact - possibly the most disgusting example of race-mixing you will ever have heard.

Anyway, the Chinese never cleared up the story, so it seems their One God idea never really got going, unlike the Abrahamic God.


Thesis - Judaism

Antithesis - Christianity

Islam - Synthesis

Islam acknowledges Christ as one of the Prophets of God as well as the Virgin Birth.  They regard Adam as prophet too, which is odd, for worshiping the first man to me seems to be a humanity worshiping itself.  Islam is similar to Judaism because neither acknowledge the divinity of Christ though Muslims claim Muhammad to be a kind of perfect man. The Jewish attitude towards their prophets is healthier in that they do not regard any of their prophets as saints and don't have a problem regarding their prophets as sinners.  Having attended all three forms of services and heard how they talk about their religion, I must say that the Jewish discourse on God is infinitely more intellectually sophisticated than that of the Christians or Muslims. The best example of this I have found is at  The Voice of Islam is actually not bad at all.  Compare the two with and marvel at the difference.

PeterSweden  On the question of Buddhism and Hinduism, Buddhism is rather kinder than Hinduism but its teachings have been corrupted. Buddhism is also a very personal religion which is about going away from the world and meditating so it isn't really that practical or moral, often straying into idolatry and staying there. If you ever meet a Buddhist, you could easily stump him by asking him about the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path.  I recently asked my Buddhist parents what they were and didn't get a very satisfactory answer. Because its principles are so vague, libtards go for this religion, because they don't like to be bound by rules. Do bear in mind that the Chinese government saw Buddhism as good enough for the common people to calm them down, but there were no principles within Buddhism that were structured enough to become part of any Chinese rule of law.  Hinduism is really for Indians really because it does not transport well. It has a few wise things and long stories, from different books and different sources over the centuries but its doctrine has become rather unwieldy and the common people just go to temple for festivals and when they want to pray for stuff.

The Bhagavad Gita: "Out of the corruption of women proceeds the corruption of races; out of the corruption of races, the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory, the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil."

Mooooohamsalad  Since the West has a Judeo-Christian tradition, and Islam is the most advanced version of the Abrahamic faiths, the choice seems obvious if you are shopping around for a religion. It has been said that Islam is "Judaism Lite".  Judaism is after all for Jews only, and the Chosen People wouldn't us all to join their exclusive social club because it wouldn't make them feel special any more.  I know you will all say "Why not Christianity?" and the answer is because it has failed. It failed because it has a corrupt priesthood in exactly the same way the Jews had a corrupt priesthood before the Romans kicked them out of Israel. You will be interested to hear that Islam does not have a corrupt priesthood. The closest thing you will get to a priesthood in Islam is the judiciary and the legal profession, but at least what they decide is open to public scrutiny.  Why did Muslims who were more advanced than Christians become so backward? Because Muslim rulers decided to Close the Gate of Interpretation thus ossifying Islam in the Ottoman Empire until it fell hopelessly behind European civilisations.

Al Gore after /pol/  So you don't think a new religion is required to bring about social cohesion amongst an atomised people?  Buddhism and Hinduism is alien to the West, which is why I didn't recommend them. Would you really prefer one of those instead? has Rabbi Sacks talking about the relevance of the Bible as a basis of Western law and ethics, but he really means the Old Testament part of it, but was too polite to say.  "Love thy neighbour" is from the Torah.

The New Testament contains very little law at all.

The only thing Christianity added to religion was that it dispensed with a lot of the Jewish rites of observance but required Christians to believe in the divinity of Christ. The sheer number of people in Europe who lost their lives because they said the wrong thing about God or had the wrong idea of Him is staggering.

Freedom of belief is actually guaranteed in the Koran.

It has been said that the First Amendment was derived from this verse. Thomas Jefferson did buy and read the Koran.

The other thing I would point out is that the punishments in the Koran are much less harsh than the punishments in the Old Testament. Indeed, so many  Muslims thought the Koranic punishments were so lenient that they preferred to use Jewish forms of punishment instead!

When the Torah says “an eye for an eye”, the Talmud explains this is not taken literally but means monetary compensation must be paid for an injury. When the Torah specifies the death penalty of stoning, the Talmud explains it meant the offender was hurled down from a high place – rather than pelted with stones.

The Romans also threw criminals off high places.

James Anderson Christianity has obviously failed and must not be used again, because it will fail again even under totalitarian blasphemy laws which ended up with so many Christians being burned at the stake by other Christians as well as the European Wars of Religion.

Al Gore after /pol/ Jews and Muslims observe their religious obligations while gentile non-Muslims blame them for staying strong while they in their lack of religion get weaker and more divided. There was a reason why religion was invented, you know.

Alessio Russo Democracy is a stupid system making people stupid. Jews and Muslims don't get as stupid under democracy because Judaism and Islam protects them. Because Christianity is kaput, it has completely failed to protect  gentile non-Muslims from their internal enemies - sluts and socialists.

Alessio Russo  If Jews are so clever and cunning, maybe Christians should be less stupid and naive.

Tara was talking about the human race "de-evolving" back into monkeys at the rate we are going.  I suppose she means degenerating. Degeneracy is when the current generation is obviously inferior to the  previous generation. This can in fact be objectively measured by accessing the percentage of illegitimate babies born at any given time and compare it to the previous year. After introducing no fault divorce, Western governments have blurred the distinction between married parents and unmarried parents (by no longer practising slut-shaming when feminism became a badge of liberalism. Western governments also equalised the inheritance status of legitimate and illegitimate offspring. If this state of affairs is not corrected, the white race will "de-evolve" into a state of civilisation that existed before marriage was practised. Nobody is quite sure when marriage was invented, but my theory is that it was homo sapiens who first practised it. It worked so well for them that they ended up easily exterminating the Neanderthals.  Just because the white race does not practice marriage does not mean the other races will cease to practice it, does it? The Jews and Muslims will not cease to practise it even if corrupt Christian clergy celebrate gay marriages in church. You may or may not be aware that the Jews are under a religious duty to exterminate the Amalekites and it has been suggested that the Amalekites were really the Neanderthals whose laws do not conform to the Noahide laws.

LadySagehaw  Marriage is not a sex toy for LGBTs to play with and use on each other.

Steve Masters  The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. Kinder, Küche, Kirche.

Madison Eclectic  Religion comes from the Latin word "religare" which means "to bind". Jews are bound by Judaism, Muslims are bound by Islam, White Nationalists are bound by their hatred of Jews and Muslims. What about Christianity? The Church is but a Creature of the State, and the state is libtard.

nosferotica  You have no solutions, only that of turning up the hatred and fantasising about your pogrom.

kitemanmusic  The problem is that the majority of the young vote libtard and the majority of elderly voters are female who vote libtard. The problem is that half the voters do not care about the other and the political establishment only panders to the voters they think will win them the election ie female voters.  The problem is the operation of liberal democracy itself.

1488 Goy  Only libtard Jews do this, and libtard Jews are not good Jews.  Jewess Melanie Phillips says "Western values are fundamentally Jewish values."

Ajakz Terner  I cannot imagine that sensible Jews are not also concerned about Muslim immigration.

kitemanmusic Mark's channel is at  Christianity did take over the world, but it has obviously failed. Nature abhors a vacuum. If you ever wondered what religion is for, you know now: to protect you from all this. There is really only one Abrahamic faith you can rationally choose out of the three anyway, when you think about it.

Jewess Melanie Phillips denounces libtard Jews.
The dismaying trajectory of the American libtard Jewish community

She says the white supremacists are small in number, but antifa are much much scarier. Liberal rabbis are prioritising their liberalism over their Judaism and libtard Jews think Judaism is liberal.

It is quite wrong for the Jewish community to perceive that the only threat to themselves and to humanity comes from the Far Right.
Liberalism is actually leftism, it's totalitarian in nature, it suppresses freedom and does harm to the vulnerable. Jews can never be on that side, and it is tragic that Jewish leftists have got it in their minds that bad things only come from the right and anyone that's not the left is the right, and so anyone's that not the left is a bad person. 
For the Jews to be on the wrong side of the war being waged against the West and against Western values which in themselves are fundamentally Jewish values, particularly in America - and America is such a Jewish country and the values that it is based on are the values of the Hebrew Bible, so for Jews of any denomination to be on the wrong side of this is appalling.


RK said...

Why do you fixate on religion? All one has to do is cut benefits for single mothers.

Claire Khaw said...

Who is going to say, let alone do it?

If gods are many outside spacetime but 1 inside it is that polytheism? — Real Vincent Bruno (@RealVinBruno)  January 28, 2025 2:00  Space time 3:00  Vincent's question is wrong.  4:00...