
Monday, 6 August 2018

BBC groupthink, the Israel lobby, marriage, patriarchy and theocracy

1:00  White Van Man
1:30  Paul Joseph Watson in UKIP
1:45  UKIP Youth Wing
2:00  Mark Collett's views on Tommy Robinson, UKIP, Anne Marie Waters
2:45  The division between nationalists are anti-Zionist British nationalists and Zionist British Nationalists
3:45  AIPAC - American Israeli Public Affairs Committee
4:45  The Israel lobby
5:15  Israel
5:30  Conservative Friends of Israel, Labour Friends of Israel, Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel, UKIP Friends of Israel
6:30  Winner of Eurovision Song Contest 2018 was Israel, but I thought Finland had a good song.
12:30  Radio 4
13:15  Why is Hebden Bridge the lesbian capital?
14:30  Saturday Live How Radio 4 people talk when they drop in on each other in Hebden Bridge for a cuppa
15:30  The incestuousness of the groupthink in the BBC Village
17:00  Trump rally when Jim Acosta of CNN was abused
18:00  Who hates Trump
19:30  US mid-term elections November 2018
21:15  Sarah Jeong
25:15  Dov Bechhofer
26:15  Tiger Woods
27:00  Why the New York Times are keeping Sarah Jeong
27:35  The phenomenon of Jews and non-white immigrants supporting Trump and the alt-right
28:30  Sarah Jeong
29:45  Greg Johnson and Counter-Currents
30:00  Non-whites in the West feeling possessive about their adopted country
31:15  Anti-immigration Jews
31:30  Jews encourage imimgration into their host nation to take the heat off themselves
32:15  Jews are limited in the choice of political parties in just the way gentiles are: both restricted by the corrupt political cartel and their corrupt oligarchy
32:45  Orthodox Jews and benefit fraud
35:00 James O'Brien of LBC
36:30  jellied eels
37:45  When I was arrested
39:00  Holloway Prison
Ruth Ellis was the last woman to be hanged in Britain
43:15  Firing squad
46:00  Saddam Hussein's execution
47:00  How to read The Koran: if you want the rules start at the front, if you want to read it for comfort, start at the back.
48:00  Rabbi Mizrachi and the purpose of suffering for Jews
50:00 The bearer of bad news is shot
50:45  Muslims may be sent to punish Jews and Christians, but they are also being punished for ignoring their own rules
52:00  Western men won't give up fornication to cure themselves of feminism
55:00 Men go into denial about the reality of their status in their matriarchy to keep their jobs.
Apologies, I said "hive mind" when I meant "groupthink. "
59:00  Iben Thranholm
1:02:00  Muslims are a symptom of the disease
1:03:00  The peaceful and harmonious Europe and America white people are so nostalgic for before the Muslims and immigrants came ...
1:04:00 What made the West great, once upon a time
1:06:00  The world empire of the British
1:06:45  How are the mighty fallen
1:07:00  Afua Hirsch, the Sarah Jeong of Britain
1:08:00  Double whammy the West is suffering from: failed religion and failed political system
1:10:00  The key to marriage is the key to morality. If you want to raise general standards of morality in your society, insist on the Gold Standard of sexual morality that is marriage.
1:12:00  It is not enough to say you believe in God. This will neither save you nor your society. What will save you is following the laws you know God has made for you.  Jay says this is "Rubbish." When I ask him how, he succeeds in distracting me by saying Independent Muslim wants to join the hangout.
1:14:00  Independent Muslim joins the hangout and challenges Secular Koranism
1:16:00  The fighting amongst Jews, Christians and Muslims will be solved when Israel adopts Secular Koranism which will at least satisfy the requirement of it being a theocracy
1:17:00  The late Rabbi Kahane wanted a theocracy and was assassinated
1:18:00  Independent Muslim gives us his background
1:26:00  Independent Muslim disapproves of my idea of revolution, but it is the only way forward when you are suffering from the double whammy of a failed religion and a failed political system and want to solve the social problems half a century of feminism and  the sex revolution have caused.
1:28:00  Wife-beating verse
1:29:00  Nietzsche: "Interpretation is a function of power, not of truth. " Khaw: "We must make sure that we live in society where truth has power. Truth has more power in a patriarchy than a matriarchy. Therefore the patriarchy must be restored."
1:36:00  Magnum,_P.I.
1:40:00  Independent Muslim says I lack analytical ability and am a slave to my emotions because I don't agree with his fractal theory of God.
1:43:00  Independent Muslim "explains" fractals to Jay
1:53:00  A genuinely funny response from Jay when he is asked "Are you familiar with the tetrahedron?"
1:55:55  Jay's defective memory does not acknowledge that while I may have been a little late for some of the 9 classes out of the 10 I could have attended, I nevertheless attended 9 of them.  It was Jay who only attended 6 of them. Classic case of projection.
1:59:00  To be a Christian you must believe Christ is the co-equal of the Abrahamic God. It is doubtful that any Christian really believes in this. Most of them do not even know they are required to believe in this absurdity. To be a Secular Koranist all you have to do is believe that the patriarchy must be restored and that the Koran is the best available guide to humanity. No belief in God required.
2:00:00  Independent Muslim seems to think a husband bossing his wife about is patriarchy. I say we must think of patriarchy and matriarchy in terms societies. The perfect patriarchy is 100% married parents, and the perfect matriarchy is 100% unmarried parents. The preference of the married father would be prioritised in a patriarchy while in a matriarchy the preference of the unmarried mother would be prioritised.  Individual relaitonships will have a different balance depending on their personalities and negotiating skills of the parties in getting their way.
2:07:00  Muslims have no fault divorce claims Independent Muslim. I am disbelieving.
2:08:00  Nikah
2:09:00  Marriage license
2:10:00  Marriage was invented by a woman
2:12:00  Roosh
2:17:00  Marriage is a sacrifice this generation makes for their civilisation, it's not about living happily ever after
2:19:00  Independent Muslim says there is no accountability without a Creator
2:19:30  Independent Muslim asks if I am atheist, agnostic or theist
2:20:00 I advocate following Koranic principles because theocracy is required to restore patriarchy. It is a means to an end.
2:24:00  Independent Muslim: "It's a really good idea to stick to one woman and create a relationship and create a partnership and you will move faster, you are much more balanced, and I was able to verify that through .... [wait for it] ... mathematics."
2:25:00 Independent Muslim accuses me of being a "mono-personality", whatever that means.
2:26:00  Stopping at a red traffic light when there is no one around  at 3 am.
2:27:00  Patriarchy is the only rational and moral way to run your society.
2:28:00  If I were promoting traditional Christianity this too would also be rejected.
2:30:00  If Britain were a society of mostly married Christian fathers, they would not need immigrant labour or feel they have to put up with immigration.
2:31:0   Autism, allergy, obesity and other signs of degeneracy.
2:32:00 Disabled parking for the autistic
2:32:00 thinks I am austistic 
2:33:00  These days you can be a "male lesbian".
2:34:00  Independent Muslims says I am unable to understand the male perspective. Apparently, women co-operate, but men do not.  Then it becomes a confused debate about whether we care about society, our friends, neighbours politics, principles and people we don't know.
2:38:00  Independent Muslim says: "Women have a deceptive nature" implying I am being deceitful.
2:39:00  I am infuriated by Jay who contradicts himself by saying that on the one hand, he doesn't care about the rules while on the other he complains about the rules that allow his neighbourhood to become the third world hellhole he is always complaining about.
2:45:00  Independent Muslim admits that the last thing he wants in the West is Secular Koranism.
2:46:00  Independent Muslim says he did not come to the West to enjoy its sexual liberation yet says he was attracted to America after watching Magnum, PI.
2:47:00  Theocracy
2:48:00  Secular Koranism is sharia as I interpret it.
2:49:00  My answer to Roosh's question of "How are you going to explain to these 20 million female voters that Secular Koranism is the way forward?"
2:51:00  Independent Muslim confuses being a republic with being a democracy. A republic just means you are not a monarchy.  I am accused of being a zealot and being  like the Muslim Brotherhood.
2:53:00 The story of Muhammad according to Independent Muslim
A caliphate is a state under the leadership of an Islamic steward with the title of caliph, a person considered a religious successor to the Islamic prophet Muhammad and a leader of the entire ummah (community).
2:59:00 God's laws are less likely to disobeyed than anyone else's.
3:00:00  Independent Muslim's version of Noah is not consistent with
3:03:00 They butter me up at the end but imply I am a crank.
3:08:00  If God was conjured into existence by someone's imagination, that person would have been male and not female, because it is inconceivable that a woman could have conceived of God.
3:11:00 I think Independent Muslim was asking if I would submit to a man. The answer is yes, in theory.

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