
Tuesday, 14 August 2018

HardKhaw - The Avalon Podcast (31)


Coriolanus - the movie

The late Jonathan Bowden

On British Nationalists who claim they are pagan

Claire Khaw's ideas on feminism in harmony with the late Jonathan Bowden's

IC1 White - North European
IC2 White - South European
IC3 Black
IC4 Asian
IC5 Chinese, Japanese, or other Southeast Asian
IC6 Arab or North African
IC9 Unknown

E. Michael Jones on "White Guys"

Exam Cheating on Long Island Hardly a Secret

"People briefed on the investigation said that Samuel Eshaghoff, a 2010 Great Neck North graduate, scored in the 2,100 range (out of 2,400) on his own SATs; he is accused of taking tests for at least 15 people over three years, and the people briefed on the inquiry said he obtained scores for them between 2,170 and 2,220 on the SAT and as high as 33 out of 36 on the ACT.

He was proficient at making fake identification cards, they said, and allowed clients to pay in installments and based on what they could afford.

That two of the people for whom he is accused of taking the tests after showing a fake ID were girls only raises further concerns about testing security."

Black and Asian Britons must be allowed to join the British National Party (BNP), it was claimed yesterday, after the far-right organisation caved in to legal action and agreed to change its membership rules.

The climbdown follows court proceedings brought by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), which accused the BNP of having a constitution that discriminated against racial and religious groups.

A recent study into rising antisemitism in Europe ignores the role of Muslim migrants

The Pears Institute-EVZ Foundation report is a case of burying one's head in the sand, the AJC's Andrew Baker says

The internal Jihad is the one that Prophet Muhammad is said to have called the greater Jihad.

A few books of the Bible, particularly the early parts of the Torah, contain narratives in which certain individuals, from the same family as one another, engage in sexual intercourse together; while this could be construed as incest, endogamy is an alternative interpretation. The Bible does not, for example, forbid cousins from marrying, but it does prohibit sexual relations with several other close relatives. Lord actually commands female Israelites who possess an inheritance in any tribe of the people of Israel to marry their cousins or uncles on their fathers' side in the book of Numbers.

Islamic State is often called ‘medieval’ but is in fact very modern – a horrific expression of a widespread frustration with a globalised western model that promises freedom and prosperity to all, but fails to deliver by Pankaj Mishra

"Violence has erupted across a broad swath of territory in recent months: wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, suicide bombings in Xinjiang, Nigeria and Turkey, insurgencies from Yemen to Thailand, massacres in Paris, Tunisia and the American south. Future historians may well see such uncoordinated mayhem as commencing the third – and the longest and the strangest – of world wars. Certainly, forces larger and more complex than in the previous two wars are at work; they outrun our capacity to apprehend them, let alone adjust their direction to our benefit.

The early post cold war consensus – that bourgeois democracy has solved the riddle of history, and a global capitalist economy will usher in worldwide prosperity and peace – lies in tatters. But no plausible alternatives of political and economic organisation are in sight. A world organised for the play of individual self-interest looks more and more prone to manic tribalism.

In the lengthening spiral of mutinies from Charleston to central India, the insurgents of Iraq and Syria have monopolised our attention by their swift military victories; their exhibitionistic brutality, especially towards women and minorities; and, most significantly, their brisk seduction of young people from the cities of Europe and the US. Globalisation has everywhere rapidly weakened older forms of authority, in Europe’s social democracies as well as Arab despotisms, and thrown up an array of unpredictable new international actors, from Chinese irredentists and cyberhackers to Syriza and Boko Haram. But the sudden appearance of Islamic State (Isis) in Mosul last year, and the continuing failure to stem its expansion or check its appeal, is the clearest sign of a general perplexity, especially among political elites, who do not seem to know what they are doing and what they are bringing about."

A human terefah is also defined on the basis of medical evidence--specifically, as Maimonides says, "it is known for certain that he had a fatal organic disease and physicians say that his disease is incurable by human agency and that he would have died of it even if he had not been killed in another way.

As Rabbi Joseph Babad says, the provision in Jewish law exempting the killer of a terefah from the death penalty effectively makes the terefah an exception to this tenet of the equality of all human lives.

I have argued elsewhere, though, that the sources' analogy to a flickering candle, such that even moving the patient becomes life-threatening, suggests that a goses is literally in the last hours of life and that rabbis like me who would like to rule liberally in medical matters at the end of life must instead use the category of terefah.

On the same page of the Talmud on which Rava says that "all admit" that the killer of a terefah is exempt from human legal proceedings, he also asserts that one who has illicit sex with a terminally ill person is liable.

The questionable viability of newly born infants, due, at least in part, to doubts as to whether they were premature or full-term, led Jewish law to exempt one who kills a child less than thirty days old from human prosecution, just as it treats the person who kills the terefah.

Opportunity cost

In microeconomic theory, the opportunity cost, also known as alternative cost, is the value (not a benefit) of the choice in terms of the best alternative while making a decision. A choice needs to be made between several mutually exclusive alternatives; assuming the best choice is made, it is the "cost" incurred by not enjoying the benefit that would have been had by taking the second best available choice. The New Oxford American Dictionary defines it as "the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen." Opportunity cost is a key concept in economics, and has been described as expressing "the basic relationship between scarcity and choice."

African Christians will be killed if C of E accepts gay marriage, says Justin Welby
Archbishop says he has seen mass grave of Christians killed by neighbours who said they feared being 'made to become gay'

Nationalism And Conservatism

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How to get the globalists and Americans to adopt Secular Koranism

Muslims are so divided they cannot even discuss restoring the Caliphate for political leadership — Cyborg of Secula...