
Thursday, 30 August 2018

Marriage and the soon to be extinct matriarchies of the West

Sexual immorality leads to moral corruption, moral corruption leads to intellectual corruption and intellectual corruption means eventually being unable to use truth, logic and morality to solve political problems.

The gold standard of sexual morality is marriage.

Without marriage there can be no patriarchy.

Without patriarchy not enough good strong men will be produced to defend the national interest.

The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents

The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried parents

What is the illegitimacy rate of your Western nation?

If your nation regards fornication and bastardy as normal, you are a matriarchy.

Other signs that you live in a matriarchy is an ageing and shrinking population incapable of facing its past or admitting its mistakes with ever lowering standards of education and behaviour where sexual liberation from the rules of marriage has become the opium of the people.

Such people go against their traditions, break their own rules while no senior male politician dares to defend the national interest because he is in fear of being accused of a historic sexual offence knowing that he will not be defended by other senior male politicians who in turn also fear being accused of a historic sexual offence.

The rule against no criminal court entertaining any accusation made solely on the uncorroborated testimony of a possibly lying witness that used to be a cornerstone of English liberty has been long forgotten.

After half a century of feminism, the British have all but forgotten their Judeo-Christian heritage. Probably, no sitting member of the legislature or judiciary is even aware of the prohibition in Deuteronomy 19:15 of convicting anyone accused of a crime on the sole uncorroborated testimony of one possibly lying witness. If they are aware of this prohibition, they will be too afraid of pointing this out, because they are also in fear of being accused of a historic sexual offence by a possibly lying witness which the police are now required to take seriously.

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