
Thursday, 30 August 2018

The matriarchy have uninvented marriage but no senior male politician in the West will protest

The matriarchy and its lady judge Lady Hale have uninvented marriage but the men are incapable of even thinking of restoring the patriarchy. They are indifferent, silent and cowed. To them marriage is a sacrifice they no longer wish to make because they know they are unmarriageable. These degenerates no longer even have the masculinity to propose that marriage be made a better deal for men who want to become fathers of legitimate children whom they wish to properly parent.

What could be easier to do and say than to propose the abolition of no fault divorce which penalises the wealthier partner when he has done no wrong?

But these emasculated unmarriageable men instead prefer to waste their energy and time campaigning to ban male circumcision because they already know they are unmarriageable. Their game is to somehow benefit from the fact that most atheist antisemitic Islamophobic and sexually liberated gentiles resent Jews and Muslims and want to make them feel uncomfortable and unwelcome. The fact that freedom of belief is a Western liberal tradition means nothing to them. You cannot expect the degenerate to grasp and apply a principle much less adhere to it, after all.

They are to a man shameless atheists, nihilists, cowards and cattle whose main purpose is to enjoy as much sexual and sensual pleasure as they can before they pop their clogs.

Their other main purpose is to go to their grave with the belief that they, their ancestors, their government and their Christianity and liberal democracy were absolutely and perfectly wise and right about everything, until the Jews and Muslims came and ruined everything.

It is a sign of irrationality and lunacy to harbour two contradictory and mutually exclusive ideas in your mind while claiming to have won the argument and then closing your eyes and ears.

Such men and their civilisation can have no future. Nationalists who think in these terms are by definition nihilists. The people they hate and fear - Jews and Muslims in particular - however, are not.

Which is worse? To know you are definitely lost or to not even know you are lost?

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