
Friday, 24 August 2018

Why feminists are nihilists

The problem with people who don't believe in anything is people who won't risk anything to defend any principle - because they have none.

At the very least, we as reasoning humans should believe in the primacy of truth, logic and morality, even if we do not believe in God.

If through the exercise of our reasoning faculties we arrive at the conclusion that civilised life and the continuation of our tribe, national identity and civilisation is impossible without patriarchy and a religion that promotes marriage and family values, we are morally obliged to support patriarchy.

The world is divided between

1) people who see the point in supporting patriarchy and

2) those who refuse to do so because they are selfish nihilists with no intention or prospect of becoming married parents and who do not wish to make the sacrifice of adhering to the rules in a moral system necessary to keep their group in existence.

What about the people who refuse to even discuss this?

They would be those who are indifferent to the destruction of their own civilisation.

Who are these people?

They make up the Western liberal establishment ie those in academia, politics, the media and the judiciary.

Why won't they discuss any of these subjects or answer any questions?

Because they cannot answer our simple questions honestly without giving up their position and losing the argument.

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