
Thursday, 13 September 2018

Atheism, fornication, degeneracy and why our politicians only fill their boots

Your nation is degenerate when your government will not even discuss making the law supporting marriage and family values because it knows that the majority of parents are not married parents in a society where fornication is normalised whose human stock has been destroyed, as the late Keith Joseph warned in 1974.

In a degenerate society that is a matriarchy, short term thinking is the ignoble rule and abstractions such as the long term national interest and morality are not the concerns of its leaders who can think no further than the next general election, always less than five years away.

Everything about feminism undermines marriage and every feminist condones fornication. Feminism keeps men quiescent by bribing them with fornication. If fornication were a drug, the slut is the drug dealer.

Knowing this, addicted Western Man will nevertheless not want to give up fornication or the idea of it being his human right because he knows he and his civilisation are dying and, being atheist, wants to enjoy all its available sexual pleasures in this life before it is over.

The addict will not be calling the cops on his dealer.

After what happened to Enoch Powell and Keith Joseph, no senior male politician will be thinking of risking his career for a society whose human stock was not only threatened, but appears to have been destroyed. It is indeed true that people get the government they deserve.

Are there even ten good men in Britain any more, let alone ten righteous men in our political class?

Why does Hungary have Orban but the British only have May, a childless clueless woman who wouldn't know what the British national interest is even if it walked up to her and snatched her handbag?

Catholicism, though failing, has managed to preserve some of the patriarchy that remains in Hungary. 

Only a patriarchy would produce enough good strong men capable of defending the national interest.

A patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers.

A matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of immoral unmarried mothers who are bad mothers and bring into being illegitimate offspring who tend to be criminal and even if not actually criminal, underachieve and then become a burden on society. Their offspring tend not to be desirable employees thus creating a demand for cheaper more willing foreign labour.

Britain has been a matriarchy since 1974.

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