
Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Christianity and Hypocrisy

It has been said Christianity and Hypocrisy march hand in hand. The reason why Christians are widely regarded to be the most hypocritical of all the Abrahamic faiths is because the condition of being Christian is based on claiming to believe the lie that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God.

In the overwhelmingly atheist societies of the West, it is hard to believe that there are any believing Christians any more. Those who affirm the Trinity and are confirmed either do not know what they are agreeing to or only do so because it is a condition of their employment as a member of the priesthood.

The Achilles heel of Christianity is its unbelievability. If you believe that Christ is also God, you are perhaps too credulous. If you only pretend to believe in it, you are corrupt. When it became legal to deny the Trinity, it was only a matter of time before the baby of Biblical morality was thrown out with the bathwater of the Trinity. There is only one religion left for gentiles who wish to restore patriarchy, sanity and moral order to the West.

The claims of Islam on our intellect alone are compelling. Muslims only have to point out that there was a Creation and therefore there must have been a Creator who has taken the trouble of making laws for us, who sent them to us in the Koran through His Messenger Mohammed.

Also, Islam would restore the patriarchy without which not enough good strong men will be produced to defend the national interest. This is certainly the case now in the West with our cowardly male politicians, with the exception of Trump, Bannon as well as the leaders of Hungary and Poland who have not allowed feminism to undermine their patriarchy. It seems Italy now is rediscovering its masculinity. Islamophobes who call themselves nationalists have no answer to the problem of restoring the patriarchy, other than to say that nationalism alone will be enough to eradicate feminism.

The truth is that they cannot think beyond the "fun" of expelling minorities with their hoped for pogrom. If they cannot answer the question of how they are to live after all the troublesome minorities have been expelled, it is because they do not think it will ever be their problem. If they live to see these minorities expelled within their lifetimes, that would be enough for them. These men are atheists, of course. Those of them who are not atheists who reject the Abrahamic faiths have a vague idea of returning to the worship of Nordic or Celtic deities.

What are the principles of nationalism other than that of the infamous pogrom? Does nationalism have a scripture beyond Mein Kampf? Greg Johnson, a gay man and an atheist, has now published The White Nationalist Manifesto (available on Kindle for as little as $3.49). It is also his intention to return Jews to their homeland as well as to send Black Americans to Africa.

White ethno-nationalists certainly now have an ethno-nationalist manifesto. What about white civic nationalists? Secular Koranism is my humble submission. It is based on the following premises:

1) If Islam is "Judaism Lite", then Secular Koranism is "Islam Lite".

2) If Judaism is divine ethno-nationailsm, then Islam is divine civic nationalism.

3) Restoring the patriarchy is the only means for the West to return to moral order and this means overthrowing the matriarchy and replacing it with a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism.

The princples of Islam can be discovered easily because they are contained in the Koran easily accessible online and freely given out at your local mosque.

For these reasons, the undeniable Truth, Logic and Morality of using the legal system that is Secular Koranism to restore the patriarchy is simply unavoidable, unless it is your intention to avoid Truth, Logic and Morality until your country becomes a failed state.

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