
Saturday, 1 September 2018

Dr Pohl complains about Francis Fukuyama's disappointing talk and the "magical realism" neocons promote is what the New York Times wants us to think of these co-opted philosophers. I have crossed swords with Appiah at

Fukuyama is discussed from 5:30

9:20  The Whig Interpretation of History

11:00  No historian would have given the Whig Interpretation of History any credence. It is a stupid political scientist idea.

12:00  Academics are the worst people on earth in terms of understanding the arguments of the other side. They are extraordinarily parochial and narrow-minded.

19:00  Democracy means zilch. We need to get away from worshipping democracy. Liberal democracy, like Pan-Arabism is going to fail, and fail hard. 

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Jehovah's Witnesses on health and diet; SKP Registers of Race and Religion with Vincent Bruno #12

1:00  Carol Balizet 2:00  Jehovah's Witnesses attitude towards health and diet 3:00  Kambucha htt...