
Monday, 10 September 2018

What is an Islamophobe?

An Islamophobe is someone who denies that it is ever irrational to hate and fear Muslims and Islam. Islamophobes also persist in conflating a book Muslims do not follow - the Koran - with criminals and terrorists who have been identified as Muslims.

Such a person is invariably a supporter of an anti-immigration party. While he is clearly concerned about immigration, the immigrants who most disturb him are Muslims.

While such a person would probably also have a problem with Jews, Muslims are more new and alien, more alarming and in-your-face.

Such a person - usually from the lower classes and generally represented by White Van Man and now more recently described as "gammon" - would either be atheist or only weakly Christian. He also perceives that his own government does not care about him and people like him and he would be right, for the matriarchy does not care to protect men's interests (ie patriarchy, marriage and family values) and is only concerned to extract yet more feminine privileges to a populace of leaderless men, who have been abandoned by their priests and their government.

How did Britain come to be a matriarchy and when did it become a matriarchy? Britain became a matriarchy in 1974 when Keith Joseph, a Jew who was widely considered to be a Prime Minister in waiting, rang the alarm by saying "our human stock is destroyed" by unmarried mothers and the tolerance of widespread illegitimacy. His Prime Ministerial prospects were destroyed and Thatcher became leader of the Conservative Party.

Another politician who sounded the alarm was Enoch Powell in 1968 and he too had his Prime Ministerial prospects destroyed.

Britain has been a matriarchy for nearly half a century. The three chief features of a matriarchy are the following:

1. There is no male solidarity.
2. Any male leaders are chosen by women.
3. No male, however senior his position, will dare to criticise the morals of immoral women.

These supporters of anti-immigration parties come from fatherless homes and have been in some way damaged by their childhood and state education which of course had a knock on effect on their career prospects.

Such people would find it very hard to accept the following:

1) That democracy is not the most rational form of government
2) That Christianity is kaput and must be replaced

To take their mind off the fact that their political system and religion has been wrong for centuries, they find it easier to blame Muslims, who are but the symptoms of a deeper malaise - the disease of the mind that is feminism.

If such people did not hate Muslims and in particular Muslims who are immigrants both legal and illegal, they would have to end up hating democracy, Christianity and their own government and it looks as if they already do.

Because no obvious solution presents itself other than pogrom, they can currently only express their feelings of hatred against Muslims, who are but the symptoms of a deeper malaise - the disease of the mind that is feminism.

Whom would they hate if they ceased to hate Muslims? Immoral women of their own race to whom they are not married but still want to have sex with?

They would also hate their own government, democracy and Christianity.

And once they start hating those, the solution will become obvious.

The answer became obvious to Arthur Wagner of AfD who became Ahmed.

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