
Monday, 8 October 2018

I offer a solution to Mohammed Hijab's Problems with Liberalism

Liberalism, like many other ideologies, has existed in different political contexts. Many of these contexts have had contradictory self-identified starting points. Today, the term ‘liberal democracy’ is used to refer to most (if not all) political systems that claim to be ‘liberal’. However, it is conceivable to envisage illiberal democracies or undemocratic liberal states. One does not have to go too far back in history to identify such examples of this, as liberalism existed with colonialism since the latter’s inception. Even more shockingly, self-identified ‘liberal’ states – such as France and the United States – had institutionalised programs of slavery in place until close to the beginning of the 19th century. To be clear, this is not an argument against liberalism, but instead an informative historical reading on the conduct of liberalism throughout history. A clear distinction needs to be made between what liberalism is and how politicians (who claim to be liberals) may have contradicted its principles. It is important to note that liberalism is being operationalised, in many ways, like religion. People who consider themselves ‘liberal’ usually believe in concepts such as ‘freedom of speech/expression’ in as much the same way as ancient peoples might have believed in Zeus or Athena, or as later people might have believed in Ram or Buddha. Liberalism will be understood best by the initial thinkers and theorists who have propounded its theories through their rationale. Society is also important to consider but only to the extent that it has decided to accept or reject a certain political philosophy. 

The problem with liberalism is that it has no scripture or official handbook. Therefore liberalism will always be whatever the leader of the liberal party says it is.

Has anyone asked why the leader of the Conservative Party was talking about "musculiar liberalism"?

Is Conservatism really Liberalism too?

It would appear so.

It would appear that gay marriage is now part of Conservatism too since Cameron legalised it.

Liberalism has now "advanced" to such a stage that organisations promoting sodomy - a sexual offence according to - are now in a position to give prizes to British Prime Ministers and a British Prime Minister would think nothing of accepting a prize from them.

But why is liberalism so attractive to contemporary peoples, especially in a postmodern Western context?

Because the only thing liberalism means now in the 21st century is sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting.

Sexual corruption leads to moral corruption, moral corruption leads to intellectual corruption, and intellectual corruption leads to the loss of ability to use truth, reason and morality to solve and avoid problems.

If you ever wonder why obvious solutions are not being implemented to solve longstanding social problems, this is the reason.

By the way, postmodern means "under feminist hegemony"

But where both men were nonconformists, non-Trinitarian (in the case of Mill), and even non-Christian, religiosity in the Victorian period began to decline.

Melanie Phillips:

During the past six decades, Britain has been systematically hollowing out its own culture, for two intimately related reasons: a loss of its national identity and purpose, and the crumbling of religious belief that underpinned its moral codes.

On the happiness principle of utlitarianism, we as individuals and nations are never really sure about the wisdom of enjoying our pleasures because present pleasures unwisely such as drugs and spending beyond our means often entail future suffering.

It would appear that history has many lessons to teach us that enjoying the pleasures of drink, lust, gambling and usury and other forbidden pleasures of the Bible and Koran tend to end in the decline and fall of your civilisation.

If the individual is protected from refraining from doing certain things based on his religious principles then it must surely follow that nations - which are after all only lands with individuals - would also benefit from following these religious principles.

Judaism has undeniably helped Jews remain in existence even without a homeland for 2000 years.

Since it cannot be denied that both Christianity and Islam were derived from Judaism, the benefits of obeying the laws of the Abrahamic God are undeniable.

Those of us who live in the West would know that it is no longer Christian. Its unofficial religion is sexual liberation from the rules of marriage which have the effect of undermining the institution of marriage and the family. Western Man who is now so under the thumb of immoral women who will accuse him of a historic sexual offence to silence him when he tries to mobilise against the liberals and feminists that many men are as good as guilty of a historic sexual offence the moment they are accused and subjected to trial by media.

Sadly for Western Man, he is now so forgetful of his Judeo-Christian heritage that it no longer occurs to him to invoke the principle in even when accused of a historic sexual offence.

Egalitarianism is superficially appealing precisely because it is a polite fiction.

It was egalitarianism that let in feminism whose stated purpose is to destroy the patriarchy. It is of course the Abrahamic faiths that promote patriarchal moral values that enable thriving nations to become empires.

The lesson to be learned from the Sex Revolution is actually an old one, if we know what happened to the Israelites when they were seduced by the Moabite women.

What I mean to say again is that neither Liberalism nor Conservatism has any scripture or official handbook. This explains why men like Nigel Farage and Sargon of Akkad call themselves Classical Liberals when what they mean is that they are Eurosceptic Thatcherites, a term which will become increasingly meaningless as people forget about the late Margaret Thatcher. Because neither Conservatism nor Liberalism have either a scripture or official handbook, these ideologies have neither any stated principles nor any internal consistency. If the Conservative and Labour Party still represent anything, they represent narrow class interests whose leaders are more interested in bribing us with our own money to be voted into office than any concern for the long tern national interest. This is obviously unsustainable.

The principle of parliamentary sovereignty also means that this country has the principle of not having any principles, which surely cannot be a good idea.

It cannot be a good idea to say that all you ever did in your history is your religion and resolve to keep changing it whenever expedient.

A philosophical case can be made for a theocracy without necessarily believing in God if you agree with the following propositions:

1) Because Jews remain in existence as a disinct people despite 2000 years of being without their homeland and managed to get back their homeland, Judaism has served them very well indeed.

2) Because Christianity and Islam were derived from Islam, these religions were an attempt to adapt Judaism for gentiles.

3) Because the West is now promoting gay marriage globally, we know that Christianity has failed.

4) Because Temple Judaism had and Christianity has a corruptible clergy, it was only a matter of time before the corrupt clergy failed to maintain morality and in practice ignored its own stated religious principles.

5) Because the closest thing to a clergy in Islam is the judiciary, legal decisions that are argued over and appealed against would be subjected to greater scrutiny. This means any corruption would be more quickly noticed and dealt with than when corrupt clergy dilute principles and ignore their religious obligations.

6) Because the least any self-respecting religion should be able to do is protect the practice of marriage and family values for the purpose of remaining in existence as a people, it is obvious Christianity has failed in the West and that the West is as Christian as a human skeleton used to be human.

7) Because the UK has been a matriarchy for nearly 50 years, it is necessary as a matter of urgency to denounce, challenge and defeat it if we wish to reverse the degeneracy it has resulted in.

8) Because Christianity is no longer fit for the purpose of maintaining morality, Islam is the obvious choice, though what form it should take would be predictably disputed. Secular Koranism would be my recommendation because it does not require anyone to convert to Islam, only acknowledge the logic of the above propositions and act on it. It is envisaged that belief will come to future generations once all the necessary laws are in place.

How is Islam obviously superior to liberalism? Because even atheists cannot deny that the Abrahamic faiths have been around longer than Communism, Liberalism, Nazism, Fascism, Socialism or Conservatism.

Since the purpose of the Abrahamic faiths is to create strong nations and empires, we really have no choice but to choose a replacement once we have acknowledged that both Christianity and liberal democracy have failed.

From the 27th minute

Dr Wahid: "These people in this society have a problem."

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