
Thursday, 28 March 2019

Questions for Western Man

1.  Is Western civilisation failing because Christianity is an inferior religion to Islam?

2.  Is the reason why the political system of the West has failed because its religion has failed?

3.  What should replace failing Christianity and democracy?

4.  What could replace Christianity and democracy?

5.  Why did Christianity fail?

6.  How many people who identify as Christians really believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God?

7.  Are the only people in the world prepared to claim that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God people who wish to enter the corrupt priesthood?

8.  Is Catholicism now synonymous with paedophilia and sodomy?

9.  Has paedophilia and sodomy been synonymous with the Catholic Church since the 1100s when the extremist requirement for priestly celibacy was made?

10.  If you were gay, ambitious, clever and Catholic, wouldn't joining a Catholic seminary in order to have sex with likeminded Catholic men be an obvious career move?

11.  Isn't relying on the rule of sharia law more effective in maintaining morality than relying on a corrupt priesthood considered to be synonymous with paedophilia and sodomy in the public consciousness?

12.  Is there any prospect of the Catholic Church or any other denomination of Christianity regaining its moral authority in our lifetimes even if we were all born yesterday?

13.  Is the reason why Christians are being murdered in Asia and Africa by Muslims because Christianity is now regarded as the religion of white people who want to turn our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah?

14.  Is the West now a matriarchy?

15.  Are all matriarchal societies primitive, declining, extinct or about to become extinct?

16.  Are Western men leaderless because they live in a matriarchy?

17.  Is it true that in  matriarchy, all men  - including POTUS - are lower in status than unmarried mothers indifferent to the parenting of their often variously fathered illegitimate offspring?

18.  How long has the West been a matriarchy? (Britain has been a matriarchy since 1974 when a Jew, Keith Joseph, regarded as Prime Minister in waiting, did not become leader of the Conservative Party after making his Edgbaston speech criticising unmarried mothers and saying they threatened the human stock of Britain.)

19.  What is the illegitimacy rate of your Western nation?

20.  Is a patriarchy a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers who wish to parent properly their legitimate offspring?

21.  Is a matriarchy a society that prioritises the preferences of immoral unmarried mothers indifferent to the parenting of their often variously fathered illegitimate offspring?

22.  The perfect patriarchy is 100% married parents. The perfect matriarchy is 100% unmarried parents. If you disagree, are you able to give a convincing reason?

23.  If you continue to blame Jews for the failure of your religion and political system and not the corruption of your own politicians and political establishment as well as the morals of your own countrymen, are you ipso facto an antisemite by continuing to scapegoat Jews?

24.  What kind of man are you if you you dare not propose the reintroduction of slut shaming because you fear to alienate your wife, daughter, mother, the mother(s) of your illegitimate offspring and other female relations, friends, employers, employees and associates?

25.  If you continue to reject Islam as the obvious and moral choice to replace Christianity and democracy, are you not ipso facto an Islamophobe?

26.  Does sexual corruption (condoning extramarital sex) lead to moral corruption (telling lies and unprincipled behaviour)?

27.  Does moral corruption lead to intellectual corruption (the inability to use truth, logic and morality to solve and avoid problems)?

28.  Does intellectual corruption lead to national, civilisational, imperial and global dementia?

29.  If E Michael Jones were guaranteed a place in heaven by Muslims, would he reject the offer for a guaranteed place in hell under Christianity, such is his Christian chauvinism and determination to blame Jews and Muslims for all the failures of his religion, political system and the mistakes of so many centuries of Christian government? E Michael Jones says he would become Muslim if he thought Islam provided the solution  As you can see from, E Michael Jones blames everything he hates about Western government which are specifically Christian and Western failures on Jews. Will he answer the following questions :

a) Who is responsible for the Liberal Jew?

b) Should Liberal gentiles apologise to Jews for corrupting their morals?

c) Should Jews apologise to gentiles for corrupting their morals when they are but a minority in the Liberal West?

d) If the scourge of the Liberal Jew is the fault of the Liberal Gentile, what should be done about this?

f) If the problem is Matriarchy, is the solution Patriarchy?

g) If the destination is Patriarchy, must the vehicle by Theocracy?

h) If sharia is already in the West for Muslims who wish to be subject to its jurisdiction, why not adopt it for more general use if it would restore the patriarchy and end the scourge of men behaving, speaking and thinking like the worst kind of immoral women?

i) If something should be done, must it be done?

j) If something must be done, should it be done as soon as possible to stop the problem from worsening?

k) Why are sexually, morally and intellectually corrupt incapable of answering any of these questions honestly?

l) Is the reason why Western men are incapable of answering my questions honestly because they are sexually, morally and intellectually corrupt as well as neurotic to boot?

m) Are these sexually, morally and intellectually corrupt men going through the Five Stages of Grief in coming to terms with the fact that their religion and political system have failed?

n) Could these sexually, morally and intellectually corrupt men of the West get their skates on in coming to terms with acknowledging that errors have been made by their leaders to prevent further damage and more suffering?

o) Will the speakers at the Scandza Forum 2019 be discussing the issues I have raised?

p) Out of all the speakers at the Scandza Forum, only Millennial Woes has publicly acknowledged the Great Question of Our Day, as you can see at  Sadly, it seems that all he is going to do at Scandza is whinge about Hope Not Hate, according to Greg Johnson at from 17:00 which he has already done for about an hour at

My chat comments on that video are below.

30.  Are Christians and those who identify with Christianity now cursed by God for 2000 years of idolatry?

31.  Would Secular Koranism assist the transition of the West away from the idolatry of 2000 years?

32.  Have Western men been worshipping the immoral woman instead of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God since the West became a matriarchy?

33.  Does Western civilisation deserve to survive if no Western man will answer my questions honestly or give me a platform to do so?

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