
Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Church of Entropy finds my promotion of the Noahide laws objectionable


24:00  Jen's axions: "All life is suffering. Suffering is ended through Knowledge. Morality is the pursuit of Knowledge and the protection of knowledge-bearing systems."

25:00  The Buddha said "All desire is suffering."

26:00  Sado-masochism, schadenfreude

28:00 Jen says all the Abrahamic faiths are Jewish invented by the Jews to prevent the goyim from practising usury.

31:00  John Calvin approved usury for Christians.
33:00  Pauline Christianity
34:00  Jen blames the fall of Rome on Jews
34:30  The Ostrogoths conquered Rome and they were not Jewish.

36:00  The borders of Israel are defined in the Torah.

37:00  My sex and gender theory of Western decline

40:00  Islam would give gentiles better protection from the usurious Jew.

42:00  Jen accuses me of being guilty of a non sequitur when I point out that she won't say she will ban usury.

43:00  Fractional reserve banking, gold and silver standard, inflation, hyper-inflation, Weimar Republic, stable currency, casino banking,

45:00  Usury leads to irresponsible borrowing and lending by individuals and government.

48:00  Theocracy is the highest form of moral authority.

49:00 Jen says I accept the supreme authority of the Jewish religion while she accepts the supreme of science. How is science a religion?

49:30  Science is about discovering what is or isn't, philosophy is about deciding what we should or shouldn't do.

52:00  Good government and  just laws would minimise suffering.  It is impossible to obtain justice without truth.

53:00 Christianity is an irrational religion.

53:30  Jehovah's Witness are a minority of a minority of a minority of a minority .

54:00  Christians are sinful and stupid because they can't get it through their heads that their faith is idolatrous and traditionally won the argument against Jews and Muslims with state intimidation and religious persecution.

55:00  I point out that Jen's interpretation of something is not necessarily scientific.

56:00 I point out that the Doctrine of the Trinity is ipso facto idolatry because they worship a man as the co-equal of supreme and eternal Abrahamic God.

57:00 I agree with Jen that the European ancestors people who call themselves Christians were never peacefully persuaded to convert to Christianity. Their monarch had simply decided to abandon polytheism and then forced the populace to convert, or else.

59:00 Aryan invasion theory

1:00:00 Jon Vance on Hinduism and Chechnya
1:02:00  Antisemitism is endemic in Christian Europe because of Pauline Christianity.
1:02:15  The blood libel
1:03:00  Jen says "Europeans are terrible liars".
1:04:00  Idolaters, pagans, worshippers of Celtic and Viking deities as well as the Greek and Roman pantheon.
1:07:00  I explain moral systems to Jen.
1:08:00  I point out Jen's inconsistency on the question of idolatry.  She knows it is forbidden yet she takes against the religions that forbid it.
1:09:00  Reincarnation
1:12:00  What made the West great?  Jen says it is
1:13:00  All great civilisations are great empires, empires are built on war, all great empires start as great nations, nations are a collective of a tribe with a dominant tribe.
1:15:00  Noble wars are inter-ethnic wars.

1:16:00 Jen refuses to tell me whom she thinks is intellectually sound.

1:17:00  The people with the most powerful God are the most successful people.

1:18:00  Indians and Europeans might form an anti-Abrahamic League.

1:19:00  I am "a lying piece of filth" and along with Curt Doolittle and Norvin Hobbs who are "degenerates".

1:20:00 Jen's race is the Caucasian race and she thinks that is Indians + Europeans.

1:21:00  Islam is a non-ethnocentric religion.

1:23:00  After Jen implies that race is her religion, I point out to her the men of her race whom she clearly loathes and who loathe her.

1:25:00  Qiblah-hosting Muslim nations would encourage travel and world peace

1:27:00  The Oral Tradition is for primitives.
1:29:00  Time for Jen to become a Secular Koranist!
1:31:00  The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
1:31:30  Reincarnation, craziness is the inability to distinguish cause and effect.
1:34:00  The thoughtcrime of failing to abide by truth, logic and morality.
1:37:00  The relative status of the different faiths linked to the longevity of their respective nation and empires
1:38:00  Morality = Empire + Status
1:39:00  Jen accuses me of moral relativism.
1:44:00  How to rationally choose a religion for your society, nation and civilisation
1:45:00  How is Jen's deity better than the Abrahamic God?
1:46:00 Jen says she worships the universe. She is a pantheist.
1:46:30  I define evil.
1:47:00  Human endeavour is the resolve to do better next time.
1:47:30  I attempt to sum up Jen's religion of reinventing the wheel.
1:48:00  I claim that Secular Koranism is the only way for pozzed nationalists to regenerate the West.
1:49:00 Jen has not even read Vedic scripture.
1:50:00  Jen says finding a guru is even a bigger deal than finding a spouse.
1:51:00  Jen's sources are self-referential.
1:52:00  Jen accuses me of being in "an anti-knowledge hate cult".
1:53:00  The religious narrative I intend to weave for White People is being woven. Watch this space.
1:53:30  Jen says I have "an unusually terrible personality". Apparently, I have the personality of a tabloid journalist.
1:55:00  What would make Jen read the Koran?
1:56:00  You would only be interested in restoring the patriarchy if you are a marriageable man.
1:57:00  Unmarriageable white nationalists are degenerate moral cripples.
2:00:00  Muslims are without moral authority.
2:01:00  Zionist Tommy Robinson
2:02:00  Christians are in a revolving door between being mesmerised by their idolatry and wanting the moral clarity of Islam.
2:03:00  The abolition of usury
2:04:00  Hitler only pretended to ban usury.
2:067:00  The Bradbury Pound
2:07:00  Jen's anti-usurious proposals
2:08:00  After an Islamic Revolution, people could default on their debts.
2:12:00  Daniel Sienkiewicz and Norvin badmouth Jen.
2:14:00  Aryan conduct. Jen calls white men European idealists idolising a dead Jew on a stick.
2:15:00  The spiritual degeneracy of white nationalists
2:16:00  Degenerates claiming to be Aryans are committing a great sin, according to Jen.
2:17:00  Curt Doolittle
2:17:00  Jordan Peterson
2:18:00  Curt Doolittle's autism
2:20:00  According to Jen, I am not a practitioner of Master Morality but of Slave Morality, provoking the supreme dictator into spanking me.
2:26:00  The honour code as described by Jen
2:26:30  My minimum moral code: truth, logic and morality
2:29:00  The Noahide laws and idolatry
2:30:00 Moses in Canaan
2:32:00  The English were dumbest, according to Jen
2:33:00  According to Jen, Islam was invented to keep the goyim out of usury.
2:35:00  All religions spread by a combination of stick (war) and carrot (status)
2:36:00  Rules of warfare
2:38:00  Civil war
2:41:00  Physics and God. God and the universe were uncreated.
2:42:00  Because the Big Bang came from Kabbalah, it is false. It is false because it violates Quantum State Exclusion.
2:48:00  Jen refuses to say whom she regards as intellectually sound.
2:55:00  Without science, philosophy is worthless, according to Jen.
2:55:15  Western philosophy is garbage.
2:57:00  Our major areas of disagreement
3:00:00  Jen won't teach me her secrets.
3:01:00  Jen won't initiate me.
3:02:00  Jen and I have the same level of infamy.
3:03:00  Jon Vance
3:04:00  Jen calls me "a corrupted person".
3:05:00  Jen accuses me of "insulting her tradition".
3:06:00  Usury
3:07:00 In Jenworld, no one would be able to promote their religion that is different to Jen's.
The First Amendment would exist subject to the above restriction.
3:08:00  Jen would ban the promotion of the Abrahamic faiths.
3:10:00  I am banned from Jen's theocracy.
3:11:00 What Jen would do to me if I broke her law
According to Jen, the most objectionable thing about me is my promotion of the Noahide laws.
Her warrior class would deal with anyone who defied the priesthood. Jen and the priesthood would have the right to slap the person asserting as true something which Jen regards as untrue.
3:12:00  Jen, Queen of Hearts
3:17:00 3D Periodic Table
3:18:00  Idolatry
3:20:00 Islamic rules of warfare
3:22:00  I have Secular Koranism - a coherent patriarchal legal system to restore and protect the patriarchy -  Jen has Periodic Tablism.
3:24:00  Usury

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AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #13 SK Israel and the Register of Race

Idolatry 7:00  Bigger and better than Star Wars and Dune? 8:00  [Reading of The Dawn of Reason begins.] 10:00  Good government 18:00  Israel...