
Sunday, 5 January 2020

Why the law under liberalism is an ass

The law under liberalism is an ass, but why doesn't Christianity protect Western nations from gay marriage? Because it is kaput. Can any society survive without practising marriage and family values? The fact is that a matriarchy is a society whose members mostly do not practise marriage. All advanced civilisations are patriarchies, and all primitive, declining, extinct or soon to be extinct societies are matriarchies. If matriarchy is the problem, then patriarchy must be the solution. If patriarchy is the destination, then theocracy must be the vehicle. The kind of theocracy to choose would be one based in divinely revealed scripture eg the Torah or the Koran, because everything else is changeable or would fall out of fashion. Both Jews and Muslims are agreed that Christians are idolatrous because they worship an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God.

Since the West became great as a Christian nation practising patriarchal moral values, it is time to consider its replacement, because no society can survive without a religion to bind its members together.  Religion comes from the Latin "religare", which means "to bind". Religion is therefore the means that will obtain your society social cohesion and the building blocks of a stable society are families in which both husband and wife live together rearing their children in a loving relationship. The golden thread that runs through all the five world religions is respect for the practice of marriage and family values. Christianity no longer maintains the minimum standard of sexual morality that makes couples marry before they have children. The link between criminality and illegitimacy has been well-established over the ages.

If you believed in the Abrahamic God, you would find it easy to accept that Christians would be cursed by God for practising the idolatry He has specifically and explicitly forbidden in His Ten Commandments for 2000 years without showing any signs of remorse.

Even if you did not believe in God, you should be able to see how idolatry leads to self-worship because idolatry implicitly rejects the rule of God's laws found in the Torah or the Koran. Self-worship would lead ineluctably to self-destruction, which was what happened to Narcissus. It is not for nothing that a mental disorder was named after him. How long could any civilisation survive if both the governed (who will soon become ungovernable) and their government suffered from Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

The point is that practising idolatry means that we eventually fall into self-worship and therefore what happened to Narcissus will also happen to us and our civilisation if we reject Truth, Logic and Morality in favour of our own emotional, irrational and immoral nihilistic preferences.


Anonymous said...

You should write literature Claire

Claire Khaw said...

Thank you very much, but it would be even more of a compliment if you revealed your name!

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