
Monday 2 March 2020

Doooovid: Gentiles don't need the intercession of Jews between themselves and God

25:00  I am just great at monologuing!

28:00  Antisemitism is hardly a "niche" that gay Hindu Vincent Bruno has found. Being a sodomite and an idolater of the Hindu deity of lust, Kamadeva, he is hardly going to want to live in a patriarchy where married fathers get privileged over him. Nor would he wish submit to the Noahide laws of the people who follow the Torah which specifically and explicitly states that sodomites, idolaters and blasphemers are to be executed.

He even has proposals about how gay men could father children and get unmarried mothers they impregnate to look after their illegitimate offspring while gay man go about their business of being gay.

Such a society would actually be very high-maintenance and inefficient and high tax. You really cannot expect sexually liberated atheists and hedonists to care about the long term national interest or about the degeneracy of the next generation. They would be nihilists who don't care about what happens to their society after they are dead and their main purpose in life is to use up as much resources and have as much fun before they pop their clogs.

Antisemitism is a growing market of unplumbed depths. There is an increasing hunger for Jewish conspiracy theories and they don't even have to make sense because people are irrational and  nobody really challenges them when the facts they are relying on are patently false or their reasoning illogical

I am shunned by mainstream media and the alt-right because I only argue using indisputable facts and rely on logic. The West is collectively suffering from moral degeneracy which means nobody cares about truth or reason any more. This means any attempt to correct falsehoods and point out errors of reasoning  will be ignored or deliberately suppressed by both the establishment and the anti-establishment political activists eg Millennial Woes and Mark Collett. Thankfully, Richard Spencer cares enough about the White Race to openly wonder if Islam could be the solution for morally degenerate Western Man.

Jews, having been accustomed to antisemitism for thousands of years don't really react to it any more.

Vincent Bruno's position is that Jews ultimately want to execute gentiles for sodomy, idolatry and blasphemy for not worshiping the Abrahamic God or treating Him with the respect Jews think appropriate. However, for a gentile to be executed for sodomy, idolatry and blasphemy by Jews, he would have to be first found guilty of these crimes in the Torah theocracy of Israel, and Jews are showing no signs of wanting a theocracy in Israel at all, let alone the stoning kind of Torah theocracy. But there is no stopping Vincent on his crusade to fan the furnaces of antisemitism.

Jews would give their fellow Israelite citizens more rights than non-citizen resident gentiles convicted of capital crimes in Israel under a Torah theocracy. SHOCK HORROR

Vincent's next line of argument is that Jews would be outsourcing the job of executing gentiles for sodomy, idolatry and blasphemy to Muslims. However, Secular Koranism would guarantee freedom of belief with and it is specially created to accommodate atheists to polytheists.

Because Muslims already acknowledge that even Jews and Muslims praying correctly could be guilty of hidden idolatry, they know it is not their place to execute non-Muslims for idolatry.

Malaysia and Indonesia are Muslim countries that permit places of worship practising idolatry, apart from churches.

I suspect Jews would rather outsource the job of Noahidising the gentiles to Muslims but are in a state of neurotic suspension at the moment because they fear and hate Muslims as a consequence of an ongoing territorial dispute.

Because of this fear and hatred, Chabad rabbis are trying to sell rabbinically-guided Noahidism to gentiles while claiming that nothing short of the Torah is good enough for anyone, Jew or gentile. Invitations to read the Koran to satisfy themselves that it is in fact Noahide-observant are typically rebuffed and the usual reasons given:

1) We don't need to read it.
2) We have been forbidden to read it.
3) We don't want to read it.
4) Even if we read it, we would read it with hatred in our hearts and object even to Al Fatihah as a Jewess did, probably at though it may be another video.

Unfortunately, apart from weekly Bible classes for Noahides, there is not much else in the way of ritual or pastoral care that is forthcoming from rabbis to Noahidised gentiles who only reject the obvious choice of Islam because of their snobbery, racism, chauvinism and Islamophobia.  Rabbis have their own Jewish flock to attend to, and do not have time to deal with the pastoral care of rabbinically-guided Noahidised gentiles, leaving the lost Islamophobic ex-Christian Noahides to wander about on their own and drift eventually into atheism and nihilism.

30:00  I wonder if I was responsible for Vincent's rise to fame, because I so skillfully got him to express his views in an engaging and entertaining way, but I do not expect to be thanked for it. I know I cannot be expected to be invited on Adam Green's Know More News or anyone else with an antisemitic and Islamophobic agenda, because they are all collectively engaged in a conspiracy to deprive Secular Koranism of the oxygen of publicity and to hide my genius from the world.

Secular Koranism is a legal system, not a belief system.

I am grateful indeed to Doooovid for finally taking this point. Up until last week, he was still talking about Secular Koranism as if it were a sect of Islam.

As I have been trying to point for many years now, it is a legal system designed to be adopted by a government and entire nations are expected to adopt it. I was firmly rejecting Church of Entropy's attempt to identify me a cult leader or call Secular Koranism a "cult" for a reason. She may want to be be a cult leader leading a cult, but I want to be known for creating a legal system that will be raised in status over Christianity by rabbis precisely because it is Noahide-observant, unlike idolatrous and blasphemous Christianity who are now known for promoting the abomination of gay marriage all over the world.

When I get Muslims to cough up large cash prizes for the rabbi-only essay writing competition on why Christianity is idolatrous and Secular Koranism Noahide-observant that I have in mind, you will see what I mean.

31:00  The Noahide laws are framed as commands and this is reflected in the Koran which states that these laws are from God Himself. The Dhammapada, on the other hand, is a collection of aphorisms by unknown men. The scriptural inferiority of Buddhism is ringingly clear.

35:00  Church of Entropy seems particularly money-obsessed these days.

Is everything non-Noahide idolatrous? Rabbinical opinion on this is predictably wide.

37:00  Church of Entropy describes Christianity as "Noahidised paganism". My point is that Christianity should never have received that Jewish seal of approval because of its Supreme Blasphemy and Ultimate Idolatry. It is therefore imperative that Christians have this rubbed in their faces until they admit that worshiping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God is undeniably idolatry. If they are indifferent to the fact that the Abrahamic God that they claim to believe in has in fact specifically and explicitly forbidden this in His Ten Commandments since Mosaic times, then they are in fact atheists more invested in their idolatry than the correct worship of God.

Phase 1
Establish that Christians are guilty of idolatry.

Phase 2
When Christians refuse to give up their idolatry, establish their atheism and nihilism causing Secular Koranism to be raised in status over idolatrous and blasphemous Christianity.

Can atheists be said to be idolatrous? In a sense, yes, because idolatry is also making a god of our appetites and inclinations, in defiance of Truth, Logic and Morality.

39:00  Noah came before the Jews. Gentiles don't need Jews as their intermediary to God.

"Rabbis trying to quarterback Noahidism is probably a scam and doesn't make sense."

Noahidism is a minimum legal framework.

40:00  "Rabbinic scam artists"

The Noahide laws are a covenant between God and Gentiles. Jews as intermediaries are not required.

Church of Entropy accuses Doooovid of dishonesty. She talks about Jews profiting from this, presumably in a monetary sense, but I can't see that Chabad rabbis are known for their great wealth.

42:00  Doooovid roleplays Jews being non-PC and Church of Entropy gets frightened and casts a defensive curse. She talks about Jews being money-grubbing and making cash from executing sodomite/idolatrous/blasphemous gentiles. She seems genuinely unable to accept that the Noahide laws are motherhood and apple pie and whines pathetically that the laws make no sense to her at all.

  1. What has she got against not eating parts of an animal while it is still alive?
  2. What has she got against laws forbidding murder?
  3. What has she got against laws forbidding theft?
  4. What has she  - a married woman - got against laws forbidding extramarital sex?
  5. What has she got against having a court and legal system to enforce the above?
  6. I know she will have a problem with a law forbidding idolatry because she panders to idolaters. What could be more idolatrous than worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God?
  7. I know she will have a problem with a law forbidding blasphemy because she panders to those who regularly blaspheme. What could be more blasphemous than claiming that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God? 

Church of Entropy objects to the Noahide laws simply because they are Jewish because she is an antisemite and Islamophobe with the modus operandi of pandering to antisemites and Islamophobes. Because of her modus operandi, she cannot give up her antisemitism and Islamophobia. Interestingly, her subscribers have increased significantly while mine have remained static. I am not going to change my message to pander to the antisemites, Islamophobes and racists though.  

I know I fall between two stools of the establishment and the alt-right. Both hate my message and both will not be giving me the oxygen of publicity. If they could smother the truth with a pillow, they would.   

Is the hatred and fear of Church of Entropy irrational?

But of course. She has already admitted that she is not going to change her position. This amounts to an admission that she has no intention of changing her mind even if she is proven wrong by Truth, Logic and Morality eg me. She has already shown that she is not prepared to debate the matter in good faith. If she cannot win the argument after four months of streaming with me, then it means her position is indefensible. However, she has blocked me on all forms of social media and has now hidden me from her chat. 

You really cannot expect the mentally ill to accept Truth, Logic and Morality though. Anyone who cannot accept Truth, Logic and Morality and use it to solve and avoid problems is by definition mentally ill. Sadly, the intransigent attitude of Church of Entropy is not confined to her alone but is general to Western society so prevalent is the culture of cowardice and hypocrisy. Most of them are so badly parented and badly schooled that they think they have won the argument if nothing happens to them when they ignore Truth, Logic and Morality. Because they are atheists, they do not consider that God who is immortal can take as long as He likes to give us all the rope we want to hang ourselves and our civilisation.   

Church of Entropy is in fact a nihilist whose intention is to have as much fun as she can enjoying herself while peddling lies, confusion and hatred while she lives and larps. She even admitted her nihilism because she was so philosophically ignorant she did not know that nihilism comes from atheism. 

Of course she won't be answering any questions from me on her on this. If Jen worships any deity - and it is not clear whether she worships her impersonal deity - that deity would agree with everything she says.

45:00  The obligation to promote the Noahide laws and the obligation to restore dharma is universal.

"The Noahide laws are not a power structure, it is just a basic legal framework. You can create a power structure under any society using the Noahide framework. Claire is promoting a legal system, not a religion."

Thank God for a learned Jew capable of understanding me!  

Vincent has a problem about "who is calling the shots". The great and the good would be calling the shots and you are more likely to be among the great and the good if you worship the most powerful being conceivable so you can have legitimate offspring and descendants, unlike an idolatrous gay Hindu with no prospect of having legitimate offspring trying to whip up hatred and hysteria against Jews because he fears the remote possibility of gentiles resident in a Torah theocracy being executed by the Jews for idolatry, blasphemy and sodomy. This is why he wants to abolish Education and Sharing Day. America is not even a Noahide nation, but Vincent wants to destroy the memory of a civilisation whose members would have been mortified if told that their religion was not Noahide.  

For this reason alone, he is gaining far more subscribers than me, while my numbers remain stagnant.  Perhaps the Mashiach will come when Vincent and Jen have more subscribers than me!    

46:00  Church of Entropy points out that Secular Koranism "has religious undertones". But of course. I am talking about morality, and morality always has political implications because it requires changes in our behaviour which can only be affected by changing the laws of crime and punishment. Great questions of morality are philosophical questions which are of course an ongoing eternal debate in which God would be the final arbiter.  

Church of Entropy insists again that the Noahide laws don't make sense, apparently too ignorant to realise that any decent educated person not intellectually crippled by antisemitism would have no trouble accepting that they are motherhood and apple pie. Sadly, the alt-right are mostly antisemites, Islamophobes and racists suffering from some form of mental illness eg Dunning Kruger, Kubler-Ross etc who were so badly parented and badly educated that the idea of conceding an argument if they cannot win it under the rules of Truth, Logic and Morality is in fact unthinkable. They will continue defending the indefensible in their echo chambers and hug boxes while calling you mad and evil because all their lives nothing too bad has happened to them when they ignored Truth, Logic and Morality. For this reason alone, they think they can continue getting away with it.  

She witters on about her laws that she claims "minimise suffering" that are based on science. She actually disengaged from me when I pointed out to her that morality is more than just minimising suffering. It is ridiculous that morality should be reduced to some kind of painkiller. These moral rules are intended to keep the group together ie in existence and apart from others. The religion most effective at doing this is Judaism from which Christianity and Islam are derived. Jews are after all the world's most ancient and powerful tribe. The religion she favours - Hinduism - is the religion of a fallen civilisation currently persecuting Muslims. Presumably this persecution of Muslims by Hindus is something else that recommends itself to her because of the antisemitism and Islamophobia of the antisemites and Islamophobes she is always pandering to. They would doubtless be delighted that Muslims are being hurt and killed by idolaters and would be only too happy if all Muslims were exterminated.  

Again she talks about Jews making "a bunch of money" out of this though I fail to see how Noahidism could be monetised since no one really wants it.  

47:00  "Being Noahide is just about getting rich," claims Church of Entropy.  "OK, Rabbi Entropy," says Doooovid ironically. 

The harm of idolatry - idols are a sign of a decadent society. 

48:00  Doooovid corrects Vincent about how the court system would work for Jews and gentiles in and outside Israel. 

53:00  Church of Entropy: "People who deny reincarnation are basically animals."

54:00  The Noahide laws are a universal framework but different nations would have different ways of enacting those laws, in just the same as Secular Koranism would allow each nation freedom of interpretation. The proof of the pudding will be in the eating and the nation that most correctly interprets God's laws would be the nation most powerful and prosperous. 

57:00  Liberal forms of Noahidism

1:00:00  Chabad

1:01:00  It is all a matter of interpretation. 

1:06:00  Church of Entropy accuses Jews of global domination even after Doooovid pointed out that Jews are not interested in administering the justice system of gentiles. Jews only care about the gentile justice system to the extent that they want to be reasonably sure of receiving justice should they be forced to use the courts and legal services of gentiles.

1:07:00  Vincent asks Doooovid impossible questions.  

1:10:00  Doooovid psychoanalyses Vincent's hysterical fear of Jews. Vincent has spent his entire life reading studying the New Testament which has a certain view of Jews eg "synagogue of Satan" etc.

1:14:00  Shituf

1:16:00  The book of idol worshipers 

1:18:00  "Claire-tier historical revisionism"- I actually don't know what she means.

1:19:00  Church of Entropy: "Christianity is a Noahide religion." Doooovid points out her category error.

1:20:00  Saul of Tarsus

1:21:00  Church of Entropy accuses Doooovid of making a distinction without a difference.

1:22:00  Doooovid says it is unproductive to talk to Gandalf.  

1:23:00  Church of Entropy talks about "genocide for cash." She seems to think that every imperial conquest is "genocide", whatever that means.  

1:24:00  Church of Entropy insists that the Noahide laws will mean "genocide for cash" and claims "God is impersonal." How would she know anyway?

1:25:00  Avatar, manifesting God's will and the nullification of one's own will

1:26:00  Church of Entropy exhibits signs of mental illness.

1:27:00  Church of Entropy's views on the Inquisition and the Holocaust

1:28:00  Catholic Church

1:29:00  Group strategies. Church of Entropy blames Christianity on Jews.  

1:30:00  Gandalf: "Emperor Constantine the Shit"

The self-loathing of the descendants of Christian ancestors is instructive. Church of Entropy and Gandalf are both of Catholic and German ancestry. They hate themselves for being stuck with an effeminate and effete religion that their ancestors killed each other over on matters non-Christians can only regard with incomprehension, pity and horror eg whether European monarchs should obey the Pope, whether an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and Abrahamic God. Yet they blame Jews and hate Muslims which means they are left with the yet more effete religions of the Orient such as Hinduism and Buddhism or have to create their own, which was what Church of Entropy and Gandalf have done. Having created their own religion, they know that they have no moral authority and no following because they are both known for their defects of character: Church of Entropy for her mental illness and Gandalf for his unmanly and slavish devotion to her.

1:31:00  Resolving the karma of their ancestors is what Church of Entropy and Gandalf are doing, and what bad karma it was - 2000 years of idolatry and blasphemy!

To even begin to repent, Western Man has to admit the following:

a)  No society can do without a religion.  

b)  The religion of his ancestors ie Christianity was blasphemous and idolatrous to a supreme and extreme degree. Not only did Christians practise this blasphemous and idolatrous religion, they persecuted and exterminated Jews and Muslims for refusing to convert to their absurd, blasphemous and idolatrous religion. Even now they harbour the same motivations and desires, deep down.They have not taken responsibility for the absurdity, hypocrisy and corruption of their idolatrous and blasphemous religion and are in fact doubling down on their anger, pride and envy.  

According to Doooovid, Christians are pre-programmed to act in a certain way because of their karma. As Western Man becomes more enlightened, let us hope that he will now finally acknowledge the absurdity, hypocrisy and corruption of the religion of his ancestors and acknowledge the wrong they have done to Jews and Muslims. The truth is that Christians - if they were fully informed of Islam and were being honest, rational and moral - should have acknowledged the superiority of the Koran over the New Testament as soon soon as the final version of the Koran was published, but they merely ignored it.  


"An observer or friend who has different karma unravelling in a different way [could it be Claire Khaw?] might be able to assist you in coming to terms with the karma of your ancestors." 

Otherwise, antisemites and Islamophobes of the alt-right will keep going back to blaming Jews and hating Muslims because their absurd/idolatrous/blasphemous religion is now undeniably kaput together with their demented political system called liberal democracy.  

Church of Entropy angrily calls Doooovid's analysis "insane conspiratorial thinking" and "worthless speculation", but I think that is the wisest thing he has ever said. She and Gandalf are clearly two neurotics who feed off each other. This is in turn exacerbated by new participants creating an ever bigger show so that yet more antisemites and Islamophobes will join the fray to in turn feed off each other and induce the hysteria and rage that might one day topple their governments. Even though they don't say so in so many words, this is clearly what they are hoping to do with their quasi-religion of hatred and irrationality.  

1:34:00  Church of Entropy becomes angrily hysterical and says Doooovid doesn't get to tell her what her karma is, and her karma is not her grandmother who took her to church. Crazily, she even pretends that she chose exactly when and where to take birth again.  

Only Western culture could have produced creatures such as Church of Entropy, Gandalf and Vincent. 

1:37:00  Jesus was a Jew.

1:41:00  The self-loathing of the Post-Christian  Gandalf talks like Jen even more now and adopts her speech patterns.

1:42:00  They call Christians "evil". Can stupidity be evil?

1:44:00  Church of Entropy and Gandalf are too emotional to understand what Doooovid is saying. 

1:46:00  The supremacy of Jewish ideas

1:49:00  Doooovid says Noahide [Chabad] rabbis are third rate failed rabbis.  

Category error between the Noahide laws and rabbis promoting Noahidism.  

1:57:00  Is Judaism what Jews do?  

2:15:00  After a ramble, Church of Entropy asserts that theocracy is the only form of government, even a government that calls itself a liberal democracy. This has never made sense and I have never got to the bottom of this twisted reasoning during the four months of our brief and intense relationship.  

2:16:00  Gandalf adds to this "Every government is functionally a theocracy" which is her words which makes no sense. But then they are both mentally ill and in a co-dependent relationship. Basically, Church of Entropy does not believe in engaging with anyone who does not already agree with her on "the basic facts" and what she considers basic are considered bizarre and impossible to many, but if you disagree with her, she will stop engaging with you. 

She projects, saying some people are not looking to learn the truth, only defend the position they already hold.  

2:17:00 Church of Entropy disdains to even explain why she thinks the non-aggression principle is "worthless useless trash".  She says it is technically an aggression to believe something different to her.   

2:30:00  The role of the judiciary is to be the quasi-priesthood of Secular Koranism. 

2:33:00  Curt Doolittle intends to sue people for telling lies. This makes Church of Entropy think of me, bless her heart. I know she thinks of me all the time. Propertarianism is obviously inferior to Secular Koranism though.  

2:40:00  Dharma also requires violence. Dharma is also jihad. Ahimsa

2:41:00  Even if Man continues to ignores all moral rules, balance will be restored one way or another.

2:46:00  Church of Entropy harps on about executing child sex offenders, which is a lower class preoccupation. The lower classes clearly need to feel above someone else, and their group of choice is the convicted child sex offender. Unsurprisingly, she refuses to support marriage and family values as I do because she knows that alt-right men are basically unmarriageable and cannot get it up, so to speak, for marriage and family values. It is easier to appeal to their anger, sloth, lust, pride and envy to whip up their emotions of hatred against Jews and Muslims rather than to acknowledge their centuries of sin and instead repent or express remorse. Their knee-jerk reaction is to double down and blame Jews some more.

2:47:00  Church of Entropy's solution is to fantasise about a theocracy that she would establish and lead. The qualification to join this priesthood is knowledge in physics and maths and she is herself a graduate in physics and maths, surprise, surprise. Doubtless anyone with more knowledge than her would be excluded. Anyone with an insufficient grasp of physics and maths will be called "fucking fucktards" and be burned at the stake after being thrown into her dungeon if they disagree with her. I am lucky to be alive.

"Certain things will not be debatable," Church of Entropy warns us ominously.

2:49:00 Church of Entropy calls the laity "a bunch of worthless shitheads who can't think clearly".

2:50:00  Gandalf thinks of the laity and is probably confusing that with getting laid.

Church of Entropy gets aggressive with Doooovid.

2:51:00  Church of Entropy talks about "the real God and the spirits".

2:53:00  Church of Entropy talks about the personality particle.
3:07:00  Coronavirus

3:08:00  US is not as bad as Iraq/Kurdistan as far as electricity outages are concerned. I think Oregon is as bad as Kurdistan judging from Dennis Dale's streams.

3:24:00  Church of Entropy gets aggressive with Doooovid for pointing out that competing political ideologies eg Capitalism v Communism, Liberal Democracy v One Party Theocracy are really competing moral systems and therefore related to Dharma. Just as the law of gravity might cause an apple to fall from a tree and inspire a scientist, the law of morality dictates the rise and fall of great civilisations. 

3:31:00  Gandalf is like a poorly-written encyclopaedia ie with lots of knowledge but clueless as to how to put it all together in focused and effective political action.

3:34:00  Vincent has done better than Gandalf who lacks a consistent message and is crippled by his weak character and lack of self-control.

3:38:00  Lack of character refinement
3:40:00  Meta-analysis and self-awareness
3:41:00  Self-indulgence
3:42:00  No clear narrative

3:43:00  Jen jumps in to defend her protege. If Gandalf improves, he would reject her nonsense and go independent and say something that is actually useful beyond larping as "the father of his people" when he is in fact unmarriageable bachelor after all his years of larping. She starts talking nonsensically and serves up a huge word salad.

3:45:00  Gandalf pretends to understand her nonsense.
3:49:00  Doooovid says "What are you talking about?"
3:51:00  No, Gandalf hasn't got a point.
3:52:00  No progression in his personality
3:53:00  Gandalf's bad character
3:54:00  Bad behaviour, not trustworthy, cannot be trusted not to attract a strike to your channel
3:56:00  Unrepentant person of bad character who spergs to pander to his low status audience with low standards of behaviour and low expectations
3:58:00  Would Gandalf sperg on command to his subscribers?  He considers doing this.
4:00:00  A cohesive identity and a consistent message
4:04:00  Does Gandalf really want to be a performing seal?
4:05:00  Gandalf thinks he is a herald.
4:06:00  Gandalf: "I do this for God and entropy."
4:08:00  Tricks for tips for regurgitating information
4:11:00  Church of Entropy accuses Doooovid of being like me and using words in a different way to  her. Uh oh.
4:20:00  Idolatry
4:22:00  Doooovid finds the reasons for the different attitudes of rabbis towards the Noahide laws something worthy of further investigation.
4:28:00  Church of Entropy claims "karma is an actual science".
4:32:00  A Noahide nation ie America -v- a country with many Noahides eg the Philippines

4:51:00  Evil, freewill, bad decisions, bad consequences to bad decisions
4:53:00  Is bad karma the same thing as evil?
4:48:00  Doooovid suggests that Hillary Clinton is not necessarily sadistic. She may just have a reckless disregard for the consequences of her policies.

5:15:00  Doooovid tells Gandalf that Hillary Clinton's character is more refined than his. She never spergs.

5:16:00  Gandalf thinks his spergs are "strategic"and thinks people want to see this when they are in fact bored silly. They are evidence of immaturity and an unmanly lack of self control.

5:19:00  Gandalf's lack of self-awareness
5:23:00  Psychoanalysis of Gandalf by Doooovid
5:24:00  The fathering Gandalf received
5:26:00  Gandalf's beliefs are "fantastical".
5:27:00  Sperging is whining, complaining, being infantile, and an unnecessary demonstration of bad character. 
5:28:00  The kind of fathering Gandalf received is at issue.
5:29:00  Gandalf's unsophisticated world view and logical fallacies
5:31:00  Gandalf loyally defends his father. Our character is a reflection of the parenting we received.
5:33:00  Gandalf should try to be more of a credit to his father rather than embarrassing his father by behaving in his infantile way.
5:35:00  Doooovid speculates that Gandalf's hatred of Christianity could really be transference of hatred for his father. Non-streamers like Gandalf talk incessantly about themselves, says Doooovid.
5:36:00  This is a great stream!
5:37:00  The theatrics of Gandalf
5:38:00  Church of Entropy complains that Doooovid threatened her.
5:39:00  Church of Entropy melodramatically complains that Doooovid made a death threat against her.
5:41:00  Church of Entropy and Gandalf are too biased to analyse the issue of idolatry. Or they are just playing dumb because they are children in adult bodies.
5:42:00  Church of Entropy complains about Doooovid's theatrics.
5:47:00  They boast about the death threats they have received.
5:48:00  Doooovid says Church of Entropy has hysterical tendencies and on a bad day will indulge in the theatrics of treating any discussion of Secular Koranism as a death threat.
5:49:00  Hysterical antisemitism
5:50:00  Vincent and Church of Entropy are whipping up hysteria by pretending that they are in danger of being executed by Jews
5:52:00  A theatrical courtroom scenario is imagined by Doooovid after Jen is sentenced to death by a Noahide court
6:03:00  Church of Entropy accuses Doooovid of idolatry.
6:08:00  Mental suffering is cognitive dissonance, says Church of Entropy.
6:09:00  Church of Entropy's "dogged insistence on truth" is a euphemism for her delusions.


ES said...

The fact that you support Judaisms oppression, racism and their supremacists ideals are a good thing for everyone. We mainstream people would not want those who support a supremacist ideal to advocate for truth and Justice.

Claire Khaw said...

The Abrahamic God is a Supreme Being and a supreme idea. If you believed in the Abrahamic God, you would already know that. Are you really an atheist pretending to believe in God?

ES said...

that has nothing to do with what was stated. You being agnostic and a non believer in a religion that you're pushing is another example of this insanity

Claire Khaw said...

What has nothing to do with what?

Claire Khaw said...

I have already told you many times that you don't need to believe in God to see the wisdom of God's laws.

You have your own personal reasons for not wanting to restore the patriarchy. I wonder what they are. Do you have illegitimate offspring?

ES said...

I agree with restoring the patriarchy. That has nothing to do with your supporting a supremacist racist ideology

Claire Khaw said...

All religions are supremacist in that they think that their beliefs are correct and the others are false.

ES said...

The Israelis and Communist Jewish elite who have global power and those that support them are most certainly racist, oppressive and supremacist. It is a combination of their Talmudic (but Torah) teachings and beliefs. Those who deny this and support them are no friend to humanity and we would not want their endorsement

Claire Khaw said...

The global power you complain about are really the multinationals. Once you America becomes a one party theocracy, it will have instantly protected itself from the power of the corporate lobby. It is too bad no one will discuss this but instead complain endlessly about Jews. Who do you mean by "we"?

ES said...

It's a waste of my precious time because you refuse to acknowledge facts. Which is why no one wants the endorsement of ppl who supports the current regime

Claire Khaw said...

What facts?

ES said...

That the corporate lobby controls so the 1st world countries governments and their politicians and that the lobbies are controlled by the bankers. What you stated above is incorrect and you know it's incorrect. You say it to get ppl angry

Claire Khaw said...

I actually agree with that.

The Citizen Reporter said...

Your forgot 2 import things that were stated. Shit the 1 hour 40 min mark Gandalf admits to bring in New York to study JUDIAISM and Vincent corrects coe explaining to her that Jesus was not a Jew but an Israelite