
Monday, 13 April 2020

A very interesting discussion on antisemitism

Luke Ford is a Jewish convert whose late father was the Seventh Day Adventist theologian Desmond Ford. His father's career was blighted for a mysterious theological reason I am simply quite unable to understand even though I am keenly interested in theology and tried to get my head round the subject. In the end I gave up concluding that it is in fact impossible to understand the nonsense that is Christian theology. I wonder if Luke, who has had his life blighted by this feature of his parentage understands it either. In any case, he saw fit to reject the absurdity of Christianity to embrace a religion that he thought would give him the protection and status he craved. In the West, Christianity is despised by Westerners who regard all religion as patently absurd because theirs is patently absurd and has indeed failed. Luke's innate sense of snobbery and racism prevented him from considering Islam for a moment because he saw Judaism as giving him the social cache he had always craved while Islam represented everything he and others like him in the alt-right hate and fear: uncool low status immigrant culture.

Hatred of gentiles by Jews is called loxism.

The Dissident Right seems quite unable to formulate rational and coherent arguments on anything, it seems.

The alt-right are low education, low-information and low status white men whose behaviour and demeanour makes women in the classes above them think they deserve to suffer. For this reason, it is easy to guilt by association anyone associated with them, including myself of course, though I share none of their characteristics. Presumably, this is to serve as a warning to others who wish to take up the cause of nationalism, which I define as government in the national interest - an abstract concept the white urban proletariat with their woefully inadequate state education are woefully ill-equipped to discuss. Because these men have no one in power prepared to defend their interests, the matriarchy consisting of spoilt and entitled college-educated white middle class women will always regard these unmarriageable and unemployable social retards with unvarnished horror triggered by the thought that any member of their sex might have to marry any of these low status low education unemployable and unmarriageable men.

Because of the welfare state, these men of the former working class no longer have a societal purpose other than be seen as a burden on the state to be bribed with extramarital sex, transgenderism to induce them to self-sterilise and UBI to keep them quiescent while warehoused for extinction. In the meantime, foreign workers are imported to do the work the formerly working classes were meant to do. It makes no sense at all, unless the purpose is to keep this whole shebang of representative democracy under indiscriminate universal suffrage going. China and Russia have been dropping gentle but unmistakable hints for Western nations to take democracy out with the trash and bury its stinking rotten corpse for a few years now. However, because the entire Western political establishment is in denial, the message has not been understood or absorbed, let alone implemented. I seem to be the only one prepared to discuss these things, but there appears to be a conspiracy of white men conspiring to deprive me of the oxygen of publicity. 

29:00  E Michael Jones blames everything but everything on Jews, even the bad policies of Catholic Irish American Democrats.

35:00  Jews are not protected if they associate with the Right.  There is a political litmus test.

39:00  "Reasonable and responsible questions"

40:00  E Michael Jones described as "a total crank".  The comedian Owen Benjamin is not worth wasting time on, says Cotto.

1:07:00  Gottfried praises Hitler's writing ability.

1:14:00  Assimilated German Jews who were German nationalists

1:18:00  Italian Jews who joined Mussolini's Fascist Party

1:25:00  A self-hating Jew is a Jewish Republican.

1:36:00  The most virulent antisemites are Jews.

1:41:00  Sin is just stuff we shouldn't do, for our own good.

1:42:00  Jews do not proselytise because exclusive clubs do not proselytise, but political parties do. Islam could be perhaps be regarded as a one party state with regional branches.

1:42:30  The gap between the observant and non-observant Jews is really the gap between theory and practice. The greater the gap, the greater the sin. The greater the sin, the more you will be punished by God if He exists through rising antisemitism and the Mandate of Heaven being withdrawn from the American empire that Jews are servants to, instead of being the slaves of God they were intended to be. In terms of status, is it better to be the servants of the American empire or the slaves of God? I do have a solution to the problem, but it will gain no traction if I can find no one courageous or educated enough capable of understanding what I am trying to say.

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