
Wednesday, 15 April 2020

No, the Declaration of Independence really is not all that important.

1:00 The American Declaration of Independence is mere puffery, as the Victorians would say.

The US constitution was written a whole decade after the American Declaration of Independence.

4:00 The proposition that all men are created equal comes from the French Revolution.

5:00 The pursuit of happiness was the second draft after it was thought that the pursuit of property made Americans seem like a bunch of unprincipled landgrabbers. However, it was the idea that the pursuit of happiness was in some way acceptable led to America becoming a land of hedonism steeped in sin. Why not substitute "justice" for "happiness"? That could turn America into a nation of moral and political philosophers away from the morbidly obese transgender and gaily married people they have now become.

5:30 The American Civil War was an American War of Unification. That is why Lincoln is now deified and sits like Zeus upon his throne in the Lincoln Memorial. Will future archaeologists one day conclude that the Americans worshipped their presidents when they discover the enormous idols at Mount Rushmore? "The ones we have found were the good ones, we suppose, but after indulging in their sin of President Worship, their Presidents got worse and worse until their civilisation became extinct after they all died of the Chinese flu."

7:00 Is equality democracy? Equal before God, was all it meant when the declaration said men were created equal, surely? Does either the Bible or the Koran deny the moral validity of patriarchal hierarchy? (Patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers where beta males choose an alpha male to be their leader to protect their interests as married fathers. Suffrage is denied to women because they already get to choose their husbands who will provide and protect them. Otherwise, their fathers are to protect and provide for them. A matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring. As you can imagine, such a society would be dysgenic, rife with social parasites and NEETs that need to be bribed with UBI, extramarital sex and the option of becoming transgender to keep them quiescent and sexually occupied under their matriarchy. The sexually sated male is politically inert. This explains why no white man in a senior position in the Western political establishment will raise the alarm against the matriarchy or even use the term. The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents. The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried parents. The West is now a matriarchy.)

9:00 How many times has the US constitution been amended?

9:30 Have you considered using the Koran as the basis of your constitution?

13:00 Legal positivism

14:00 Should the Overton Window be smashed?

15:00 Natural law is divine law and divine law is God's law. This can only mean the Abrahamic God and there are only two revelations: the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles. The New Testament is clearly insufficient for any society to base its laws on. This was clearly the message Thomas Jefferson intended to convey when he compiled the Jefferson Bible.

17:00 Rights can only be legal rights and legal rights can be created or destroyed overnight. The only legal rights that have divine protection are divine laws and to have the benefit of divine laws we would have to live in a theocracy where belief in God is general.

18:00 " ... all men are created equal" [by God, if you believe in Him]. If you don't believe in God, then you wouldn't obey His laws. God's laws are contained in the Torah which is for Jews, and in the Koran which is for gentiles. If Americans believe in equality, then they must also logically and necessarily believe in God who created them equal. If they do indeed believe in God, then they must also believe that He made laws for them to follow. Therefore any law in America that is not in harmony with God's laws for gentiles should be repealed. The First Amendment was based on

As Nietzsche says, interpretation is not a function of truth but that of power.

21:00 Entailed rights are traditional rights and traditions become sacred with the passage of time.

24:00 Neo-liberalism is the economic arm of the American empire and neoconservatism its military arm.

29:00 "Interpretation is not a function of truth, but that of power." Why are Conservatives incapable of formulating arguments against Liberal positions? Or is it cowardice that prevents them from articulating these arguments?

33:00 The matriarchy is irrational, which is why it is a danger to itself. It is time to admit that the West is now a matriarchy.

43:00 Fox News ain't what it was.

48:00 Is it time to admit that both Conservatism and Christianity are kaput?

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