
Thursday, 16 April 2020

Regional accents, choosing a religion and the standard of proof required for conviction of a criminal offence

CONOPS joins.
11:00  Bluegrass compilation
12:00  Copyright
14:00  Shazam
16:00  "No, the Declaration of Independence really is not all that important."
17:00  Luke Ford on Cotto-Gottfried
18:00  Morgoth on the new scapegoats
21:00  Call centres manned by people with incomprehensible accents
22:00  Why did Cheryl Cole get dropped from American X Factor?
22:30  Elocution lessons for native English speakers
24:00  Finally, a Chinese Leader Who Speaks Intelligible Mandarin
26:00  Evelyn Waugh on regional English accents
27:00  Mormon scripture
Book of Mormon
29:00  Secular Koranism
30:00  Book of Mormon (musical)
32:00  Tim Winter AKA Abdal Hakim Murad
34:00  The culture will change under Secular Koranism with public corporal punishment.
36:00  Wali (Islam)
37:00  Chaperoning, quarantine, segregation of the sexes, khalwa
41:00  Rape
43:00  Criminal standard of proof
46:00  Kavanaugh hearing: Five things you may have missed
48:00  Credibility of the witness
49:00  Reasonable belief in consent
50:00  Body of gang rape victim arrives back home in India after being flown from Singapore hospital where she died from heart attack and organ failure
54:00  Criminal standard of proof in the Netherlands
55:00  Financial incentives for complainants

58:00  David Starkey says violence, not consent, should be the classification of rape.

1:02:00  David Starkey and George Galloway Row Over Rape - BBCQT - 06/02/2014

1:04:00  "Complex sexual situations"
1:08:00  How to solve the problem of rape complaints
1:09:00  JAY joins.
1:22:00  Having your cake and eating it is like saying you want to leave the room without walking out

1:26:00  Why Jay is so infuriating when he refuses to rectify his words
A superior man, in regard to what he does not know, shows a cautious reserve. If names be not correct, language is not in accordance with the truth of things. If language be not in accordance with the truth of things, affairs cannot be carried on to success. When affairs cannot be carried on to success, proprieties and music do not flourish. When proprieties and music do not flourish, punishments will not be properly awarded. When punishments are not properly awarded, the people do not know how to move hand or foot. Therefore a superior man considers it necessary that the names he uses may be spoken appropriately, and also that what he speaks may be carried out appropriately. What the superior man requires is just that in his words there may be nothing incorrect.
— Confucius

1:26:00  Atheists can agree with the one or some or all of the Ten Commandments without necessarily believing in God.
1:27:00  The price sex
1:28:00  Marriage is an eugenic filter.
1:29:00  Degeneracy
1:30:00  Conops has no principles.
1:31:00  Stupid sluts who fuck around shouldn't have their regrets taking up precious court resources.
1:32:00  The more sexually promiscuous you are, the less you mind about being seen as a rape victim.
1:37:00  Dame Helen Mirren admits date-rapes
1:39:00  Julie Andrews, Audrey Hepburn, Joan Collins
Joan Collins speaks out about being raped by her future husband at 17
1:41:00  Roman Polanski's Tess of D'Ubervilles
If Tess of the d’Urbervilles had been Jewish
1:43:00  You break you buy.
1:47:00  OnlyFans
1:49:00  Girlfriend experience
1:53:00  Kevin Grace
2:00:00  CHURCH OF ENTROPY joins.
2:03:00  I am accused of never sticking to a subject.
2:04:00  I sum up the ideas of Church of Entropy.
2:05:00  Church of Entropy's Oral Tradition
2:06:00  A consensus on truth
2:07:00  Sectarianism, Karl Popper, falsifiability, verifiability
2:12:00  Uncertainty principle
2:15:00  Discernment
2:16:00  Beauty, contrast, imagination, visualisation
2:17:00  Perceiving?
2:19:00  Intelligence and my alleged limitations
2:20:00  Leading by example in virtue and vice
2:21:00  Postponement of pleasure leading to wisdom
2:22:00  Tell the pretty ones they are clever, and the clever ones they are pretty.
2:23:00  The confidence of the attractive
2:25:00  Conops the Adonis
2:26:00  Conops displaying modesty
2:27:00  Church of Entropy is incomparable.
2:29:00  Church of Entropy known as Stretching Jen
2:30:00  Yogic Science
2:32:00  Gandalf, "attachment to panicking"
2:35:00  The economy
2:36:00  A managed currency for a stable economy
2:37:00  The petrodollar, Venezuela, China, India, bitcoin, cryptocurrency
2:38:00  Bitcoins are not a tangible asset class.
2:39:00  Confidence allows us to "co-create reality".
2:40:00  Conops inclines to the herd immunity I supported ab initio.
2:41:00  The intrinsic instability of capitalism that will be solved by the ultimate in Third Position thinking that is Secular Koranism
2:42:00  Arbitrary social distancing rules
2:43:00  Virtue signalling politicians
2:44:00  Death rates
2:45:00  The matriarchy wanting to look like it cares about the people but only going through the motions and not caring what harm it does while it pretends to care
2:46:00  Brutus and Mark Collett
2:47:00  Aryan Invasion Theory
2:56:00  The animal, ego and the spiritual mind
2:59:00  Quarantine a time for self-reflection
3:00:00  Urbanites have to buy me time eg yoga classes. 5x a day prayer is me time. 
3:01:00  Yogic discipline
3:03:00  Ritualism
3:04:00  Mistakes burned away
3:05:00  The patience and perseverance of Thomas Edison
3:07:00  Property, a near death experience, information compression
3:11:00  The antisemitism of Brutus
3:18:00  Jim Jones, Heaven's Gate
3:19:00  Falun Gong was considered a personality cult
3:22:00  Charles Manson, AA
3:23:00  Liberalism
3:25:00  Rook, Gandalf, Dayananda Saraswati
3:31:00  We are intrigued by the idea of women surrounding Jen and touching her.
3:31:30  Status
3:34:00  Hero worship
3:45:00 Jon Vance
3:46:00 Success
3:47:00  Unified Field Model
3:52:00  The growth of an organism rides on a pattern of waves
3:56:00  Periodic and wavelike/quantum mechanics, linear and particles/classical mechanics
3:58:00  Wave front
3:59:00  Spherical mechanics
4:00:00  Fertilisation and binding
4:01:00  Quantum mind
4:07:00  Birds of a feather flock together.
4:08:00  Frustration
4:09:00  Church of Entropy talks about me.
4:11:00  Utilitarian logic
4:12:00  Putting people on the defensive using accusations
4:14:00  Islamophobia
4:15:00  Mind control techniques
4:17:00  Losing face
4:18:00  In defence of Ego Dik's comments on how virtue-signalling Western men fail to protect their women from predatory foreign men

I continue to defend the right to hold unpopular opinions about virtue-signalling liberal men

Jon Vance, Ego Dik and I on the causes of neurosis and political paralysis in the alt-right

There is no need to "normalise rape" in war
4:21:00  The trial of Travis Patron
4:23:00  The debate with Church of Entropy everyone said I lost

Transcript of the stream on valid and sound arguments deleted by Church of Entropy

Can you find a sound argument in this proposition by Church of Entropy?

Are the three arguments I believe to be sound in agreement with your idea of a sound argument?

428:00  Deism v Theism
Personal God v Impersonal God

4:32:00  Leadership contest
4:36:00  People who ignore Truth, Logic and Morality

4:41:00  Church of Entropy and I are alone together.
4:43:00  Theocracy, our different definitions of morality
4:44:00  "Meta-argument"
4:50:00  Moderated debate
4:57:00  Church of Entropy storms off. 
4:58:00  Our disagreement on morality
4:59:00  Minimising suffering is not enough to keep a group together and apart from others. 

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