
Tuesday 28 April 2020

I am accused by Church of Entropy and Vincent of "worshipping Jews"

4:00  PETER HITCHENS: Don’t be fooled by the sunshine – there are only dark days ahead
7:00  The fear of not seeming to care
8:00  I meant to say "we get the worst of both worlds".
9:00  "furloughing"
12:00  Labour's new race relations adviser Doreen Lawrence to probe impact of coronavirus on minority ethnic groups
Baroness Lawrence's review will run alongside an official inquiry already ordered by minsters
15:00  Keir Starmer
18:00  Cabinet split as experts warn: don't ease Covid lockdown too soon
Ministers weigh fears of fresh coronavirus wave against impact of shutdown on economy
19:00  Michael Gove
20:00  The culture of entitlement and excuses is over.
21:00  Singapore

23:00  Commodities
24:00  Inertia
25:00  Repression
26:00  Therapy
28:00  Samaritans

None of these verses could be interpreted to command acts of persecution and discrimination against Jews. The most that would be allowed in the way showing hatred for Jews in this hypothetical Nazi State is to recite these verses at Jews as and when appropriate. The problem with Jews is that they have been chosen by God to be light unto the nations but are not even themselves Noahide, even in Israel. Therefore if God exists, you would expect Him to punish them by creating a world in which antisemitism would rise against Jews as if it were a law of human nature when they fail to promote good government in gentile nations.   

32:00  Different nations dealing with Covid-19 in a different way with different results
33:00  My theological discussion with OV 
34:00  Emmet Fox not a Christian. 
36:00  Unitarianism
37:00  Barbara Pym
37:30  The Pilgrim Fathers were victims of Christian on Christian religious persecution.
38:00  Puritanism
39:00  Salem Witch trials
40:00  The Jefferson Bible
46:00  Gandalf
49:00  Conops
50:00  Saigon Green is probably "Jerry Mungo".
51:00  Doooovid
52:00  Politicians must be capable of independent thought.
53:00  Being childlike
54:00  YouTubers using YouTube for self-therapy
55:00  The act of explaining yourself to another subjects your ideas to analysis and scrutiny.
56:00  Cognitive dissonance
59:00  Conops is not a political activist.
1:00:00  The difference between wish list politics and road map politics
1:01:00  Saigon Green/Jerry Mungo are the same person.
1:02:00  Church of Entropy
1:03:00  Week In Review with Church of Entropy, Episode 53
1:05:00  Church of Entropy does not know how to make her points politely.
1:06:00  Church of Entropy larps as theocratic dictator.
1:05:00  A place in County Mayo to restore and heal Church of Entropy

1:09:00  Tim Winter/Abdal Hakim Murad

  1. Are his annoying Arabisms designed to alienate white English people from Islam? 
  2. Is he aware that he may even be stoking the furnaces of Islamophobia? 
  3. Did he ruin a perfectly good sermon for white non-Muslim English people by larping as an Arab? 
  4. Are his calculated Arabisms designed to show contempt for non-Muslim English people by showing he is rejecting them and their traditions? 
  5. Could his points not be better made by re-adopting English dress and mannerisms? 
  6. Has he really given up on white English non-Muslims who are still the majority in the UK?
  7. Is this wise if he intends to reside permanently in the UK?

1:12:00  The Great Mosque of Xian

1:12:00 Proposed and shelved plans for a mega-mosque in London
1:13:00  I have had liquids on the third day of my fast.
1:14:00  My optional fasting for Ramadan
1:15:00  The lunar calendar
1:16:00  The midnight sun in Greenland
1:17:00  Ramadan fasting for the Ummah worldwide should be based on Mecca daylight times.
1:18:00  Doooovid
1:21:00  An atheist larping as a Hasidic Jew
1:22:00  Jon Vance
1:23:00  The low status of the convert
1:25:00  Following the rules
1:26:00  The nature and purpose of religion
1:28:00  OV
1:32:00  My comments on Otto's stream at
1:38:00  The Swedish pronunciation of Gothenburg
1:42:00  "Stop blocking me, bitch."

1:44:00  CONOPS joins.

1:49:00  Tennis banned.
1:50:00  Lockdown shaming
1:51:00  Different nations and their different methods of dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic

1:53:00  CHURCH OF ENTROPY joins.
1:54:00  Norvin
1:55:00  Church of Entropy's avatar of herself at her first communion
1:56:00  Mental illness
1:57:00  The West is running on empty. Being a social engineer
1:58:00  Narcissism
1:59:00  Church of Entropy accuses me of doxxing her.
2:00:00  Obsession
2:01:00  The archetype of Western Woman
2:02:00  Theocracy
2:03:00  There are always takeaway points in my streams.
2:04:00  Church of Entropy says the elites promote Islam.
2:05:00  "Preferred status for Muslims"
2:06:00  Western governments would protect the economically productive migrants.
2:07:00  Church of Entropy believes that the elites are importing migrant labour to become a standing army to go to war with the native population.
2:08:00  5D chess trolling
2:10:00  According to Church of Entropy, Arab traders spreading Islam through trade links with Malaya as it then was is an example of "Islamic expansionism" while Anglicanism spread through British imperialism is not.
2:13:00  How the world works, according to Church of Entropy
2:30:00  Competing elites

2:31:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins accusing me of intellectual dishonesty.

2:33:00  Why Jon Vance dissociated himself from Secular Koranism

He was basically looking for an excuse and he has two: the fact that Secular Koranism says it accommodates discreet LGBT people and his antisemitism made me hate the idea of me engaging with rabbis because I want them to rank the four world religions according to the Noahide laws. This is because I know they would logically and necessarily have to say Koran-based Islam is Noahide-observant or closest to being Noahide. I also say that they would have to logically and necessarily put Christianity at the bottom of the heap because it is both idolatrous and blasphemous. Christianity is idolatrous because it worships an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God and nothing could be more blasphemous than saying that the Jew crucified for blasphemy and most infamous for promoting global idolatry through the Spanish and British Empire after his death and provoking the worst pogroms against Jews is indeed the co-equal of Hashem. 

2:34:00  Aaron Amihud is confused about his Jewish identity: does he identify as a religious fundamentalist or a secular Jew? On the one hand, he wants Diaspora Jews to go live in Israel which would make the Messiah arrive. On the other, he gloats when the Ultra Orthodox catch Covid-19 and die. He admits to being bipolar and says crazy things eg denying the authority of rabbis and the Noahide laws as well as the Talmud. He is basically a marginalised Jew whose views have no authority amongst other Jews.We can therefore safely ignore him because we already know he hates Secular Koranism because he hates and fears Muslims and sees them Secular Koranism and the Muslims he hates and fears as interchangeable. He also said he wanted Americans to have a Christian revival and either refuses to see the idolatry of Christianity or believes it doesn't matter because he does't think it is the duty of Jews to promote the Noahide laws which forbids idolatry and blasphemy. When I point out to him that the Ten Commandments Jews are definitely obliged to follow also forbid  idolatry and blasphemy, he blocks me again. He is behaving like Church of Entropy, blocking me and unblocking me on because of the cognitive dissonance and neurotic suspension they are both suffering from.

2:41:00  Atheist Jews forced to live in a theocracy would logically and necessarily choose the less restrictive theocracy. There are fewer punishments in the Koran than in the Torah.

2:46:00  Vincent for some reason finds it hard to understand why a Liberal Jew wouldn't prefer Secular Koranism to a Torah theocracy because the former is far less restrictive than a theocracy that would condemn you to death for breaking the Sabbath etc.

2:47:00  Vincent says he has read the Koran and this is news to me.

2:50:00  A national poll should be conducted in Israel on non-observant Jews only as to which theocracy they would choose if forced to make a choice: a) a Torah theocracy  b) Secular Koranism

2:52:00  Vincent as a sodomite has to think about choosing Secular Koranism to a Torah theocracy.
2:54:00  Jewish elite

2:56:00  No such verse as in the Torah.

2:57:00  A Register for Jews

3:01:00  Jewish privilege
3:03:00  Jews should obey their own rules.
3:04:00  Usury
3:05:00  Global Secular Koranism
3:10:00  Global usury system = global finance
3:11:00  Revolutions of 1848
3:12:00  The anti-usury revolution
3:13:00  Church of Entropy's proposals for abolishing usury
3:14:00  Petrodollar
3:17:00  Church of Entropy agrees with me that the majority of people don't want a Torah theocracy. Vincent quickly interrupts.
3:20:00  Rabbi Registrars keeping a Register of Jews
3:22:00  Eruv
3:23:00  The abolition of usury
3:24:00  All loan agreements contracted under usurious terms would become illegal contracts under Secular Koranism
3:26:00  The incentive to support Secular Koranism
3:27:00  Must we take interest from Gentiles?
3:32:00  Israel could in theory still lend gentile nations on usurious terms under the counter.
3:33:00  Israels want to default on their debts too.
3:34:00  As Vincent says, I am betting that Secular Jews in Israel, if forced to choose between a Torah theocracy and Secular Koranism, would choose the latter because rational atheists would choose the Theocracy Lite that is Secular Koranism rather than a Torah theocracy that would be far more punitive than restrictive.

3:39:00  Jews converting to Hinduism
3:40:00  John Calvin approved Christian usury.
3:41:00  Church of Entropy claims Christians are the "mercenary army" of Jews.
3:47:00  I have no jurisdiction over the State of Israel.
3:51:00  God actually allows Jews and gentiles to break His laws right, left and centre and gives them the rope they need to hang themselves.
3:52:00  Hindus
3:54:00  Secular Koranism allows the non-Muslim nation that adopts it to decide which of their traditions to throw out or keep according to whether they go against Koranic principles.
3:55:00  National variations in the way Secular Koranism is adopted
3:56:00  The Koran acknowledges the Children of Israel.
3:59:00  Church of Entropy mentions replacement theology AKA supersessionism and says "some people believe Israel is actually the Catholic Church".
4:00:00  Jews have been chosen by God to promote the Noahide laws and in this way be light unto the nations.

“It is not enough for you to be My Servant, to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the protected ones of Israel. I will also make you a light for the nations, that you may bring My salvation to the ends of the earth.”

4:04:00  Allah is Zionist.
4:07:00  Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe.
4:09:00  Vincent's crusade
4:10:00  Jews are indestructible.
4:11:00  I am accused of worshipping Jews.
4:15:00  Church of Entropy: "The Koran is Jewish."

4:17:00  Antisemitism is as baked into human nature as the sin of envy. It seems to be a law of nature that antisemitism will rise according to how little they perform their religious obligation of promoting the Noahide laws amongst gentiles. This means not assimilating into their culture, not marrying gentiles and certainly not marrying the Amalek. The difference between Jews having to follow the 613 laws of Judaism is the clear blue water between them and 7 Noahide laws righteous gentile nations are supposed to follow. However, if Israelis in Israel are not even Noahide, then how can they expect to be in good standing with God?

Shouldn't Chabad withdraw the seal of Noahide approval given to America in 1978 in the form of Education and Sharing Day, a nation infamous for promoting the abomination of globohomo?

Perhaps Chabad and Vincent could jointly campaign to withdraw this seal of approval as soon as possible.

4:24:00  The impersonal God
4:25:00  Vincent is triggered by the idea of Jews being the Chosen People of God enjoying His protection.
4:27:00  Church of Entropy accuses me of worshipping Jews.
4:28:00  Vincent does not want to deny gentiles their moral agency as Church of Entropy does and she rejects freewill. She says Christianity is "Jewish".
4:29:00  The Trinity is anti-Jewish.
4:30:00  Pogroms
4:|30:30  Nicene creed
4:31:00  Jewish conspiracies
4:32:00  Church of Entropy: "Christianity and Islam serve Jewish power."
4:33:00  Jehovah's Witnesses have instructions on how to convert Jews.
4:34:00  Church of Entropy claims Jehovah's Witnesses converting Jews to Judaism serves Jewish interests.
4:34:30  The Inquisition
4:35:00  Church of Entropy thinks Jews organised their own expulsion in the same way Aaron Amihud wants antisemites like OV to frighten American Jews so much they flee to Israel.
4:36:00  Christian Zionism
4:36:30  Council of Nicaea
4:38:00  Anti-Christian Judaism
4:40:00  Chosen People of God
4:42:00  SECULAR KORANIST begins to draw attention to himself.
4:46:00  Distilling Judaism to its purest form by putting only observant Jews on the Register

4:50:00  The idea that most advanced civilisation is the Abrahamic God.
4:51:00  Church of Entropy believes America fights wars on behalf of Israel.
4:52:00  Gentile banks exist.
4:53:00  Vincent's parting words
4:55:00  People of the Book
5:00:00  I do want Jews to sell Secular Koranism for me.
5:01:00  SECULAR KORANIST speaks.
5:04:00  Omar/Secular Koranist
5:08:00  My principles are more aligned with human nature than Church of Entropy's, says Secular Koranist. He cannot make head nor tail of her blog and neither can I.
5:10:00  Church of Entropy's Islamophobia is "despicable" says Secular Koranist.
5:13:00  Ghazwa-e-Hind
5:18:00  Church of Entropy's 3D Periodic Table
5:19:00  The historical illiteracy of Church of Entropy
5:20:00  Secular Koranist invites Church of Entropy whom he calls a fraud to enslave herself to him in Qatar.
5:22:00  ZERO
5:23:00  Church of Entropy mocks Zero.
5:26:00  Church of Entropy says I am right about Zero!
5:31:00  Secular Koranist chants.
5:33:00  Politics, religion, and societal questions
5:34:00  "The very eloquent" Jay Walker says Church of Entropy is "irrelevant" and has no self-awareness. She is "a very good laughing stock".
5:36:00  Submitting to God
5:37:00  Enslaving Church of Entropy in Qatar and buying her from her husband
5:39:00  Reincarnation
5:41:00  Belief in the afterlife
5:42:00  Quantum physics
5:42:30  The alt-right are intellectually crippled by their hatred of Jews and Muslims.
5:43:00  Pilate: "What is the truth?"
5:47:00  Short-term thinking. "Nothing is good or bad, only thinking makes it so."
5:48:00  The point of believing in an afterlife
5:49:00  Imperialism
5:50:00  Imperialism is not forbidden by the Bible or the Koran
5:51:00  "The aesthetics of imperialism"
5:52:00  The way of the world
5:53:00  Keeping up with the ideological arms race
5:54:00  Democracy
5:55:00  Controlling a standing army
5:56:00  Tasking criticism
5:59:00  Secular Koranist asks why Church of Entropy uses words incorrectly
6:03:00  Church of Entropy submitting to God
6:04:00  Singularities
6:04:30  The Personal God
6:05:00  Gandalf, Spacepan and Doooovid
6:12:00  Secular ideologies. The God of Capitalism is usury.
6:13:00  Trading on margin is unstable.
6:14:00  Third Position thinking
6:15:00  Usury is a drug.
6:16:00  Atheism
6:17:00  Stefan Molyneux and Jess Lee Peterson

6:18:00  Molyneux on Jesus
6:19:00  Principled and unprincipled atheists, Atheists can be moral absolutists like Molyneux or nihilists like JF.
6:20:00  The Noahide law requires gentile nations to have a court and legal system and the Noahide laws are fair enough.
6:24:00  Proportionality of punishment ie an eye for an eye and blood money
6:27:00  Dehumanising
6:28:00  Insurance
6:29:00  Making life more predictable with the rule of law.
6:30:00  Insurance is a way of facilitating commerce.
6:32:00  Conduct a survey of crime victims to see if they would rather a murderer of their loved one be executed without compensation or let him live with compensation.
6:37:00  QUANTUM GHEY joins to talk about Gandalf.
6:41:00  Renaming Secular Koranism

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